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Why isnt KDR a bigger part of the war score in wvw?


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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Can people stay on topic, and not get this thread locked for match-up ?


When the Initial post calls a particular servers play style into question and highlights a servers name, it's only going to devolve into a matchup thread.


People get defensive, playstyles get questioned, motivations get questioned.


Happens every time.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Hexinx.1872" said:

> > Time's in the photo.... same time your photos likely taken, I could imagine we had a 20 man zerg during then. No queue though, bet you can't say the same. I went on when I heard the dire news we are likely losing our keep t3 to mag blob in langor. Still no queue what 10:30pm pst? That's about right isn't it. Map in .... commander is trying to down golem with 8 guys standing inside inner, out from treb shots range. Not rocket science, but slow going. Your likely taking out outer siege with the golem, mortars and such on outter to prep for breach. Langor is open, but we don't have enough to fight you to take a tower back. We don't even have enough to fight open field. While you have like 20 randoms just pizzin around. Can't you see the difference? Your server is geared and fielded for tier1, yet you come to our tier and farm because your skilled?

> >

> > We didn't have 8 all night (yes we had more), just during the breech, like I said. I wanted to help the cause but saw it's literally no point, mag outnumbers you 2-3 to 1. When we can't even push into a tower *with* siege fire on our side? How is this equal? Even nuthugging our lowly dozen or so couldn't put a dent into anything? Is this even playing field, no its more like nhl playing peewee.... not even a game.

> >

> > I'm not opposed to losing, it's inevitable being a dead server (we've been a t4 for many months popping into t3 now and then), and it sucks since most of my comrades have left this game, but I don't see how fighting this week is even worth the time, I still do because I want to help, but walking into a map and seeing 3-4 times the players is just not worth it. This part you don't comprehend. Not even mag command could come to our server and stop this. We don't have the resources.

> >

> > Yet you account skill to this? Not a chance, it wasn't skill when we were on kaineng and rickrolled mag with war machine, and it's not skill now. It's a numbers game. And your kdr is based on pugs running out from ebg getting farmed. Anyways, I'm not trying to be condescending, I've been in your shoes before cleaning the floor with mag, it just isn't worth it, especially when it drops to spawn camping and farming.

> >

> > **Note:** I edited the link to show the image, hope that is better.


> GVG our top native maguuma guild TTD with TC's best 15 and show us your skillz m8


Maybe TTD are good at GVG, but lord they drop like flies in solo roaming.

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There can be a few reasons.....


Population unbalance. Not just the numbers, but also the skill wise. Just yesterday SEA, I was tagging and I was wondering why we are losing fight around midnight then and not dealing good enough dps despite having good number of dps classes. A guildie asked about how to see rank and I look into the ranks. Out of 20 pugs, only 2 pugs are ranked above 1k while the other 18 is ranked below 200, majority between 10 to 100. In other words, people are very new. It is also a no brainer that stacked servers will have a lot of experienced players.


Objective focus. What is the point of having objectives if it is ppk oriented?


Siege advantage. We can always hug siege and kill people. So, we can switch from ppt of going around capping things to hugging siege.


Out of these 3, I believe population unbalance is the real issue here. People can just stack and form experienced servers and farm/blob the servers which later on filled with plenty of inexperienced players and lesser populations. We have too many asking for things and too little contributing to make it happen. For example, we have people on one hand stacked servers and yet on the other, asking for balance, isn't it just funny and hypocritical?

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> @"MadBomber.3719" said:

> i like how everyone thinks Mag is the only server that sieges up T3 keeps or fights under siege... name me a server that doesnt do that.


I find its usually the delusional people that have never transferred before. They've been "loyal" to their server and think they are untouchable by any kind of toxic play or faults that anyone on their server does or says. Those people just see themselves as part of a perfect server and have no idea what they look like from the outside.

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Every server with their links can queue ebg or at least 1 map during NA. It's just a matter of A) if you're winning the fights B) who the commander is. It's an uphill battle for servers vs Mag in NA, cuz they got that early NA that sets up T3 middle fort. Why doesn't TC/CD goto EBG in NA? cuz Mag are kings of middle fort and not many guilds/tags want to get into a sweaty prolonged uphill siege.


Our Late NA would spend more time nose diving into EBG, but we hop on there for 5 mins and get call outs about a TC ktrain on desert bl.

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> @"MadBomber.3719" said:

> i like how everyone thinks Mag is the only server that sieges up T3 keeps, blobs, or fights under siege... name me a server that doesnt do that. ill wait


Other servers own that behavior. Mag proclaims that behavior is the antithesis of their culture, yet does it.

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Mag doesn't use siege you'll never get us to believe it no matter how many screenshot you post as proof!


Anyone who believes any server isn't going to have anyone that uses siege is a little off their rocker.

Anyone who believes players are not going to build siege when they're bored and have full supply is a little off their rocker.

Anyone who believes no siege is required for attacking or defending is a little off their rocker.

Anyone who believes every server sieges up everywhere like they're YB is little off their rocker.

Anyone who believes a server that loads a tower with seven arrow carts is the same as a server that uses one arrow cart probably broke their rocker by now.


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Blowing up the servers will fix all of the issues, which I think is kinda late given that it was already suggested years ago.


Until then, players just have to endure the frustrations regards to populations, skill level and mindsets which so happen to be a result of years of stacking made possible through fuds and shills done by the players.

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First, to address the original post...


WvW is a multifaceted game mode. Winning fights is certainly one important aspect, and KDR makes a difference. But if it becomes all about KDR, it would push out the role of small sided groups. Supply denial, ninja attempts... Those roles are currently effective. You get caught and killed by larger groups sometimes, but the KDR loss doesn't hurt you too much. It enables you to take risks, and go for the gutsy plays. (And, personally, I find it a lot of fun to try to evade larger groups) But if it became all about KDR, those roles would be pushed out, or become pretty much pointless. The effectiveness of those roles (softening up T3 objectives, preventing upgrades, reducing the enemy's ability to besiege you) would be less, and the risk would also be much higher. Which would also reduce the amount of small sided fights to be had.

Making it all about KDR would also make it so no one should take chances. It would be a much bigger penalty for taking chances, or for pushing yourself to try to fight someone stronger than you. It would encourage a very cautious sort of gameplay, which quite frankly, would be rather dull.

WvW is multifaceted. And Warscore reflects that. You get points for just fighting. You also get points for playing the objectives well. You get points for doing a good job on defense. WvW is more than just open field combat. Mag is excellent at open field fights. I'll certainly give them that. And I'm aware that, if they want to, they can be good at objectives. But in general, they choose to be bad at the overall gamemode. And that's why they're down in T3 currently. (Also, I believe they've tanked a few times to stay out of the higher tiers?) Being good at one part of a game doesn't make you win. You need to be good at the entire gamemode.



To address the comments about the current match up... TC does queue up EBG at times. However, we have two server links, and one of them is GoM, who pretty much hates our guts. Getting everyone into comms is extremely difficult. Generally speaking, it's only the guild groups, plus a few militia, who will be in comms. Which has a substantial impact on things. And though we might sometimes have large blobs on EBG running together, that's more of the exception than the norm.

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Mag is filled with players who choose to no longer play one part of the game mode hardcore. Taking structures is not exactly hard for the most part, it just gets more difficult with more siege involved, they already proved almost every night they can break and take any t3 keep they want, but it's exhausting, draining, to have to fight under siege for 1-3 hours just to do that and in 5 mins after it could be back in the enemies hands.


So what's the point of having to fight under all that siege for all those hours against enemies who are cozily holed up in their structure not under siege fire the entire time, just so they can earn a 5min cap? Some towers can take up to 30 mins to break depending again on the defense force size and siege involved. It all gets old and tiring just for some virtual points which you can probably earn double or triple of by just running over enemy zergs.


The only tanking Mag does is from tier one, they have their reasons, anyone that goes to tier one will probably pick up on those reason too. The recent tanking to t3 is just another side effect of getting a smaller link that doesn't have the manpower to support ppt like the other link servers did, plus they whole t2 tie bull screwing over t3 anyways. Wouldn't be surprised if TC wins this week cause they been playing like mini BG.



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One of the biggest problems I've found is there are just so many people who just have no interest in improving their WvW gameplay. Nothing against people new to the game mode, but it just makes things so much harder when a decent portion of your group has no interest in WvW beyond the loot. Hopefully the alliance system uses some kind of matchmaking system to balance the teams somewhat, where alliances/guilds/solo players all have some kind of basic ranking.

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> @"eyeofharmony.3650" said:

> Well, tonight it was official. Crystal Desert wants Maguuma in T3![](https://i.imgur.com/fbNzvwF.jpg "")



I was ganking at maguuma keep when that happened, I was chatting one of the other roamers on mag and they said they needed to stop ppt. Just sayin, if they did not want anyone to have smc, they would not take it. And a few hours later, crystal desert EB keep was almost fully waypointed, I gave up after about the 3rd hour, most people didn't even show for prime time. A server with relatively five hundred core players was empty.

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