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Unidentified Gears and Magic Find

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Hello friends! I am a beginner in this game and need your advices. So I have been farming gold in domain of istan with Akili, Palawan and Great Hall. I almost sold all the unidentified gears I obtained from phylacteries. I see so many people here saying that rare unidentifieds should be identified. But since I think my magic find is so low (%78) I decided to sell everyhing to make more profit. I am currently using Pumpking oil and peppermint omnomberries to boost my magic find. And yesterday I figured out that I have a huge mf boost in silverwates up to %338 with pepperming and pumpkin oil. So Are rare unidentified gears worth being identified with %338 magic find ? or should I keep selling them till I get a significant mf percentage? I would also appreciate any other advices on how to boost mf. Thank you all!!

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You should identify them even with 0% magic find. It doesn't matter too much. It's not PERFECT but keep in mind that you lose NOTHING from identifying any gear, you only win becuase there is always a chance for exotics/rares from the lower tier gear too. People saying you can't open them at all with low MF are insane.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> You should identify them even with 0% magic find. It doesn't matter too much. It's not PERFECT but keep in mind that you lose NOTHING from identifying any gear, you only win becuase there is always a chance for exotics/rares from the lower tier gear too. People saying you can't open them at all with low MF are insane.


I wouldn't say "always open, no matter MF".

Never *salvage* unidentified gear, but if you can't boost MF high (not realistic for a new player), you probably get more profit out of selling them on the TP.

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> More than you ever cared to know about MF and unid gear is here:

> https://sites.google.com/view/gw2-tipm/research/unidentified-gear?authuser=0


Indeed, and refer to @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" 's post from December for some analysis. [Link Here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20157/value-of-unidentified-gear-in-the-post-istan-markets "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20157/value-of-unidentified-gear-in-the-post-istan-markets")


Edit: With respect to your boosting MF, Silverwastes is one of the largest and most popular methods. Your core MF will take some time to build up. You've got some boosts from food, and you may want to use your [Celebration Booster](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Booster "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Booster") or [birthday Booster](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Birthday_Booster "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Birthday_Booster") when you get them (Celebration comes up from monthly login, while Birthday is an annual gift to each of your characters on their birthdays).

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The shortest story: never salvage; sell on the TP or open with high MF.


Slightly more detail:

* Never salvage unID gear. It's always less valuable.

* If you can reliably boost magic find about 500% & can spend the time efficiently 'processing', open both green & blue. For rare, aim for 800% or better.

* Otherwise sell at the best price you can get.


The most comprehensive research on the topic was done by Testifye at:



There are further details and reasoning at the links posted by @"crashburntoo.7431" & @"Shirlias.8104"

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