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VIP areas should be standardized in available services + dealing with temporary passes

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VIP areas vary much in available services; terrace lacks of dungeon merchant and activity manager, airship got activity manager but not dungeon tokens vendor and so on. Differences between services doesn't make these places unique but rather disappointing and annoying, so it would be great if each of VIP area featured same services; in terrace case - the generic noble npc could be removed to include dungeon merchant and activity manager.


Also, game should be able to tell if player has unlocked any pass on account so no temporary 2-weeks pass would be granted anywhere - either as birthday gift or blc loot. And if that's too complicated then let us exchange temp passes for ones we'd like to see; I have permanent terrace, airship and mistlock and 5 temporary terrace passes which I can't do anything about but delete them - which isn't something I'd like to do. Giving them to other characters is kinda pointless since terrace already occupies own shared slot.

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I got 3 of these passes and use them all for different purposes.

I bought the captain airship pass back then when it first came out and i still use it if i craft something because the way from the tp to the crafting stations is imo shorter (or maybe i am just used to it... it feels like "home" ^^ ).

Edit cause i forgott to mention... Probably one of the best places to start gliding in old Tyria is from the airship (or now with the griffon) or to get to the Orr maps through the Vigil portal.

Got Lilly of Elon with the ultimate edition of Pof - i use this one mainly to get to the Pof maps, since travelling got a bit expensive.

As my first char got 5 years old i choosed the 2-week observatory pass and liked it mainly for the portal to the fractals which i play almost every day.. so i bought the permanent one. But i only use it when i go fractals or to get something from the bank while im somewhere in the open world (though i could get the stuff from the bank from the guild hall as well).


So yeah.. I guess if they would have the same npcs and services i would stick to my good old airship... but it would devalutate my other passes at the same time.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> If the VIP areas were all the same then there would be no real choice. I like that they have differences


The differences should be only cosmetic, i.e. do you want your VIP area to be in Divinity's Reach or on a Volcano Island? Do you want to hang out in an Airship or in a pocket of time and space, somehwere in the mists? The differences should never be in what services the lobby offers as they all COST THE SAME AMOUNT OF GEMS. ANet should have updated all the lobbies to Mistlock Sanctuary level of services provided or refund players who bought other passes that offer less for the same price. I'm usually not the "I want my money back" kinda customer but this one always gets me...


I don't know about the Airship or the lobby in Ember Bay, but the lobby in DR has some space to spare to put in the missing NPCs and I'm pretty sure some crafty ANet Asura could work the missing destinations(Fraktals, Aerodrome) into the portal that's already present.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> You know I never understood the point of the passes to begin with.


mystic forge + attendant

fractal merchants

fractal entrance

All crafting stations + vendors


trading post

Portal to all cities


all smashed into a little cluster around you with a special-action teleport. Makes crafting (for one thing) a breeeeeeze.

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No, they're a convenience item, they're optional, they don't need to all have the same functions...not everyone needs to have access to all of those same functions therefore it allows players to have a pass to a particular destination that suits them...or if they want more than one that's an option too. Remember, they're optional, and whether you buy gems with money or convert gold they're not required items.


As for the player that gets the 2-week passes from BLTC, I delete mine without any qualms...there's enough other stuff I get from those not to worry about tossing one little item in the trash(I also do the same with TP to Friends as I have 250 in the bank and zero use for them).

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> Eh yeah I don't see the point, we have mounts we can get from point A to point B with 100% movement speed. There's no point in the passes when things are easy to get to.


I guess it's just one of those things you need to try to see the value of. If you had a mistook sanctuary passkey, and used it for a couple of weeks, you'd probably never go back to lion's arch again (for example) unless you had to.


I've got all my mounts. But it doesn't change my mind. When I find myself stuck crafting in the city for some reason (e.g. have to talk with Craftsman Hobbs), I find it annoying and clunky to have everything spread so far apart.

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> @"insanelyapple.2870" said:

> I hardly can call the lack of services here and there a choice. VIP areas meant to be handy and practical for players and when these differs in services or lack of these, it's hard to "enjoy the ultimate convenience", as the description of some passes in gemstore says.


Actually, wouldn't choosing which services you wanted be the very definition of choice?

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > If the VIP areas were all the same then there would be no real choice. I like that they have differences


> The differences should be only cosmetic, i.e. do you want your VIP area to be in Divinity's Reach or on a Volcano Island? Do you want to hang out in an Airship or in a pocket of time and space, somehwere in the mists? The differences should never be in what services the lobby offers as they all COST THE SAME AMOUNT OF GEMS. ANet should have updated all the lobbies to Mistlock Sanctuary level of services provided or refund players who bought other passes that offer less for the same price. I'm usually not the "I want my money back" kinda customer but this one always gets me...


> I don't know about the Airship or the lobby in Ember Bay, but the lobby in DR has some space to spare to put in the missing NPCs and I'm pretty sure some crafty ANet Asura could work the missing destinations(Fraktals, Aerodrome) into the portal that's already present.


The argument that they should all be the same is about as valid as arguing that all people have the same needs. My needs aren’t the same as yours and what I look for in a VIP area is different that what you look for. Making them all the same is just boring. Your pass is just as valid today as when you bought it

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