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reason why I'm not getting PoF


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> @Healix.5819 said:

> > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > Wildstar makes new dungeons running on a bare bones team and a budget that is a hairbreath away from not existing at all. I don't think that Anet is incapable of producing instanced content when they're most definitely outperforming Wildstar.


> WildStar and most other MMOs are focused on the traditional endgame grind, which is dungeons and raids. That's their primary content. GW2 is the opposite, where fractals and raids are side content, while the living world has always been their primary focus. Behind the scenes, ArenaNet devotes resources based on participation, which is why SAB W2 was fast tracked for example, but then future development was abandoned. The lack of instanced group content is simply because it's not what the majority wants, though that is also true for most MMOs, especially WildStar, who revealed that over 60% didn't play the content, which was when they began to cut raids shortly after launch.


That is why we no longer have fights like Tequatl made and one of the selling points of PoF was a... Raid?


If an MMO that has almost no budget can make dungeon updates, I'm sure that Anet with their sizeable staff could have managed 5 man instanced content in their expansion. I do not buy that there's no market for that in the GW2 audience, as it was one of the most asked for things on facebook (together with world 3 of SAB). Going by that logic, PvP modes in GW2 must be underused and not worthy of development efforts, despite low-key professional PvP scene getting pushed by Anet at one poing.

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guild wars 2 was never meant to be too much on the instanced part. go play guild wars 1, it's all instanced.

there are plenty of games with instanced content. why even bother in the MMORPG genre if u don't want to see other people?

I mean games who are do instanced content do it much better anyway.

I for once am glad they do it less. there should be more challenging end game content in the open world. I would have preferred if all the raid bosses were outside.

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> > @Anhellbro.7210 said:

> > im META event player from Tequatl 2 hoT there is 0 Boss Metaevents so i will not buy it /


> it's a valid complaint though. It's the audience that you create and then lose because you no longer keep up with content releases for that audience. GW2 Vanilla was very different to HoT and PoF and I suppose I just miss it. I wish I had a reason to come back to the game.


The open world maps are the same as vanilla, the story instances are the same as the personal story so I with the exception of no new Fractals(which are part of LS as someone else stated), and for those that don't know Legendary Bounties are these maps Meta's, you're basically getting an extension of vanilla only at all level 80 content. Keep in mind the term 'casual' is a personal one, it means different things to different people...anywhere from only play a couple of hours or so a week to playing daily for 5 - 8 hours(yes, that can still be casual because maybe the person just runs around the map doing what ever they come across).

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> > @Healix.5819 said:

> > > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > > Wildstar makes new dungeons running on a bare bones team and a budget that is a hairbreath away from not existing at all. I don't think that Anet is incapable of producing instanced content when they're most definitely outperforming Wildstar.

> >

> > WildStar and most other MMOs are focused on the traditional endgame grind, which is dungeons and raids. That's their primary content. GW2 is the opposite, where fractals and raids are side content, while the living world has always been their primary focus. Behind the scenes, ArenaNet devotes resources based on participation, which is why SAB W2 was fast tracked for example, but then future development was abandoned. The lack of instanced group content is simply because it's not what the majority wants, though that is also true for most MMOs, especially WildStar, who revealed that over 60% didn't play the content, which was when they began to cut raids shortly after launch.


> That is why we no longer have fights like Tequatl made and one of the selling points of PoF was a... Raid?


> If an MMO that has almost no budget can make dungeon updates, I'm sure that Anet with their sizeable staff could have managed 5 man instanced content in their expansion. I do not buy that there's no market for that in the GW2 audience, as it was one of the most asked for things on facebook (together with world 3 of SAB). Going by that logic, PvP modes in GW2 must be underused and not worthy of development efforts, despite low-key professional PvP scene getting pushed by Anet at one poing.


Selling point of Path of Fire was a Raid? I don't remember any official statements about a Raid coming with the release of Path of Fire. Or maybe you mean content released post-PoF. I'm sure there will be lots of content released post-PoF, just as there was post-HoT.

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So what you are saying is, you are not:


- interested in the story (one of GW2 main driving points every since the original perosnal story)

- interested in the new builds (build flexibility and different approaches has been a part of vanilla GW2 ever since the first time people entered the spvp area and was expanded upon with HoT)

- interested in the new movement abilities (which add more flavor to how you can approach terrain obstacles, another thing since vanilla)


Instead you decide to not get the expansion because:


- no new dungeons were added (content which will not be receiving updates for the forseeable future, which was known for years)

- no new fractals were added (content which gets added based on Living World progress and not expansions)


Sorry but may I say, you are vastly limiting your enjoyment of this game even if your main game modes are dungeons and fractals.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > > @Healix.5819 said:

> > > > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > > > Wildstar makes new dungeons running on a bare bones team and a budget that is a hairbreath away from not existing at all. I don't think that Anet is incapable of producing instanced content when they're most definitely outperforming Wildstar.

> > >

> > > WildStar and most other MMOs are focused on the traditional endgame grind, which is dungeons and raids. That's their primary content. GW2 is the opposite, where fractals and raids are side content, while the living world has always been their primary focus. Behind the scenes, ArenaNet devotes resources based on participation, which is why SAB W2 was fast tracked for example, but then future development was abandoned. The lack of instanced group content is simply because it's not what the majority wants, though that is also true for most MMOs, especially WildStar, who revealed that over 60% didn't play the content, which was when they began to cut raids shortly after launch.

> >

> > That is why we no longer have fights like Tequatl made and one of the selling points of PoF was a... Raid?

> >

> > If an MMO that has almost no budget can make dungeon updates, I'm sure that Anet with their sizeable staff could have managed 5 man instanced content in their expansion. I do not buy that there's no market for that in the GW2 audience, as it was one of the most asked for things on facebook (together with world 3 of SAB). Going by that logic, PvP modes in GW2 must be underused and not worthy of development efforts, despite low-key professional PvP scene getting pushed by Anet at one poing.


> Selling point of Path of Fire was a Raid? I don't remember any official statements about a Raid coming with the release of Path of Fire. Or maybe you mean content released post-PoF. I'm sure there will be lots of content released post-PoF, just as there was post-HoT.


raid for PoF should be incoming 6 weeks after release. When I talked with discords about selling points of PoF, one of the brought up points was "you're not getting PoF? I take it, not a raider then?"

Not THE only selling point, but it's one of the things mentioned.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> So what you are saying is, you are not:


> - interested in the story (one of GW2 main driving points every since the original perosnal story)

> - interested in the new builds (build flexibility and different approaches has been a part of vanilla GW2 ever since the first time people entered the spvp area and was expanded upon with HoT)

> - interested in the new movement abilities (which add more flavor to how you can approach terrain obstacles, another thing since vanilla)


> Instead you decide to not get the expansion because:


> - no new dungeons were added (content which will not be receiving updates for the forseeable future, which was known for years)

> - no new fractals were added (content which gets added based on Living World progress and not expansions)


> Sorry but may I say, you are vastly limiting your enjoyment of this game even if your main game modes are dungeons and fractals.


I can get story in other MMOs. Post 50 FFXIV story and ESO story beat HoT story hands down for me. The best part of GW2 story for me was between levels 1 and 35 (? If I remember correctly?) pre-destiny's edge. When the story focused more on you and less on everyone else.


Builds only matter if I can do enjoyable content with new builds. We used to mess around in SPvP, but it was not our main source of entertainment. Every MMO has builds and quite a few has build diversity + new builds every expansion.


And no, absolutely no interest in movement abilities. I like scenery, but honestly, to me, how I explore said scenery does not matter as long as it's not tedious or clunky. You use movement to get from A to B, that's it.

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Raiding isn't necessary to the game. HoT and PoF have a lot of PvE content. HoT is a little more challenging, but just enough to be fun for casual players (like me. I loved HoT, but I hate raids). The expansions aren't all about raiding--it's more content and ~~dumbing down your character~~ advancing the story from vanilla.


You do not need to buy the expansions if you don't want, but I just wanted to point out that the expansions are **not** raid only content. They have plenty for casuals.

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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid.


> These are states of mind and just excuses to not do something. Too old? Give me a break.




Dude. Get older. At one point in your life you'll stop caring about peer pressure and what others expect from you, which is the core of the raiding experience. Be the best? No, I don't care, i'll do what i want. Which means: no raids.

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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> These are states of mind and just excuses to not do something. Too old? Give me a break.


Try saying that in forty years...

Too old to raid is true for many, in the same way as 'too old to play football' or 'too old to drive a car'. Reactions, eyesight, manual dexterity, and other things slow down with age. There's nothing you can do about that, no matter what your state of mind is.

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> > @Anhellbro.7210 said:

> > im META event player from Tequatl 2 hoT there is 0 Boss Metaevents so i will not buy it /


> it's a valid complaint though. It's the audience that you create and then lose because you no longer keep up with content releases for that audience. GW2 Vanilla was very different to HoT and PoF and I suppose I just miss it. I wish I had a reason to come back to the game.


"No new instanced content in the expansion" is a valid complaint. Not to be harsh here, though, but they don't care about you, the vanilla only player. As with every mmo, you get left behind if you don't buy the expansions.


You either like what is in the game or you don't. I'm salty dungeons were abandoned, but there's a ton of other content I enjoy in the game. It sounds like you only like very specific aspects of the game, so another game that has more of that stuff might be better suited for you.

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> > @Epphyx.5078 said:

> > Yep some other game would force you to buy the expansion to be able to play your fractals...

> > Anet prefers not to.

> > I personnaly prefer Anet's way of doing business


> However the expansion pack released with no new fractals up front. I do not know how worth 3 fractals would be every 2 years if you buy the expansion "pass". That being said, currently there's no incentive for your vanilla fans that loved collecting dungeon sets, dungeons and did some fractals to come back and buy Path of Fire.


It doesn't matter if the expansion was released with new fractals up front, don't you get that ? Because the new fractals would not require you buy POF.

Fractals are not connected to expansions in anyway. They could launch 50 new fractals at the same time as PoF and you would still have no incentive to buy it.

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> @Mirta.5029 said:

> vanilla player here and rather hopeful that this one day changes.

> My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid. We do dungeons and fractals as a way to entertain ourselves. Path of Fire released with 0 of both. I understand that dungeons is no longer your direction, but would have been nice if expansion had at least 4-5 new fractals on release. That to me would have made the experience worth it.


> So consider this... Feedback I guess? I just really wish that you tried to sate your vanilla players likes too, not only open world/pvp/ story and raiders wishes.


Pfft better reason not to get it is they haven't even finished HoT, where's the rest of the legendaries lol.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > > My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid.

> >

> > These are states of mind and just excuses to not do something. Too old? Give me a break.

> >

> >


> Dude. Get older. At one point in your life you'll stop caring about peer pressure and what others expect from you, which is the core of the raiding experience. Be the best? No, I don't care, i'll do what i want. Which means: no raids.

This is hilarious, given my age. I don't care what content you may or may not do, but don't hang the rest of us older people out as not being able to do things simply because we're old. I can't play ball with 20-somethings. I'd likely die trying. Doesn't mean I can't with people my own age, where we all go the same pace and have the same aching body parts. The same way I don't do MMO content with the young elitists and tend to gravitate towards people my own pace and casual nature to doing content. Sure it may take longer, die a bunch and be nowhere near as efficient as young people, but still get it done.





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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > > @Mirta.5029 said:

> > > > My friends do not raid. We're too old and casual to raid.

> > >

> > > These are states of mind and just excuses to not do something. Too old? Give me a break.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Dude. Get older. At one point in your life you'll stop caring about peer pressure and what others expect from you, which is the core of the raiding experience. Be the best? No, I don't care, i'll do what i want. Which means: no raids.

> This is hilarious, given my age. I don't care what content you may or may not do, but don't hang the rest of us older people out as not being able to do things simply because we're old. I can't play ball with 20-somethings. I'd likely die trying. Doesn't mean I can't with people my own age, where we all go the same pace and have the same aching body parts. The same way I don't do MMO content with the young elitists and tend to gravitate towards people my own pace and casual nature to doing content. Sure it may take longer, die a bunch and be nowhere near as efficient as young people, but still get it done.






we used to raid casually in a different game. We took it slow. However every time when a team member would fall off due to real life issues, we could not replace them, because everyone else was further than us. There was mocking from the rest of the raider community if they would ever hear about us. And when we would finally learn a boss the atmosphere would get quite tense, because a single death or two could stop us from clearing it and when everyone is at a point where they're no longer enjoying it, but just trying to repeat it over and over and get it perfect, it is very stressful. So enough of that honestly.

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