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It's not easy first, but I am shocked that some guys simply can't do this: it's not that this is really hard. You have to learn some tricks (always in line of sight and knowing throw distance/feel of the throw) and also where the items are and should not take more than 5-10 tries to accomplish.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> It's not easy first, but I am shocked that some guys simply can't do this: it's not that this is really hard. You have to learn some tricks (always in line of sight and knowing throw distance/feel of the throw) and also where the items are and should not take more than 5-10 tries to accomplish.


_Lookee here, we got ourselves a learner! We don't take kindly to no learners round these parts. Don't need no Elitists telling us how to play! No Sir!_ :)

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> @"Scud.5067" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > It's not easy first, but I am shocked that some guys simply can't do this: it's not that this is really hard. You have to learn some tricks (always in line of sight and knowing throw distance/feel of the throw) and also where the items are and should not take more than 5-10 tries to accomplish.


> _Lookee here, we got ourselves a learner! We don't take kindly to no learners round these parts. Don't need no Elitists telling us how to play! No Sir!_ :)


That said, I try to stay realistic and state a fact if someone just isn't either willing to learn or not able to learn it. Not everyone is made for everything. So, I am sorry for my elitist undertone here.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"Scud.5067" said:

> > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > It's not easy first, but I am shocked that some guys simply can't do this: it's not that this is really hard. You have to learn some tricks (always in line of sight and knowing throw distance/feel of the throw) and also where the items are and should not take more than 5-10 tries to accomplish.

> >

> > _Lookee here, we got ourselves a learner! We don't take kindly to no learners round these parts. Don't need no Elitists telling us how to play! No Sir!_ :)


> That said, I try to stay realistic and state a fact if someone just isn't either willing to learn or not able to learn it. Not everyone is made for everything. So, I am sorry for my elitist undertone here.


Sounds to _me_ like you learned a lesson here... I guess you _learners_ just don't learn... wait? What? ;)

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I did this. Took a few goes and some kind soul with his new leggy great sword making the sky round him black to do. I think I can safety say it wouldn't be Guild wars without something annoying and yes I was losing the will to live but I got there.

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  • 1 month later...

I just give up on this one. I have tried it again and again, and I fail every time. The timer goes down way too fast and the Chef runs around so much it's so hard to throw the stuff at him. It would be better if he just stood still, but he spends so much time running around and I have to wait for him to stop to throw the stuff. It's impossible for me to get this mastery. Oh and not to mention the time spent running from one side of the room to another and then trying to find where the chef ran to after that.

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> @"Kasia.4573" said:

> I just give up on this one. I have tried it again and again, and I fail every time. The timer goes down way too fast and the Chef runs around so much it's so hard to throw the stuff at him.


I don't blame you. The running around, which is super-annoying, is deliberate, and part of the challenge. I eventually got it, but it took three tries before I lucked into getting stuff I could reach.


The advice I can offer is:


1. Activate a movement speed increase trait. On a necromancer, for example, Signet of the Locust gives +25% all the time, and makes a world of difference to being able to complete the task.

2. Turn on "quick throw" and/or AoE on your target automatically, and see if they help you get things in the right place.

3. Never, ever throw something unless he is standing still.


It is still really hard, don't get me wrong, so if you just skip it, that is actually OK. ANet deliberately put *way* more mastery points than needed into the game, so that you can skip the ones you hate, and you still get enough to get everything done. So, the only reason to force yourself through this is completionism; you don't need it in order to max out PoF masteries.

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