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How is the combat in Path of Fire?

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I haven't played this game in over 2 years. Mainly because I simply could not proceed with the previous DLC Heart of Thorns. The combat was nearly impossible for me to defeat even enemies 3 levels below my level. I never had that in the main game were I could defeat enemies 5 levels above my level.

So I am curious if the combat is better now for someone to travel alone in the new world. Don't like to spend money on something when I cant even proceed.


Thank you.

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The biggest variable is the comfort you have with your character/class and how to play them in a variety of settings. HoT is generally considered more challenging than PoF, but there are map dynamics, mob density, individual mob abilities and more to consider. Watching break bars, using CC and looking out for the devastating AoE attacks and conditions that some mobs have will be key.


I think you'll find PoF mobs more difficult than Core Tyria, but not more difficult than HoT. With your 2+ years hiatus, I'd recommend playing your main for a bit in Core Tyria and consider adjusting some gear and specs before venturing into PoF, or possibly back to HoT.

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Thanks for the quick responds.

I have reached max level with my character/class and generally feel comfortable playing the character I have created and yet I was struggling with HoT's combat. Agreed that I should play the main game again to get the feeling of it but if you are saying that the combat will be equal to HoT that a loner as my self cant compete, I may leave it be and save my time and money.

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The discount on PoF ends tonight (GW2FRIENDSHIPS code), so you should consider that as well. Since you have a lvl 80 character, you can get the first mount (raptor), and you may find the exploration of Core Tyria with mounts to be a whole lot more enjoyable than previous running around. If you decide to just play around in Core Tyria for the next while, PoF may be on sale or have a different discount code around the 6th anniversary in late August.


HoT really schooled me when it came out, and I began playing infrequently. I got my brother back into GW2, and he lapped me on mastery points so severely, that I was driven to try out some new strategies. New equipment, new specs... I'm not a top player at all, not even close, but I've grown good enough with my main to enjoy all of the open world content.


I hope you'll consider coming back at least to the core game and that you'll find many things to enjoy.

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I suspect you may just be doing things "wrong", and that's preventing you from having fun. For example, you absolutely do not need to know what condi removal is in core Tyria, but it is extremely important in some of the post-core areas.


If you're not adjusting your build to fit the current situation, it's just not going to work and you'll make it impossible for yourself to have fun. GW2 assumes that will adapt to new challenges, and not use the exact same build or even weapons for every situation unlike some other games like Diablo or Path of Exile, etc. If you don't find changing and adapting fun, ya, save your time and money. They're just different types of games.


If you want tips on how to adapt to new enemies, lots of people can provide more info.


All that said, I personally find PoF quite trivial compared to HoT.

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I found PoF and HoT to be equally difficult. Each has their own type of difficulty though, so maybe it's a matter of which expansion "suits" you better. As in HoT, in PoF each mob has a specific way of countering them.


HoT has a high mob-density and challenging terrain. Mobs are best countered by melee cleave and aoe. Content like Hero Points and Events are designed for groups and often difficult/impossible to complete solo.


PoF has a lower mob-density, but mobs have a bigger aggro range. This can make combat more challenging than in HoT sometimes. The terrain has almost no multiple layers and is easy to navigate. All Hero Points are soloable.

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Ls3 and pof prob took it up a notch. Awakened and mordant crescent are tougher than most things in hot due to high hp and condition spams/knockdowns. A lot of us just have got used to it by now and it doesnt seem so bad anymore.


I am confused about your comment about not being able to kill hot mobs 3 lvls lower than you. HoT mobs are tuned to fight lvl 80 players in lvl 80 maps, so you wont have encountered this problem

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I didn't really have any issues with combat in HoT, just to preface. They did make it noticeably harder which was a great change and mobs had actual mechanics. I think that a lot of the combat is easier in PoF. It still has a challenge, and it might be me having a better build and being more skilled at the game. It is still harder than the vanilla game by far. I think the biggest difference between HoT is that magumma maps were much more dense so there are more encounters in quicker succession.

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> The combat was nearly impossible for me to defeat even enemies 3 levels below my level. I never had that in the main game were I could defeat enemies 5 levels above my level.

Will need more info on this in order to help. What class profession & equipments you're using? What NPC(s) were you up against or attempting? etc. The more detail, the better understanding on what went wrong/ to improve on.

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Let's say that mobs are easier to kill in PoF than in HoT. Several events/HP in HoT require many players, while in PoF you can wander around by yourself. You still need someone for bounties, but 5-6 players are usually enough.

The biggest problem (for me) with PoF is the continuos rage and annoyance of being dismounted by the very long aggro of the mobs, putting you in combat mode. To be able to mount again and run, you must be fast in using your key-bound mounts (no time to click on them with the mouse) and it's not uncommon to be surrounded by snipers that kill you in few seconds. Then you have to restart from a waypoint (if your health bar is quite low, like my tempest, it can be quite annoying, so it's better to kill them all, rather than trying to escape.)

But it's discounted now, and I think that it's worth the price in the end. Though I'm happy that I completed all the achievements in the 5 maps, so I can forget about them...

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> @"METALROCKS.6097" said:

> Thanks for the quick responds.

> I have reached max level with my character/class and generally feel comfortable playing the character I have created and yet I was struggling with HoT's combat. Agreed that I should play the main game again to get the feeling of it but if you are saying that the combat will be equal to HoT that a loner as my self cant compete, I may leave it be and save my time and money.


I have skipped a lot of HoT because I play solo, but I haven't had any trouble yet in PoF due to this, and have completed the main story line. What I have noticed is that there's a discernable difference between playing there in exotics vs ascended. People often say that ascended isn't THAT much better, but I find a definite difference in survivability based on my gear there. So what that tells me is that it's nicely balanced at the upper end of how difficult it should be and still be manageable.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > The combat was nearly impossible for me to defeat even enemies 3 levels below my level. I never had that in the main game were I could defeat enemies 5 levels above my level.

> Will need more info on this in order to help. What class profession & equipments you're using? What NPC(s) were you up against or attempting? etc. The more detail, the better understanding on what went wrong/ to improve on.


Sylvari Ranger. Female

I can only wear medium level equipment. Pretty much any enemy I faced in the HoT area turned out to be a problem. My main weapons are so far:

Bow; Apothecary Pearl Stinger

Sword; Dire Ceremonial Scimitar Accuracy


so I don't think my weapons are a problem since I did get good once. Also my powers are pretty efficient but as stated; not against the enemies in HoT.


> @"Biff.5312" said:



> I have skipped a lot of HoT because I play solo, but I haven't had any trouble yet in PoF due to this, and have completed the main story line. What I have noticed is that there's a discernable difference between playing there in exotics vs ascended. People often say that ascended isn't THAT much better, but I find a definite difference in survivability based on my gear there. So what that tells me is that it's nicely balanced at the upper end of how difficult it should be and still be manageable.


If PoF is better balanced, then this sounds already good. In HoT you were pretty much forced to face enemies. they were pretty much everywhere that it made exploring difficult.

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> If PoF is better balanced, then this sounds already good. In HoT you were pretty much forced to face enemies. they were pretty much everywhere that it made exploring difficult.


There are a lot of times you have to fight mobs in PoF when you'd rather not, and most resource nodes are 'guarded'. It's not uncommon to be mobbed by several at once, BUT the fights are not too difficult to win, and for some might be a lot of fun. To me, it is a nuisance that there are so few 'safe' spots to stop and check your inventory etc. but the difficulty level is not such that you'll die a lot. You just have to keep moving.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:


> > If PoF is better balanced, then this sounds already good. In HoT you were pretty much forced to face enemies. they were pretty much everywhere that it made exploring difficult.


> There are a lot of times you have to fight mobs in PoF when you'd rather not, and most resource nodes are 'guarded'. It's not uncommon to be mobbed by several at once, BUT the fights are not too difficult to win, and for some might be a lot of fun. To me, it is a nuisance that there are so few 'safe' spots to stop and check your inventory etc. but the difficulty level is not such that you'll die a lot. You just have to keep moving.


Mobs in the main game were not a problem, since I do have defenses like fire and poison plus my companion. Just in HoT all of these seem to have no effect that I was near death just from passing by without engagement. So keeping moving was rather redundant.

I guess I will get the standard version of the game.

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