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Facing the Truth left me with so many questions... (spoilers abound)


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @Arden.7480 said:

> > Lyssa left Tyria... I still hope Anise and Jennah are Lyssa and we will find out that they disappeared from the palace.. Hope must still go on...


> Based on what Kormir said, Lyssa and the other gods left a very long time ago - before GW2's timeframe. Keep in mind that they would have had that council that Balthazar raged during at least 200 years ago when Primordus began to truly wake up. That was when they decided to leave entirely (why, who knows, hard to say). Kormir was the only one who lingered. So Lyssa, etc. were likely gone entirely when "the gods went silent".


I'm not so sure about that. The phrasing she used- something along the lines of 'Balthazar got the mirror to hide from the gods, and when he was revealed, I was the only one left'- implies that she wasn't the only god around when Balthazar disguised himself a year ago. The general tone when she talks about leaving also sounds to me like whatever's calling them away only came up recently.

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But at the same time, the council of the gods had to have happened a long time ago, she said the gods left shortly after, and even as you pointed out - Lyssa mocked Kormir for staying so long. If "staying so long" was less than a year longer, that doesn't seem like something worth mocking for a being that is over a thousand years old.


I would chalk that up to, once more, ArenaNet having a very poor sense of order of events and time frames.

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> @Gomes.5643 said:

> Well maybe because the understanding of what a god is is different in tyria then in our world. They have by no means the believe that their gods are allmighty or all-benevolent. On contrary killing off a god happend in the past twice. The first time was also by a group of mortals ( grenth and his seven buddies).


> So in Tyria Gods are treated like really powerful spirits. You do some rituals to get on their good site and ask them for help if needed. But thats it.


> Or compare it to the gods in ancient times. Like the greek or romans one. I think that is a good aproximation


Pretty much this. People tend to think of 'god' as the omniscient, omnipotent being that Yahweh is in Judaism and derived religions, but that's actually a bit of an exception among world religions (albeit an exception that's come to dominate the religious landscape in most of the world). Polytheistic religions often have primordial monsters with the capacity to threaten the gods: the Titans of Greek myth, Jotun of the Norse, Apep and its allies in Egyptian mythology, and so on. What distinguishes gods from powerful monsters isn't power. It's that they're powerful _enough,_ while actually maintaining an interest in the worshipers as something other than lunch.

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I'm surprised I haven't seen anything about what kormir said about her becoming a god was the force needed to reignite the cycle of awakening for the elder dragons. That opens a new question on the nature and power of the gods.


In gw1 we learn so little of them. They are powerful beings with a somewhat shrouded past. Ill look at Balthazar according to lore he came into tyria carrying the severed head of his father flanked by his warhounds and carrying a flaming sword the he swept across the land of orr to conquer for the gods chosen humans. He has been locked in battle with Menzies for who knows how long. It does not show a sane person.


Ok I also want to address the whole gods knew tyria was doomed thing. The last rising of the dragons took place almost 10000 yrs prior to the gods emerging from the mists. Where they came from we are not sure.


I don't think it was bad story telling to have the gods again leave tyria. I think it was time for humanity to stop trying to have the gods solve the problems. In a way with the way the world is with the char advancing,the asurans, the Norn, the rapid spreading of the sylvari humanity looks to be in decline. So they can become stagnet and allow the other races to continue to spread and grow or they can man up and realize the gods will not be coming to smite the bad guys and they need to rally together.


Or I'm really just making more of this than I should.

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