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Pot of Soup


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It's little things like this which make an otherwise really fun expansion frustrating.


We have to get 10 ingredients, with shoddy aiming and it's just not fun.


Can we please have this reduced to 4 or 5 ingredients.


I don't mind a challenge, but this Mastery Point challenge just isn't fun.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> There isn't much guidance for this one. I know people will say that Mastery Points are like Legendary Weapons: they are to enhance the game, not be the game -- they are not always giveaways.

> I'm sure once you get the hang of running and aiming you'll be one of the people encouraging everyone else not to give up.


Idk about that. Mastery Points literally lock content. Legendary weapons are literally just cosmetics.


Should they be super easy? No, but they should all definitely be casual friendly.

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the challenge is just that, challenging. I hated it when I was doing it, felt unnecessarily over-complicated, but on my last run I got lucky with list of ingredients and I finished it with a bar still in green, so it's more about luck of a draw than any personal skill. I did like that it wasn't another one of the "commune with this shiz" or "kill this butthead" mastery point, but at the same time I am glad it's done and I don't have to do it again. All I can say is keep trying and pray to RNG gods.

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Pot Of Soup may be easy for some.. however it is not for many, especially those with slow movement ie; hands/fingers, would like to see timer off or the Chef not move around so fast or something to make it so that one can get the point for it. I enjoy my gaming time (limited for a lot of players because of real) but I don't wish to spend hours figuring out how to do this Pot Of Soup, takes the fun away.

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While it was frustrating to me in the moment, I think it was a really well done mastery point. It's not like I have to do it 50 times; it's a one time event. It's something where I learned through doing the mechanic and slowly got better and better each attempt till I made it through. That said I don't believe it took me more then 15m tops, so time wise its really fast to restart after failing which is a good thing. Same with the Memory puzzle mastery. I think they've really found a nice balance with them.

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And once again Anet listen to the elitist 10%. Just look at the toxic belittling remarks in this thread. Pot of Soup is the worst quest in the game. It's not about skill, it's luck, lag and having only a few other people doing it at the same time. And this is the probably the first MP that someone will try in the new zones, way to leave a bad taste.

1. Targeting circle is off, if chef is not at a full stop it's a miss. Even then you might still miss.

2. No confirmation about what you are holding, so you throw what you think is the correct ingredient get "That's not the ingredient..." message and lose more time. Making it impossible to win.

3. Any obstacle can get in the way, bench, tree, a bottle, sometimes even other players, giving you a fail

4. The timer doesn't refresh all the way to 100%. So you are at the whims in rng. Too many items across the room and it's impossible to complete.


It's not an awful idea. Like the simon says one it's clever. But Pot of S*** is just that. There are so many QL improvement that would make it better: Cut the rounds in half, improve hit detection, refresh the timer to full on a successful ingredient, use the pot as the target instead of the Chef.


Otherwise Pot of S*** is just like raids, only a fraction of the player base will be able to finish it.


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yes i hate this masterys, playing games must be relaxing but everything in pof i get big frustration with. i want to swear but i keep it for myself this time.

every mastery is a big frustration. i now tryng the cheff but omg before i got to the first ingredient my bar is half empty because this slow running speed.

i know anet have to create new ideas for quests and etc to not make it feel repeatable or boring but on paper it can be nice but making customers angry of frustrated this way is not nice in my opinion. not everyone is a skilled player. i hate challenges i want an game thats doable and for hard or difficult things you go to a raid or a fractal.

i am playing this game and battlefield 1 at the moment. bf1 is bugged as ...... so i play this but if i also get angry here what must i do then? call of duty 2 is november.

i want to go further with the game so i need some masterys. storys i dont care i need a group to rush throug it so i can go further on exploring.


and as op said make it 5 ingredients. think about the players and dont make them angry thnx

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I feel like I should be disappointed that I only get credit for it once and hope that similar minigames show up again. Instead, I'm glad it's a one-time thing and that I'm done with it.


This one reminded me of a Zul Drak daily in WoW in which the player had to fetch ingredients for the apothecary before his potion spoiled, which was much better implemented. I think running around the kitchen fetching ingredients at random is good fun, but the ground targeting mechanism was not well conceived here. Auto-targeting the chef directly within a more limited range would have been better IMO, or perhaps having the player throw the ingredients to a cooking pot or stationary preparation table.

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IMO they should have put the mastery point near it to draw attention to the activity. Then it should be a repeatable thing for those that enjoy it so much. Like a jumping puzzle, people that love it could then do it every day they want for a jump puzzle type reward chest. As it is now, the people that enjoy it so much can only do it once. The people that hate it can do it once as well but it only seems to frustrate them. It appears to be either like it or hate it and it is odd that those that like it can only do it once while the rest may only annoyed by it. It seems since Anet put the work into making it they could at least make it so those that enjoy such games can repeat it instead of making it a mastery point that people that hate it will never do again once completed. I hated it in beta and refuse to even attempt it in live as my vote against such things when Anet reviews the numbers.

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