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Do you think Ele should ever get Weapon Swap?


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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > > > > > Leaving pve aside since you can swap weapon depending on encounter (open world) and just stack on boss on any weapon (instanced group content).

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Assuming you have 4 attunements and a weapon swap. You're playing sword weaver (most likely water/arcane build) in pvp, suddenly a soulbeast appears and starts shooting from max range. What do you do with weapon swap?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > If you had staff, sb will just kill you while you start casting literally any non fire 4 skill (you're definitely not gonna be in full earth).

> > > > > > > > > If you had scepter, you still wouldn't be able to do much since it requires FA to be useful.

> > > > > > > > > If you had dagger, you could use earth 2 deflect, but you're still melee.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > The correct solution to this problem would be using focus projectile hate skills or LoS management.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Most ranged builds are focused on quickly sniping targets, having ranged weapon to "counter" that isnt gonna help you, you need a proper defense. Even if you survive that burst, swapping to scepter (since staff cant do literally anything) requires dedicated traits.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Now let's assume that you play x/air weaver with scepter and sword (off hand not important). Both weapons with such build in current implementation are playing around 1-shotting target and trying to disengage because you wont survive anything after your combo since they are glass cannon. If you have access to both weapons and FA, you can do your scepter burst, swap to sword and use its air burst which basically guarantees you a kill and lets you blink out.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > There's just no reason for ele to have weapon swap. If you have problems with ranged enemies, take reflects, blink and use gap closers to get to them. If they still run away then just dont bother with them since your class is not capable of countering enemy class (let a thief/warr/mesmer/rev handle it). Some builds just have to be countered in certain ways, you cant expect to win every single matchup.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I just want the sword and dagger have some type of viable ranged on them or at least ranged cc that lets you get in to do dmg. I would not mind seeing melee or near melee for scepter and staff as well.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I always though air and water was the ranged atuments types and earth fire are the melee but it dose not have to be that way for all the weapons but that all the atuments are very much the same attk types (ranged/melee) of the wepon type is disappointing from a "magic" point of view.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > sword/dagger is melee, so you need gap closers and sustain. Sceptre/staff is the opposite and need gap maintainers and ranged defenses (like reflect, wall of stuff etc)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But ele is not a melee class that the problem its the opposite of a melee class. You could call it a true mages class that you do not see any where else in the game. By making a wepon set melee only for a true mages class your effectually making a dead build unless you give up your ability as a mages and just become another war like class. The thing is with out swap or atument variation of ranged skills as an ele you are less of a mages then a war class who should not be seen as a mages by any means due to hit higher hp / def.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That the thing about GW2 there is no pure ranged weapon all of the ranged attks work in melee just as well at ranged so scepter and staff are both ranged wepon and melee weapons. We find anty projectile effects working on melee attks from both dagger and sword meaning projectiles not a ranged only effect.

> > > > >

> > > > > Personally i don't think ele should have a melee build either, doesn't fit in with flavour, but that's a different argument for a different discussion, However weaver sword/dagger is in fact designed to be a bruiser build, and furthermore it is the only competitive pvp build, awful though it is. Staff and Sceptre are not in fact designed for close combat, people confuse spamming aoe with impunity because there's a meat shied in front of them with designed strengths and weaknesses. Staff and Scepter are designed for range, dagger and sword are not.

> > > >

> > > > The thing about "bruiser builds" is they come with something say a bruiser reaper comes with boon strip say a bruiser gurd build comes with boon support or lots of hard cc weaver realty dose not have this at best they have to put every thing that "come with the something" is just keeping them self alive. The only uiquet effect that ele has when you run melee dagger of sword is keeping it self alive. At least when you run scpter or staff you have real cc and dmg tools at the same time keeping high staying power.

> > > >

> > > > Weaver is the dmg class line not a bruiser line tempest was the bruiser line that came with support. The fact that weaver got a melee wepon as a class is so miss match and could be seen as the community wanted a sword to it was thrown on the class with out any though of what forcing a mages dmg line into melee.

> > > >

> > > > Ele is designed for ranged and burst dmg not melee and sustane dmg. Dagger is the def wepon and sword is the def wepon +1. The ele class and its elite spec are a complete mess and its all compounded by being locked into a melee or ranged only wepon set.

> > >

> > > um sword dagger is a very very effective bruiser, play it a lot myself both in spvp and as a roaming build in wvw. As i say i prefer ele to be pure ranged, but fact is sword/dagger is bruiser (130 yards range for their key attacks is the obvious giveaway)

> >

> > I am not saying sword is a non bruiser wepon nor would i say dagger is not a bruiser wepon too its just weaver is not a bruiser class tempest is and if you put sword on the tempest class it would be significantly better then weaver could ever do. I am saying sword simply is replacing dagger for the def main hand wepon. Being such there is spaces for dagger to be a a bit more of a cc wepon or even fixable ranged melee wepon.


> tempest is not a bruiser class, never has been, its an aoe support class/ potential area control class (and not a very good one at the moment because the way shouts have been devalued) Agree however that sword has somewhat replaced the identify of dagger, which has become lost and irrelevant. Weapon identity is and should be linked to range (that's intuitive), otherwise it just becomes a graphical asset where weapons don't have flavor or identity. For me:


> Staff : big range, big aoe, fragile, pve.

> Sceptre: 900 range, fragile but strong cc and projectile defense

> Sword: should be 400 range, good sustain and cc/ gap closers to manage range

> Dagger: bruiser, super high mobility, 200 (edit) range, high sustain

> (note dagger and sword are the other way around from a range perspective)


> Thats intuitive and offers a genuine range of gameplay options that makes sense (3 of them is ranged in effect)


Most ppl would call it a bruiser class because its support was mid to close ranged and its support would hit it self as well as others. As well as having one in the same dmg skills and def skill with high number of self stun brakes. It is the highest self stab of the elite spec. If that dose not make it the main bruiser class i do not know what else would. Do you realty think a paper thin barrier constitutes a bruiser or dose protection stab and stun brake?

Main hands:

Staff is big aoe contorl not dmg.

Scepter is burst dmg next to no cc and no projectile def (off hands are different from main hand).

Sword is melee ranged with mobility mostly def mobility.

Dagger is a def aimed wepon with a bit more offsite mobility.


The 3 off hands:

Dagger dmg mobility.

Foces def.

War horn support.


The thing is the main weapons lock you into a type of attk game play the off hands only enchase other effects of having more dmg more def or more support and have nothing to do with the ranged that you play at.

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So many long posts.


Rather than making ele being able to weapon swap, i prefer to rework some weapons, starting by focus. It seems that this weapon is far more defensive than dagger, with very little room to ofensive skills apart from firewall, which could be used better into a condition build, but it still falls in dps to dagger even in a condition build.


Or just some buff to conjures, we have fire axe, frost bow and fiery greatsword, which are ranged conjures, but we only use them for some skills then we have to drop them.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"michelada.2947" said:

> > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > @"michelada.2947" said:

> > > > > > pffffff, of course not , you have 20 skills on weapon + 6 dual skills

> > > > >

> > > > > 20 ranged skills and also 6 duel skills or 20 melee skills and also 6 melee dual skills see the problem?

> > > >

> > > > what problem? , 26 skills !!!!!! , do you know how to count?, engis only can have 5 and if you want to take 5 more you have to sacrifice one of your utility slots , the skills of the class have nice variety of options to build weaver the way you want, saying that sword lack range options when you have 2 gap closers on weapon, 3 if you go dagger , 4 if you pick lighting flash make no sense at all, also remember that a melee weapon usually is tied to a close combat class, if you want some range go staff or scepter.

> > >

> > > The problem is not amount its quality and use. Ele has a lot of pointless skills as well as skills that are simply copies of others. Ele is missing a ranged atument and a melee atument so your 26 skills all mean nothing if they are all melee and well you cant go into melee ranged at all or worst yet if all of your skills are projectiles and the game play (wvw) is nothing but projectile hate.

> >

> > Thats pretty false honestly. Ele has some of the most useful tools in the game in fact if you play weaver you end up using just about all the weapon skills in your rotations so im not sure where you get useless skills from? Ele makes use of all its weapon skills better than most other professions who have at least a weapon or 2 thats just 100% pointless to the profession and is rarely used.

> >

> > Ele prob has the best well round weapon skills in the game and you are calling them useless? Which skills would you be referring I dont know many ele weapon skills that are useless or have not killed me several times over or stopped me from being able to kill said ele several times over. The fact that you have options for auras, reflects, invuln, and other cc's on your weapon skills is pretty top notch imo.

> >

> > I dont even play weaver that much and I can see the potential in attunment swaps vs weapon swaps. Ele is no doubt well rounded

> >

> > The only way i can see them allowing this is by removing up to 2 attunments and making the profession more like rev where you can only swap between the same 2 elements at a time while in combat at that point they could allow weapon swapping on ele. But without some solid weapon to make that play style work most players would likely not like the idea of it.


> Well no ele has the fewest ways of dmg types in the game other then say gurd it can also burn and bleed as well as physical dmg

Well honestly thats all they need bleed is solid dps and burn is very strong dps any strike damage is just icing on top of the cake and when built right their physical burst damage is also amazing .

> but that it on-top of that ele has no means of counter boon effect on there attks very limited unblockable tool as well. All being locked into one type of general ranged of attks due to the lack of real skill diversely.

And it shouldnt its elementalist. It shouldnt be corrupting boons. Ele may not need attacks that go through blocks. You have evades dodges and your own plethora of boon sustain to help you get a way when a foe blocks.


Nah ele has close range mid range and long range weapon options you are not locked into any of those. Scepter can be considered mid to long range. Staff can be considered long range dagger sword can be considered close to maybe even mid range on some of the skills.



> Ele has phical dmg skills with its phical dmg skills that apply low amounts of soft cc with its "rare" condi dmg that locked behind 2 attuments. This is ok but when you start to add in the lock in of ranged type is when it becomes a real problem. If ele is d/d is it a melee class if its a d/f it is a melee class if you need to deal with ranged classes your simply out of luck if you need to deal with a game play that needs you to ranged at all your out of luck. You can say the same thing for staff to a point with projecital hate.

Ele has good cc. You have knock downs, dazes and stuns as well as great aoes.

If you choose close ranged professions weapons you need to know how use your utility and or weapon skills to get close to that foe. You have 20 skills on 1 weapon set and of those skills you have optional gap close, reflects, invulns, and projectile blocks. If you are struggling with ranged professions gunning you down thats more of a learning curve that you need to cover not a limitation from only having 1 weapon set. Trust me ele is flexible enough to kill ranged foes with close ranged weapons.



> Ele has a lot of tools when you using one wepon or another but your locked into that set of tools (the talk that going on here and has been going on) you simply cant get all of the foces skills when your runing a staff you cant get all of the dmg tool of off hand dagger when your running a foces. This lock in attk set is one of the main problem with the class.


And you shouldnt be able to no profession can have all the options on a particular set of weapons. (maybe except mesmer cause busted af) Its not a problem with the class its a con of the class which is fine. Every profession has pros (the good) and cons ( the bad) that they have to deal with. Its not good if any one or every profession was good at everything.


> Every one can tell you dont play weaver because you do not understand the level of problems with its duel skills and sword of 130 ranages.


Weavers sword skills do have some issues where the skill are hard to land but ive seen too many people land them and or win without landing them. But thats a problem with 1 weapon not the whole profession.



> I am talking about making attunments more mixed where you have a real chose of different skills from attument to attunment and not just have the skill differences from wepon to wepon as it is now.


Ehhh i dont really understand this.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > @"michelada.2947" said:

> > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > @"michelada.2947" said:

> > > > > > > pffffff, of course not , you have 20 skills on weapon + 6 dual skills

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 20 ranged skills and also 6 duel skills or 20 melee skills and also 6 melee dual skills see the problem?

> > > > >

> > > > > what problem? , 26 skills !!!!!! , do you know how to count?, engis only can have 5 and if you want to take 5 more you have to sacrifice one of your utility slots , the skills of the class have nice variety of options to build weaver the way you want, saying that sword lack range options when you have 2 gap closers on weapon, 3 if you go dagger , 4 if you pick lighting flash make no sense at all, also remember that a melee weapon usually is tied to a close combat class, if you want some range go staff or scepter.

> > > >

> > > > The problem is not amount its quality and use. Ele has a lot of pointless skills as well as skills that are simply copies of others. Ele is missing a ranged atument and a melee atument so your 26 skills all mean nothing if they are all melee and well you cant go into melee ranged at all or worst yet if all of your skills are projectiles and the game play (wvw) is nothing but projectile hate.

> > >

> > > Thats pretty false honestly. Ele has some of the most useful tools in the game in fact if you play weaver you end up using just about all the weapon skills in your rotations so im not sure where you get useless skills from? Ele makes use of all its weapon skills better than most other professions who have at least a weapon or 2 thats just 100% pointless to the profession and is rarely used.

> > >

> > > Ele prob has the best well round weapon skills in the game and you are calling them useless? Which skills would you be referring I dont know many ele weapon skills that are useless or have not killed me several times over or stopped me from being able to kill said ele several times over. The fact that you have options for auras, reflects, invuln, and other cc's on your weapon skills is pretty top notch imo.

> > >

> > > I dont even play weaver that much and I can see the potential in attunment swaps vs weapon swaps. Ele is no doubt well rounded

> > >

> > > The only way i can see them allowing this is by removing up to 2 attunments and making the profession more like rev where you can only swap between the same 2 elements at a time while in combat at that point they could allow weapon swapping on ele. But without some solid weapon to make that play style work most players would likely not like the idea of it.

> >

> > Well no ele has the fewest ways of dmg types in the game other then say gurd it can also burn and bleed as well as physical dmg

> Well honestly thats all they need bleed is solid dps and burn is very strong dps any strike damage is just icing on top of the cake and when built right their physical burst damage is also amazing .

Its realy not in a game like this only have 2 condi dmg types on low stacks your not going to do high enofe dmg to make it worth it. Maybe if it was torment not bleed you would have a point but bleed is the weakest of all the condi dmg types. Ele physical burst is good but its all easy to stop. The lack of unblockables realy holds the class back where you see other dps classes able to make there attks unblockable for a time.


> > but that it on-top of that ele has no means of counter boon effect on there attks very limited unblockable tool as well. All being locked into one type of general ranged of attks due to the lack of real skill diversely.

> And it shouldnt its elementalist. It shouldnt be corrupting boons. Ele may not need attacks that go through blocks. You have evades dodges and your own plethora of boon sustain to help you get a way when a foe blocks.


It should it dose not need to be a corrupting boon but they need a strip of some type as ele is the only class with out any type of strip in the game and that is a real problme when your making a chose of who gets in to play or not. All dps classes need unblockable. Ele is a burst dmg class not a sustain dmg class unless your talking about mobs and then they are not blocking or evadeing out of your aoe but humans do so the sustain dmg is pure burst.


> Nah ele has close range mid range and long range weapon options you are not locked into any of those. Scepter can be considered mid to long range. Staff can be considered long range dagger sword can be considered close to maybe even mid range on some of the skills.


130 is melee ranges sword is melee ranged 600 is mid range most of dagger is in-between 130 and 600 with only a few at 600+ 900 may be a bit better then mid ranges but most ppl would call 1k or higher as longer ranged. Sword and dagger are pure melee wepon scpter is nearly a mid ranged wepon and staff is the only long ranged with with lot and lots of blockable projectiles (easy to be destroyed).

> >

> > Ele has phical dmg skills with its phical dmg skills that apply low amounts of soft cc with its "rare" condi dmg that locked behind 2 attuments. This is ok but when you start to add in the lock in of ranged type is when it becomes a real problem. If ele is d/d is it a melee class if its a d/f it is a melee class if you need to deal with ranged classes your simply out of luck if you need to deal with a game play that needs you to ranged at all your out of luck. You can say the same thing for staff to a point with projecital hate.

> Ele has good cc. You have knock downs, dazes and stuns as well as great aoes.

> If you choose close ranged professions weapons you need to know how use your utility and or weapon skills to get close to that foe. You have 20 skills on 1 weapon set and of those skills you have optional gap close, reflects, invulns, and projectile blocks. If you are struggling with ranged professions gunning you down thats more of a learning curve that you need to cover not a limitation from only having 1 weapon set. Trust me ele is flexible enough to kill ranged foes with close ranged weapons.


It has good one shot cc or slow cc it had a hard time chaning cc like most of the other classes and every class has the same if not better cc then ele (why only ele cant have boon strip is ok but all classes can have good hard cc and to make an argument of some not having hard cc is the same as why ele should or should not have such boon strip i guess is too much to talk about here.)

Only some of your wepon set have these and as an ele you cant swap them mid combat to get use our of such effect (my argument is to changes up the atument skill to make your skill more mixed from atument to a atument more so then wepon to wepon.) Its realty not fixable in ranged and attks types in combat trust me if your using a dagger your going to be doing nothing when you need to ranged ppl.

> >

> > Ele has a lot of tools when you using one wepon or another but your locked into that set of tools (the talk that going on here and has been going on) you simply cant get all of the foces skills when your runing a staff you cant get all of the dmg tool of off hand dagger when your running a foces. This lock in attk set is one of the main problem with the class.


> And you shouldnt be able to no profession can have all the options on a particular set of weapons. (maybe except mesmer cause busted af) Its not a problem with the class its a con of the class which is fine. Every profession has pros (the good) and cons ( the bad) that they have to deal with. Its not good if any one or every profession was good at everything.

> >

But its only ele no profession is only talking about ele and ele alone due to not having a wepon swap chose.

> > Every one can tell you dont play weaver because you do not understand the level of problems with its duel skills and sword of 130 ranages.


> Weavers sword skills do have some issues where the skill are hard to land but ive seen too many people land them and or win without landing them. But thats a problem with 1 weapon not the whole profession.


Sadly it is for ele in the moment and for what ever reason the wepon for a mages like ele is more importan then what atument you are in.

> >

> > I am talking about making attunments more mixed where you have a real chose of different skills from attument to attunment and not just have the skill differences from wepon to wepon as it is now.


> Ehhh i dont really understand this.


If i am in dagger water i use dagger water skills when i swap to fire i am still using dagger fire skills. These skills are very very much the same short ranged projectile what i want is if in water dagger for the skill to be very much different then fire dagger or air dagger so much so it seems like i am using a comply different wepon as if i realty wepon swapped. This is what i am talking about flexibility REAL flexibility.

I want the atument effect hold over though to some point from wepon to wepon so staff and dagger water skills are closer together in effect then having fire dagger and water dagger.


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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Its realy not in a game like this only have 2 condi dmg types on low stacks your not going to do high enofe dmg to make it worth it. Maybe if it was torment not bleed you would have a point but bleed is the weakest of all the condi dmg types. Ele physical burst is good but its all easy to stop. The lack of unblockables realy holds the class back where you see other dps classes able to make there attks unblockable for a time.


Bleed deals the same damage as torment in pve so thats not a real argument. Not to mention torment is alreayd over splattered in the game as it is thanks to scourge and mesmer.


Where are you getting low stack count I am a trash ele player and even I can stack 35+ bleeds 10+ stacks of burn on my own which by far is not low damage. On top of the fact that im landing nice crits too. Please stop your argument here is completely busted. You dont need unblockables. The only real professions you even need them for to start with are warrior and guardian. In pve you dont need them either. JUST STOP Ele dps is fine as it is its pretty high up there compared to some other professions.



> It should it dose not need to be a corrupting boon but they need a strip of some type as ele is the only class with out any type of strip in the game and that is a real problme when your making a chose of who gets in to play or not. All dps classes need unblockable. Ele is a burst dmg class not a sustain dmg class unless your talking about mobs and then they are not blocking or evadeing out of your aoe but humans do so the sustain dmg is pure burst.


Thats not a problem elementalist is not a boon stripping profession it focuses on outputting those boons if anything you can have the power to generate and strip those boons at the same time (unless you are mesmer)


> 130 is melee ranges sword is melee ranged 600 is mid range most of dagger is in-between 130 and 600 with only a few at 600+ 900 may be a bit better then mid ranges but most ppl would call 1k or higher as longer ranged. Sword and dagger are pure melee wepon scpter is nearly a mid ranged wepon and staff is the only long ranged with with lot and lots of blockable projectiles (easy to be destroyed).


Look dude honestly it just seems like you want ele to have it easy. Having another weapon added on swap would not make it any easier for you. IF you have this many problems as it is by the the things you are complaining about then it adding another weapon set would not help you.


Please take more time to play ele in pve and learn it well before asking for things such as this. Or go fight some good ele's using the tools that you seem to have issues with (go long bow ranger and fight them, Go guardian or warriors with blocks and fight them) When they kill study them and learn.


Im not going to answer all your post this time because it seems like no matter how much people tell you the good sides you will just argue back with something completely unrelated to the OP topic.


Fact of the matter is weapon swap on ele wont solve any of your listed issues or points.


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> @"Mithos.9023" said:

> An interesting topic. It never occurred to me, how much of a disadvantage having no weapon swap for ele is. Having 20 skill per weapon might be versatile but only versatile at the weapon specific distance. You are always range locked. Hmm this might be the reason why I can't get on good terms with sword. The moment someone is focusing you from range it is incredible hard to do something or turn the fight around, even with the gap closing skills in mind.

> But even so weapon swap doesn't seem to be the answer to me. Also, I would like to have the out of combat option that was already discussed many times, but that is a different topic.

> The best way would be to have either some ranged options on weapons like sword or dagger. The other option would be conjures, but conjures are currently not an option with how many problems they have. Not to mention that ele was always a class heavy reliant on slot skills, so slotting a conjured is troublesome to begin with.


Its the trade off of being an ele.

Eles are very versatile but they only can adapt via attunements and using range as your advantage is basically the way to counter a close ranged ele.

Weaponswap on core would only complicate stuff, especially with all the elites.

Could be interesting on a new elite spec though.

Lets assume it something like a spellslinger that focusses on evading an swapping and gains special effects from them. With double pistol it could be very interesting. Especially because pistols could be used in either hand and thus could give any weapon combination a ranged advantage.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Its realy not in a game like this only have 2 condi dmg types on low stacks your not going to do high enofe dmg to make it worth it. Maybe if it was torment not bleed you would have a point but bleed is the weakest of all the condi dmg types. Ele physical burst is good but its all easy to stop. The lack of unblockables realy holds the class back where you see other dps classes able to make there attks unblockable for a time.

> Stop

> Bleed deals the same damage as torment in pve so thats not a real argument. Not to mention torment is alreayd over splattered in the game as it is thanks to scourge and mesmer.


> Where are you getting low stack count I am a trash ele player and even I can stack 35+ bleeds 10+ stacks of burn on my own which by far is not low damage. On top of the fact that im landing nice crits too. Please stop your argument here is completely busted. You dont need unblockables. The only real professions you even need them for to start with are warrior and guardian. In pve you dont need them either. JUST STOP Ele dps is fine as it is its pretty high up there compared to some other professions.



> > It should it dose not need to be a corrupting boon but they need a strip of some type as ele is the only class with out any type of strip in the game and that is a real problme when your making a chose of who gets in to play or not. All dps classes need unblockable. Ele is a burst dmg class not a sustain dmg class unless your talking about mobs and then they are not blocking or evadeing out of your aoe but humans do so the sustain dmg is pure burst.


> Thats not a problem elementalist is not a boon stripping profession it focuses on outputting those boons if anything you can have the power to generate and strip those boons at the same time (unless you are mesmer)


> > 130 is melee ranges sword is melee ranged 600 is mid range most of dagger is in-between 130 and 600 with only a few at 600+ 900 may be a bit better then mid ranges but most ppl would call 1k or higher as longer ranged. Sword and dagger are pure melee wepon scpter is nearly a mid ranged wepon and staff is the only long ranged with with lot and lots of blockable projectiles (easy to be destroyed).


> Look dude honestly it just seems like you want ele to have it easy. Having another weapon added on swap would not make it any easier for you. IF you have this many problems as it is by the the things you are complaining about then it adding another weapon set would not help you.


> Please take more time to play ele in pve and learn it well before asking for things such as this. Or go fight some good ele's using the tools that you seem to have issues with (go long bow ranger and fight them, Go guardian or warriors with blocks and fight them) When they kill study them and learn.


> Im not going to answer all your post this time because it seems like no matter how much people tell you the good sides you will just argue back with something completely unrelated to the OP topic.


> Fact of the matter is weapon swap on ele wont solve any of your listed issues or points.



The its not in my game type argument realty dose not fly any more as there was a skill split i am mostly talking about wvw because it uese all the effect in the game you can make the argument that unblockables boon strips condi clear and a lot of the boons in the game are pointless and can be removed if your only coming from the point of pve.


Even from the pve point of view there some real problme with dagger and sword as they are pure melee wepon and in pve you are heavrly punished for going into melee with at least the new content. That the thing dagger mostly was made for older pve content where you could high nearly every thing with melee and still live back when the game was play the way you want to. The game has simply changed but the older weapons on ele nor the ele class over all has not changed with it.


The very ideal of wepon swap on ele is silly and it should not need it but it sadly dose. This is due to bad designee of atuments effect for mostly dagger (sword now too) being melee weapons in a game where ranged wepon are also melee weapons. When your not able as a ele to run dagger or sword in a pve raid because you need ranged attks for a boss only (or at least that dagger or sword do not out put enofe dmg as the other weapons) there is something wrong. This is a problem only ele has because it can not swap during combat and conjer weapons are not stand alone for the class like kits are for eng.


Your argument dose not fit what i am even talking about at all and there are real problem when you base it on pve only point of views. Ele is a class that is only defind by what it lacks from moment to moment and is more balanced from older content because it has not been updated like the other classes.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > @"Wolfric.9380" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"redcomyn.4651" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > So you go into a fight you believe is melee with your sword. It suddenly turns into a 1200+ long range fight and you can't swap weps. Are you still happy with not being able to swap to your long range wep?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I am using dagger/warhorn on my elementalist, so I face that lots of times, but I am able to close the gap pretty darn quick. That is just the price you pay for having 4 attunement swaps. Sounds like you want your cake and eat it, too. It simply wouldn't be fair to anyone else.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Do you have a video of your ele surviving a high dps long range fight? I have half a cake. I want the whole thing. Though I can do with a little less frosting.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ? i pick a ranged duel annytime with my scepter/F tempest... My weaknes is too much boon corrupt and sometimes chain CC melee. All the bow users just cry and die. (OK P/P thief too).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Of course. But this discussion is about ele melee weps, primarily the sword and the lack of a consistent ranged wep to swap to in a fight that changes from melee to long range at any moment.

> > > > >

> > > > > So the thing about ranged vs melee is something that only ele has to deal with because other classes have swaps (all though eng has to deal with this to a point kits fix this for them). Other classes can simply swap to a ranged attk wepon or an melee attk wepon its not the best way of things but its still a chose that ele simply dose not have during combat.

> > > > >

> > > > > The fix may be making some atuments more ranged and other more melee. Lets take dagger main hand fire/ air seems more like the melee type of attks and earth / water seem like the ranged attk. The thing is for some reason earth and water attks are very locked in of where they can move to attk ppl as they are ranged attks that much keep to the ground to hit. I think they need to be leased locked into travailing on the ground and more true air attks that lobe to some point well the water one. Earth should just be a non LOS attk with 900 ranged.

> > > > >

> > > > > Scepter need a "melee" attk or at least a self aoe attk this maybe best with water (a shot gun like attk) and i am not sure what else i do not know sepcter as well.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sword need to have a ranged atument as well.

> > > > >

> > > > > Staff needs a fast melee attk.

> > > > >

> > > > > My point is wepon swap is not needed (all though it would be a great eliet spec.) the missing part ele needs should be atument base each MH wepon on ele needs at least 1 ranged atuments or melee atuments.

> > > >

> > > > You'd rather they change tons of skills on many weps and limit entire attunements to only melee or range? Here's an idea... add wep swap in a new elite spec designed for it. Done.

> > >

> > > I like to see all skills have realty use water 1 in dagger is nearly worthless why not make it a real ranged attk. Earth 1 in staff is weak why not make it into a melee or close ranged cleave. Scepter 1 water is just the worst why not make it into a melee shot gun like attk. Sword auto attks over all are not that good but i do not know enofe to understand witch one needs to be a ranged attk.

> >

> > I agree, all of that would make the Ele weps better. The only issue is that the Devs would likely not do an overhaul like that. It would affect too much especially balancing. But if they did, it would certainly fix the long range issue on sword and overall make the Ele more versatile.


> But its out right silly ele is the only class that has lock off that you can only find on ele. What defines the class is what it lacks not what it has and by no means is that how you should balances a class.

> What they need to do is go though a list of explnaing the ele class to new ppl what it cant do and you would have a better ideal of what type of class it is then the curent one.

> "Elementalists are multifaceted spellcasters who channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up for in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage."


> It should read Elementalists a spell caster who lacks many tools and must use its versatility of atument spams to do any thing of worth. It lacks any powerful boons both support and self, it lacks any type of boon control, it lacks any type of condi control (condis to boons it has some clears), it lack wepon swap so it a very locked in class for combat (no ideal where versatility is coming form at this point), it lacks most condi dmg types (burning and bleed is not enofe), it lacks unblockable dmg skills (its massive dmg is very pve aimed not pvp), its a slow caster / attker, is has the lowest hp / def in the game, it very locked into what lines it must use, its very locked into what utitly it uses (its funny they have Glyphs and Conjuring as its preview utility and any ele player will tell you that the worst of the worst on the ele class full of pointless skills), even the atuments are full of pointless skills for all of the weapons and you get better dmg by jumping between 2 atumens most of the time, it still has some of the longest cd in the game.

> Fire


> Inflict scorching damage on multiple enemies by turning the ground to fire, raining down molten rock from the skies, and more.

> (Low stack of burning some ok dmg with long cast time and very limented pAoE)


> Air


> By harnessing wind and lightning, elementalists shock foes, stop them in their footsteps, and run as swiftly as the wind itself.


> (Some of the lowest dmg skill in the game and very very few hard cc with low duration)


> Water


> Elementalists chill their foes with ice and rejuvenate their allies with the soothing power of water.


> (You must run this line or you cant play ele in most settings with very low chill durations effects and very weak healing unless your all in)


> Earth


> The ground under an elementalist’s feet can be called to their aid. They turn flesh to stone, destabilize foes with seismic shocks, or trigger volcanic eruptions.


> (Anet is playing a very different game then we are i think maybe they play on a day one server earth dose nothing like this)


> Glyphs


> These arcane spells are enhanced by the elementalist’s current attunement. They activate glyphs to call down elemental storms or summon elemental familiars to aid them in battle.


> (They are not arcane spells.... and the boons are weaker then the ones you get from the arcane line. The pets are thow aways not even close to a familiar.)


> Conjuring


> Elementalists use conjure spells to create elemental weapons, such as a bow of ice, an axe of fire, a lightning hammer, and an earthen shield.


> (The weapons are weaker then your main weapons, all though they say nothing that they do just call them weapons so yes they are weapons in the very loos ideal of an wepon like a rock is a good wepon but it still a rock that you pick up.)


> Ele is a joke of a class just try playing any thing else and you will see very quickly what a real class is.


I just do not think elementalist is a class for you then.

It is far from perfect, but reading your replies, it sound more like a “you”-problem, that only you can solve.

May I suggest warriors? They are overall strong and vertile.

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I like the idea of ele getting an e-spec that can swap weapons. (As said earlier like holo or soulbeast). That would fit well for the general idea of an e-spec that changes how elementalist is played.


It really would be too much to add swap to core/temp/weaver without some significant restrictions. I could see it working in those three if it were given something like out of combat only swap. Another possible restriction could be something like a self imposed 3 second unbreakable effect similar to daze after swap with a 30 second cooldown. This would discourage using it to do things like stack might pre fight, but encourage it for an emergency weapon swap. (Obvioulsy the durations tweaked for "balance")

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> @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Wolfric.9380" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"redcomyn.4651" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > So you go into a fight you believe is melee with your sword. It suddenly turns into a 1200+ long range fight and you can't swap weps. Are you still happy with not being able to swap to your long range wep?

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > I am using dagger/warhorn on my elementalist, so I face that lots of times, but I am able to close the gap pretty darn quick. That is just the price you pay for having 4 attunement swaps. Sounds like you want your cake and eat it, too. It simply wouldn't be fair to anyone else.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Do you have a video of your ele surviving a high dps long range fight? I have half a cake. I want the whole thing. Though I can do with a little less frosting.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > ? i pick a ranged duel annytime with my scepter/F tempest... My weaknes is too much boon corrupt and sometimes chain CC melee. All the bow users just cry and die. (OK P/P thief too).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Of course. But this discussion is about ele melee weps, primarily the sword and the lack of a consistent ranged wep to swap to in a fight that changes from melee to long range at any moment.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So the thing about ranged vs melee is something that only ele has to deal with because other classes have swaps (all though eng has to deal with this to a point kits fix this for them). Other classes can simply swap to a ranged attk wepon or an melee attk wepon its not the best way of things but its still a chose that ele simply dose not have during combat.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The fix may be making some atuments more ranged and other more melee. Lets take dagger main hand fire/ air seems more like the melee type of attks and earth / water seem like the ranged attk. The thing is for some reason earth and water attks are very locked in of where they can move to attk ppl as they are ranged attks that much keep to the ground to hit. I think they need to be leased locked into travailing on the ground and more true air attks that lobe to some point well the water one. Earth should just be a non LOS attk with 900 ranged.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Scepter need a "melee" attk or at least a self aoe attk this maybe best with water (a shot gun like attk) and i am not sure what else i do not know sepcter as well.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sword need to have a ranged atument as well.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Staff needs a fast melee attk.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > My point is wepon swap is not needed (all though it would be a great eliet spec.) the missing part ele needs should be atument base each MH wepon on ele needs at least 1 ranged atuments or melee atuments.

> > > > >

> > > > > You'd rather they change tons of skills on many weps and limit entire attunements to only melee or range? Here's an idea... add wep swap in a new elite spec designed for it. Done.

> > > >

> > > > I like to see all skills have realty use water 1 in dagger is nearly worthless why not make it a real ranged attk. Earth 1 in staff is weak why not make it into a melee or close ranged cleave. Scepter 1 water is just the worst why not make it into a melee shot gun like attk. Sword auto attks over all are not that good but i do not know enofe to understand witch one needs to be a ranged attk.

> > >

> > > I agree, all of that would make the Ele weps better. The only issue is that the Devs would likely not do an overhaul like that. It would affect too much especially balancing. But if they did, it would certainly fix the long range issue on sword and overall make the Ele more versatile.

> >

> > But its out right silly ele is the only class that has lock off that you can only find on ele. What defines the class is what it lacks not what it has and by no means is that how you should balances a class.

> > What they need to do is go though a list of explnaing the ele class to new ppl what it cant do and you would have a better ideal of what type of class it is then the curent one.

> > "Elementalists are multifaceted spellcasters who channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up for in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage."

> >

> > It should read Elementalists a spell caster who lacks many tools and must use its versatility of atument spams to do any thing of worth. It lacks any powerful boons both support and self, it lacks any type of boon control, it lacks any type of condi control (condis to boons it has some clears), it lack wepon swap so it a very locked in class for combat (no ideal where versatility is coming form at this point), it lacks most condi dmg types (burning and bleed is not enofe), it lacks unblockable dmg skills (its massive dmg is very pve aimed not pvp), its a slow caster / attker, is has the lowest hp / def in the game, it very locked into what lines it must use, its very locked into what utitly it uses (its funny they have Glyphs and Conjuring as its preview utility and any ele player will tell you that the worst of the worst on the ele class full of pointless skills), even the atuments are full of pointless skills for all of the weapons and you get better dmg by jumping between 2 atumens most of the time, it still has some of the longest cd in the game.

> > Fire

> >

> > Inflict scorching damage on multiple enemies by turning the ground to fire, raining down molten rock from the skies, and more.

> > (Low stack of burning some ok dmg with long cast time and very limented pAoE)

> >

> > Air

> >

> > By harnessing wind and lightning, elementalists shock foes, stop them in their footsteps, and run as swiftly as the wind itself.

> >

> > (Some of the lowest dmg skill in the game and very very few hard cc with low duration)

> >

> > Water

> >

> > Elementalists chill their foes with ice and rejuvenate their allies with the soothing power of water.

> >

> > (You must run this line or you cant play ele in most settings with very low chill durations effects and very weak healing unless your all in)

> >

> > Earth

> >

> > The ground under an elementalist’s feet can be called to their aid. They turn flesh to stone, destabilize foes with seismic shocks, or trigger volcanic eruptions.

> >

> > (Anet is playing a very different game then we are i think maybe they play on a day one server earth dose nothing like this)

> >

> > Glyphs

> >

> > These arcane spells are enhanced by the elementalist’s current attunement. They activate glyphs to call down elemental storms or summon elemental familiars to aid them in battle.

> >

> > (They are not arcane spells.... and the boons are weaker then the ones you get from the arcane line. The pets are thow aways not even close to a familiar.)

> >

> > Conjuring

> >

> > Elementalists use conjure spells to create elemental weapons, such as a bow of ice, an axe of fire, a lightning hammer, and an earthen shield.

> >

> > (The weapons are weaker then your main weapons, all though they say nothing that they do just call them weapons so yes they are weapons in the very loos ideal of an wepon like a rock is a good wepon but it still a rock that you pick up.)

> >

> > Ele is a joke of a class just try playing any thing else and you will see very quickly what a real class is.


> I just do not think elementalist is a class for you then.

> It is far from perfect, but reading your replies, it sound more like a “you”-problem, that only you can solve.

> May I suggest warriors? They are overall strong and vertile. .


Nop i love the class and played is for 5 years? non stop so i have a good ideal what going on here.


Its not a "you" problem it is a real problem with the ele class team or its a problem with all of the other class teams but ele's team. I mean they do not even post on these forms even when they are cutting off an effect on ele they posted about it on the spvp forms all be it getting cut off in all game types. There is a real dev. problem here...


Well war has more veritably in dmg type in melee but that due to anet buffing it and nerfing ele over and over so i will keep with scorge because that the only real aoe mages in the game with wepon swaps some of the strongest support the best 10 target aoe tools a lot of boon strips some soso boons realty an over all broken class.


The answer is always play scorge btw.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Wolfric.9380" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"redcomyn.4651" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > So you go into a fight you believe is melee with your sword. It suddenly turns into a 1200+ long range fight and you can't swap weps. Are you still happy with not being able to swap to your long range wep?

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > I am using dagger/warhorn on my elementalist, so I face that lots of times, but I am able to close the gap pretty darn quick. That is just the price you pay for having 4 attunement swaps. Sounds like you want your cake and eat it, too. It simply wouldn't be fair to anyone else.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Do you have a video of your ele surviving a high dps long range fight? I have half a cake. I want the whole thing. Though I can do with a little less frosting.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > ? i pick a ranged duel annytime with my scepter/F tempest... My weaknes is too much boon corrupt and sometimes chain CC melee. All the bow users just cry and die. (OK P/P thief too).

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Of course. But this discussion is about ele melee weps, primarily the sword and the lack of a consistent ranged wep to swap to in a fight that changes from melee to long range at any moment.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So the thing about ranged vs melee is something that only ele has to deal with because other classes have swaps (all though eng has to deal with this to a point kits fix this for them). Other classes can simply swap to a ranged attk wepon or an melee attk wepon its not the best way of things but its still a chose that ele simply dose not have during combat.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The fix may be making some atuments more ranged and other more melee. Lets take dagger main hand fire/ air seems more like the melee type of attks and earth / water seem like the ranged attk. The thing is for some reason earth and water attks are very locked in of where they can move to attk ppl as they are ranged attks that much keep to the ground to hit. I think they need to be leased locked into travailing on the ground and more true air attks that lobe to some point well the water one. Earth should just be a non LOS attk with 900 ranged.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Scepter need a "melee" attk or at least a self aoe attk this maybe best with water (a shot gun like attk) and i am not sure what else i do not know sepcter as well.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sword need to have a ranged atument as well.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Staff needs a fast melee attk.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > My point is wepon swap is not needed (all though it would be a great eliet spec.) the missing part ele needs should be atument base each MH wepon on ele needs at least 1 ranged atuments or melee atuments.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You'd rather they change tons of skills on many weps and limit entire attunements to only melee or range? Here's an idea... add wep swap in a new elite spec designed for it. Done.

> > > > >

> > > > > I like to see all skills have realty use water 1 in dagger is nearly worthless why not make it a real ranged attk. Earth 1 in staff is weak why not make it into a melee or close ranged cleave. Scepter 1 water is just the worst why not make it into a melee shot gun like attk. Sword auto attks over all are not that good but i do not know enofe to understand witch one needs to be a ranged attk.

> > > >

> > > > I agree, all of that would make the Ele weps better. The only issue is that the Devs would likely not do an overhaul like that. It would affect too much especially balancing. But if they did, it would certainly fix the long range issue on sword and overall make the Ele more versatile.

> > >

> > > But its out right silly ele is the only class that has lock off that you can only find on ele. What defines the class is what it lacks not what it has and by no means is that how you should balances a class.

> > > What they need to do is go though a list of explnaing the ele class to new ppl what it cant do and you would have a better ideal of what type of class it is then the curent one.

> > > "Elementalists are multifaceted spellcasters who channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up for in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage."

> > >

> > > It should read Elementalists a spell caster who lacks many tools and must use its versatility of atument spams to do any thing of worth. It lacks any powerful boons both support and self, it lacks any type of boon control, it lacks any type of condi control (condis to boons it has some clears), it lack wepon swap so it a very locked in class for combat (no ideal where versatility is coming form at this point), it lacks most condi dmg types (burning and bleed is not enofe), it lacks unblockable dmg skills (its massive dmg is very pve aimed not pvp), its a slow caster / attker, is has the lowest hp / def in the game, it very locked into what lines it must use, its very locked into what utitly it uses (its funny they have Glyphs and Conjuring as its preview utility and any ele player will tell you that the worst of the worst on the ele class full of pointless skills), even the atuments are full of pointless skills for all of the weapons and you get better dmg by jumping between 2 atumens most of the time, it still has some of the longest cd in the game.

> > > Fire

> > >

> > > Inflict scorching damage on multiple enemies by turning the ground to fire, raining down molten rock from the skies, and more.

> > > (Low stack of burning some ok dmg with long cast time and very limented pAoE)

> > >

> > > Air

> > >

> > > By harnessing wind and lightning, elementalists shock foes, stop them in their footsteps, and run as swiftly as the wind itself.

> > >

> > > (Some of the lowest dmg skill in the game and very very few hard cc with low duration)

> > >

> > > Water

> > >

> > > Elementalists chill their foes with ice and rejuvenate their allies with the soothing power of water.

> > >

> > > (You must run this line or you cant play ele in most settings with very low chill durations effects and very weak healing unless your all in)

> > >

> > > Earth

> > >

> > > The ground under an elementalist’s feet can be called to their aid. They turn flesh to stone, destabilize foes with seismic shocks, or trigger volcanic eruptions.

> > >

> > > (Anet is playing a very different game then we are i think maybe they play on a day one server earth dose nothing like this)

> > >

> > > Glyphs

> > >

> > > These arcane spells are enhanced by the elementalist’s current attunement. They activate glyphs to call down elemental storms or summon elemental familiars to aid them in battle.

> > >

> > > (They are not arcane spells.... and the boons are weaker then the ones you get from the arcane line. The pets are thow aways not even close to a familiar.)

> > >

> > > Conjuring

> > >

> > > Elementalists use conjure spells to create elemental weapons, such as a bow of ice, an axe of fire, a lightning hammer, and an earthen shield.

> > >

> > > (The weapons are weaker then your main weapons, all though they say nothing that they do just call them weapons so yes they are weapons in the very loos ideal of an wepon like a rock is a good wepon but it still a rock that you pick up.)

> > >

> > > Ele is a joke of a class just try playing any thing else and you will see very quickly what a real class is.

> >

> > I just do not think elementalist is a class for you then.

> > It is far from perfect, but reading your replies, it sound more like a “you”-problem, that only you can solve.

> > May I suggest warriors? They are overall strong and vertile. .


> Nop i love the class and played is for 5 years? non stop so i have a good ideal what going on here.


> Its not a "you" problem it is a real problem with the ele class team or its a problem with all of the other class teams but ele's team. I mean they do not even post on these forms even when they are cutting off an effect on ele they posted about it on the spvp forms all be it getting cut off in all game types. There is a real dev. problem here...


> Well war has more veritably in dmg type in melee but that due to anet buffing it and nerfing ele over and over so i will keep with scorge because that the only real aoe mages in the game with wepon swaps some of the strongest support the best 10 target aoe tools a lot of boon strips some soso boons realty an over all broken class.


> The answer is always play scorge btw.


I find scourge boring though. And not near as diverse as warriors.

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> @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Wolfric.9380" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"redcomyn.4651" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > So you go into a fight you believe is melee with your sword. It suddenly turns into a 1200+ long range fight and you can't swap weps. Are you still happy with not being able to swap to your long range wep?

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > I am using dagger/warhorn on my elementalist, so I face that lots of times, but I am able to close the gap pretty darn quick. That is just the price you pay for having 4 attunement swaps. Sounds like you want your cake and eat it, too. It simply wouldn't be fair to anyone else.

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > Do you have a video of your ele surviving a high dps long range fight? I have half a cake. I want the whole thing. Though I can do with a little less frosting.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > ? i pick a ranged duel annytime with my scepter/F tempest... My weaknes is too much boon corrupt and sometimes chain CC melee. All the bow users just cry and die. (OK P/P thief too).

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Of course. But this discussion is about ele melee weps, primarily the sword and the lack of a consistent ranged wep to swap to in a fight that changes from melee to long range at any moment.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > So the thing about ranged vs melee is something that only ele has to deal with because other classes have swaps (all though eng has to deal with this to a point kits fix this for them). Other classes can simply swap to a ranged attk wepon or an melee attk wepon its not the best way of things but its still a chose that ele simply dose not have during combat.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The fix may be making some atuments more ranged and other more melee. Lets take dagger main hand fire/ air seems more like the melee type of attks and earth / water seem like the ranged attk. The thing is for some reason earth and water attks are very locked in of where they can move to attk ppl as they are ranged attks that much keep to the ground to hit. I think they need to be leased locked into travailing on the ground and more true air attks that lobe to some point well the water one. Earth should just be a non LOS attk with 900 ranged.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Scepter need a "melee" attk or at least a self aoe attk this maybe best with water (a shot gun like attk) and i am not sure what else i do not know sepcter as well.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Sword need to have a ranged atument as well.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Staff needs a fast melee attk.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > My point is wepon swap is not needed (all though it would be a great eliet spec.) the missing part ele needs should be atument base each MH wepon on ele needs at least 1 ranged atuments or melee atuments.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You'd rather they change tons of skills on many weps and limit entire attunements to only melee or range? Here's an idea... add wep swap in a new elite spec designed for it. Done.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I like to see all skills have realty use water 1 in dagger is nearly worthless why not make it a real ranged attk. Earth 1 in staff is weak why not make it into a melee or close ranged cleave. Scepter 1 water is just the worst why not make it into a melee shot gun like attk. Sword auto attks over all are not that good but i do not know enofe to understand witch one needs to be a ranged attk.

> > > > >

> > > > > I agree, all of that would make the Ele weps better. The only issue is that the Devs would likely not do an overhaul like that. It would affect too much especially balancing. But if they did, it would certainly fix the long range issue on sword and overall make the Ele more versatile.

> > > >

> > > > But its out right silly ele is the only class that has lock off that you can only find on ele. What defines the class is what it lacks not what it has and by no means is that how you should balances a class.

> > > > What they need to do is go though a list of explnaing the ele class to new ppl what it cant do and you would have a better ideal of what type of class it is then the curent one.

> > > > "Elementalists are multifaceted spellcasters who channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up for in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage."

> > > >

> > > > It should read Elementalists a spell caster who lacks many tools and must use its versatility of atument spams to do any thing of worth. It lacks any powerful boons both support and self, it lacks any type of boon control, it lacks any type of condi control (condis to boons it has some clears), it lack wepon swap so it a very locked in class for combat (no ideal where versatility is coming form at this point), it lacks most condi dmg types (burning and bleed is not enofe), it lacks unblockable dmg skills (its massive dmg is very pve aimed not pvp), its a slow caster / attker, is has the lowest hp / def in the game, it very locked into what lines it must use, its very locked into what utitly it uses (its funny they have Glyphs and Conjuring as its preview utility and any ele player will tell you that the worst of the worst on the ele class full of pointless skills), even the atuments are full of pointless skills for all of the weapons and you get better dmg by jumping between 2 atumens most of the time, it still has some of the longest cd in the game.

> > > > Fire

> > > >

> > > > Inflict scorching damage on multiple enemies by turning the ground to fire, raining down molten rock from the skies, and more.

> > > > (Low stack of burning some ok dmg with long cast time and very limented pAoE)

> > > >

> > > > Air

> > > >

> > > > By harnessing wind and lightning, elementalists shock foes, stop them in their footsteps, and run as swiftly as the wind itself.

> > > >

> > > > (Some of the lowest dmg skill in the game and very very few hard cc with low duration)

> > > >

> > > > Water

> > > >

> > > > Elementalists chill their foes with ice and rejuvenate their allies with the soothing power of water.

> > > >

> > > > (You must run this line or you cant play ele in most settings with very low chill durations effects and very weak healing unless your all in)

> > > >

> > > > Earth

> > > >

> > > > The ground under an elementalist’s feet can be called to their aid. They turn flesh to stone, destabilize foes with seismic shocks, or trigger volcanic eruptions.

> > > >

> > > > (Anet is playing a very different game then we are i think maybe they play on a day one server earth dose nothing like this)

> > > >

> > > > Glyphs

> > > >

> > > > These arcane spells are enhanced by the elementalist’s current attunement. They activate glyphs to call down elemental storms or summon elemental familiars to aid them in battle.

> > > >

> > > > (They are not arcane spells.... and the boons are weaker then the ones you get from the arcane line. The pets are thow aways not even close to a familiar.)

> > > >

> > > > Conjuring

> > > >

> > > > Elementalists use conjure spells to create elemental weapons, such as a bow of ice, an axe of fire, a lightning hammer, and an earthen shield.

> > > >

> > > > (The weapons are weaker then your main weapons, all though they say nothing that they do just call them weapons so yes they are weapons in the very loos ideal of an wepon like a rock is a good wepon but it still a rock that you pick up.)

> > > >

> > > > Ele is a joke of a class just try playing any thing else and you will see very quickly what a real class is.

> > >

> > > I just do not think elementalist is a class for you then.

> > > It is far from perfect, but reading your replies, it sound more like a “you”-problem, that only you can solve.

> > > May I suggest warriors? They are overall strong and vertile. .

> >

> > Nop i love the class and played is for 5 years? non stop so i have a good ideal what going on here.

> >

> > Its not a "you" problem it is a real problem with the ele class team or its a problem with all of the other class teams but ele's team. I mean they do not even post on these forms even when they are cutting off an effect on ele they posted about it on the spvp forms all be it getting cut off in all game types. There is a real dev. problem here...

> >

> > Well war has more veritably in dmg type in melee but that due to anet buffing it and nerfing ele over and over so i will keep with scorge because that the only real aoe mages in the game with wepon swaps some of the strongest support the best 10 target aoe tools a lot of boon strips some soso boons realty an over all broken class.

> >

> > The answer is always play scorge btw.


> I find scourge boring though. And not near as diverse as warriors.


O yes is crazy boring all the numbers spam are kind of low so you do not get that big number feeling but your hitting so many targets and doing so much at once (if they add in - boon over ppl heads or - condi icons like condi dmg it would look a lot different and would be so much spam lol) but 10 targets is still 10 targets you just cant beat that and that use to be the reason why ppl ran ele for that AOE mages effect and its simply not there for ele any more or at least not the "best" at it any more.


Being able to do both melee and ranged at the same time is such a powerful effect for an AoE class but to be locked into only doing one or the other has effectually killed it for ele aoe mages ability. Yes you can do good burst dmg to single targets but the sec some one is down they are instance rez as the ele has no means of countering rez effects. Yes you can do big aoe burst dmg but its very slow and very random. Yes you can melee and live forever but that all your going to do.


Weapon swap not going to fix it but it would help and it should not be the answer fix here it needs to be about atuments doing realty different effect or the ele way of playing.

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> @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> Do the devs answer here when it comes to ideas? Or is it more a place to rant?


To this one no i think over all its a non starter its a cool ideal but ele still an ele. Its just they avoid the ele forms like nothing else they dont even talk about bugs about ele in the ele forms they just tend to hid them on other forms even though it would effect all eles in all game types.


There no communication to the dev. here at all it seems or at least no real feed back on such ideal as wepon swap (mind you i am for ranged dmg atuments on different weapons not for weapons swap it self.) I say all of this full knowing i am not talking to anet or the dev. i am talking to other ppl on the forms who are i hope ele players.

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A utility skill with that's similar to an engi kit and has ranged attacks sounds like a good compromise. Ice Bow is the closest thing we have and it can only be kept up half the time. Heck, make the skills a set of already-existing ranged skills we have, so it's easier to balance and it doesn't take as much development time. One autoattack of whatever type, and one skill for each element, perhaps?


Of course, almost everybody here seems to be talking WvW/PvP, which I don't do often, so this might not be an appropriate/balanced solution for you guys. But as a PvE player, I'd like a reason to pick up Bolt. It looks so _good_ on an ele :smile:

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No, I don't think Ele should have weapon swap. I'm someone who would rather have **intentional** imbalance in my MMORPG before I give up on highly unique class elements. I genuinely prefer classes who cannot win certain situations and as a result require someone else to help them - it's a MMORPG, it should have lots of mechanics which push people towards group play.


**That being said**, I feel there should be more variability in how an Elementalist's presences work. That is to say, maybe Lightning should always be ranged, even with a sword or dagger or anything. And it should have the longest range. In turn, maybe Earth should always be melee or super-short range. Even with a staff. It would be relatively easy to balance around it, since range would be dependable.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> No, I don't think Ele should have weapon swap. I'm someone who would rather have **intentional** imbalance in my MMORPG before I give up on highly unique class elements. I genuinely prefer classes who cannot win certain situations and as a result require someone else to help them - it's a MMORPG, it should have lots of mechanics which push people towards group play.


> **That being said**, I feel there should be more variability in how an Elementalist's presences work. That is to say, maybe Lightning should always be ranged, even with a sword or dagger or anything. And it should have the longest range. In turn, maybe Earth should always be melee or super-short range. Even with a staff. It would be relatively easy to balance around it, since range would be dependable.


The thing about intentional imbalance in this mmorpg is the other way you have classes who are stronger because of there unique effect not weaker. In fact ele is weaker as a class but it dose not have a real unique effect other then lacking other classes effects. 4 wepon swaps is not unique its just a slightly faster swap from wepon to wepon that you do see in other classes like war ( i do not think any one runs the effect though) as the atuments them self are not different enofe to say they are even full wepon swaps.

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An easy way to do the weapon swap is to attach an element to a weapon. Any two-handed we have would give all elements. Sword(either hand) you get fire, Dagger(either hand) you get water, Scepter is air, Mace(MH) = earth, Focus(OH) is earth, Warhorn back to air. Obviously this would mean OH sword skills, and adding mace as a MH option.


So in this scenario one weapon is staff giving access to all attunements, but you could then swap into scepter/dagger to give you Air/Water attunements. Or say you wanted a blitzing melee oriented ele. In that case you might want Mace/Focus for earth/earth attunements that could switch to Sword/Sword for pure fiery goodness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love weapon swap! I like my character to attune to only one element (Earth), so swapping weapons would compensate for the attunements I don't use.

The only way I can imagine ANet doing this is, like other people said, as part of the next elite specialization. I would love an elite spec that would allow the character to literally specialize into one element ^-^ Tempest does that in some way with the overloads, but I'm thinking of an elite spec where we choose the one element we want. This way I think we could have weapon swap.

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