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Lake Doric account bound Dimishing returns for Jade Fragments?


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I wanted to farm some Jade Fragment nodes in Lake Doric with several characters.


With the first three characters I could harvest all the Jade Fragement nodes on my way. With the fourth character I could only harvest three nodes. All the others looked like they were already harvested. With the fifth character I could not harvest any Jade Fragement nodes. The nodes were at the places I expected them but looked already harvested.

I verified this with another character that was never before in Lake Doric. This character also saw only already harvested Jade Fragement nodes and could not harvest them.


Is this some (strange) way of intended account bound diminishing returns in Lake Doric or some bug? I thought, Diminishing returns is character bound and not account bound.


When I harvest Winterberry Bush nodes in Bitterfrost Frontier I do not see this kind of map behaviour (with the five characters I farmed there one after the other). Every character could harvest alle the nodes.


Have others experienced the same map behaviour and have other maps of the LWS3 also some kind of Diminishing Returns for the map currency?





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It's a cap. And you do, actually, see this behavior in Bitterfrost; the cap is just much higher (in part because you need more berries to buy stuff and berries convert to u-magic at a lower rate). There are also caps on nodes in all other LS maps.


Other node caps include the number of T6 nodes (e.g. Ori or Ancient wood) you can harvest in each Orrian zone, the amount of elderwood that can be logged in Southsun Cove, and each [node farm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Node_farm) has a limit of 8 nodes per node farm per toon (with some recent exceptions of 10).

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> There are caps (limits) on some materials that can be harvested within a certain time limit. I believe the Wiki (link above) has more information.


> Here's the Wiki information on Jade Fragments: _An account is able to harvest 50 nodes each day. The home instance node does not contribute to meeting this limit._


> Good luck.


Thanks. I must have overlooked this in the wiki page.

I checked it now and counted the nodes I used and they where disabled after 50 used nodes (which gives me in total, depending on the day, between 46-52 shards).

So, yes there is this 50 node limit.



> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It's a cap. And you do, actually, see this behavior in Bitterfrost; the cap is just much higher (in part because you need more berries to buy stuff and berries convert to u-magic at a lower rate).


Yes, I understand now that there is a 50 node cap in Lake Doric. But Bitterfrost is a totally different story.


A back item in Lake Doric costs 200 jade shards. It Bitterfrost it costs 400 winterberries (multiplier 2). A jade shard gives 25-50 unbound Magic (one magic costs between 0.02 to 0.04 jade shards) , a winterberry gives 15-30 unbound magic (one magic costs between 0,0333 to 0.0667 berries (multiplier 1.667).


Because of this rates, and the 50 node cap in Lake Doric, I would expect that the winterberry node cap in Bitterfrost is around 84 - 100 nodes for equal results.


But yesterday I have farmed non-stop in total 320 Winterberry Bush nodes (with 10 characters, I do not have more farm-ready level 80 characters :) ) im Bitterfrost and got 442 winterberries without running into a cap.


And today I reached a cap in Bitterfrost after ca. 75 nodes (112 winterberries) in the middle of a run with the 3. character. But after that I could switch to the remaining characters and continued farming winterberry bush nodes with them without hitting a cap again. However, the character that hit the cap on half of his run could not continue to farm the second half of his run, the nodes still remained disabled, even if he was on the same map I have farmed with the other characers.


From this behaviour it does not look like there is a daily account-cap on winterberries in Bitterfrost. Maybe this is a bug, maybe not.


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> From this behaviour it does not look like there is a daily account-cap on winterberries in Bitterfrost. Maybe this is a bug, maybe not.

The caps aren't anything close to consistent across maps. (Whether they should be or not has been the topic of a couple of other posts.) Some would argue that the berries are too easily farmed and some that jade and blood rubies far too difficult.


If you farm enough, you can hit caps on all sorts of things; they are generally high enough so most of us never notice, except for Ancient Wood/Orichalcum in Orr. And to a lesser extent, those same two node types in the original four HoT maps. There are caps on quartz farming in Dry Top, too (or at least there were; it's been a while since I've had to worry about hitting them).


You might also be correct, that there isn't currently an account-wide cap on Winterberries. Or it might be 125 nodes and/or 650 berries and you didn't hit it.


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