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Should ranked PvP chests be accessible until new season starts?


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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Then there is no incentive to play, apart from a title.


If it stays unrepeatable then it would just affect those who join ranked PvP to get Byzantium chest and bounce off until next season. The ones who don't care about the PvP title.


For the rest, they can farm Byzantium till season ends like normal.

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> @"Namless.4028" said:

> the thing is that although a lot of people dont play for the rewards, they want some special reward for their time spend in game


Those people are not going to be rewarded any less. Nothing is changing for them. Those who enjoy PvP will be able to keep on doing their thing and be rewarded for it.


I am just suggesting for the time given in those rewards be extended, and not repeatable to guarantee at least to those who play every chest. Once.


Edit: the not repeatable portion only applies after season ends.

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season rewards are season rewards. outside the season, there are reward tracks. your request already exists. the reason the rewards are so good in the season reward chests are because it's limited time and resets after the season. If they wanted the rewards outside of a season to be as good, they would buff the reward tracks and eliminate seasons.

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Just make the chest-earning rates identical for ranked and unranked (and then just boost the baseline earning rate by 100% for all subsequent Byzantium chests beyond the first one; nerf the final chest gold by half too if you're so tremendously worried about precious gem prices or player gold levels). At any rate, if people want to squabble over fake accolades and win-traded titles, then let them. No reason why that mess needs to be tied to earning any sort of tangible reward for touching PvP in GW2.

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There shouldnt be rewards for ranked pvp period.....the reward for ranked is the leaderboard. You should fight for your place not spam games for chest rewards. If u want reqards and casual play do unranked. This hole idea of rewards for everything is so not needed. Play the game because you like it not because you get handouts for it.

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