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How do you feel about Renown Hearts?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> None of the poll options fit me. I like hearts and I like (or at worst don't mind) repeating them, but I do wish the vendor stayed available after you complete it for the first time. (Also people who like hearts are unlikely to consider completing them grinding, which is generally a negative term.)


I agree. I like the hearts, and don't mind repeating them, but don't like that you can't even take a quick peek at what the vendor has and whether it's worth your time to redo them. Annoying to redo a heart and realize afterward that you've unlocked the wrong guy.


I would like it better if the vendor remained available after the first completion, but re-doing the heart gave you a discount on what they were selling, in the way that a higher favor level in Dry Top lowers the prices of the Zephyrite vendors.

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I hate hearts but this poll is badly designed and I can't really vote.


> Just look at it in a reworded way:


> Option 1 is I like hearts being repeatable, option 2 is I like hearts but want them to be one and done, Option 3 is No more hearts in future content they should have stayed gone starting with Orr, Option 4 is Not liking them but you do them for the rewards , and option 5 is not liking them so much you don't do them regardless of reward, in other words you'd like them removed from the game entirely.


No, you made poll options unnecessary specific. What you explain in this post should be more or less your poll.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > I hate hearts but this poll is badly designed and I can't really vote.

> >

> > Just look at it in a reworded way:

> >

> > Option 1 is I like hearts being repeatable, option 2 is I like hearts but want them to be one and done, Option 3 is No more hearts in future content they should have stayed gone starting with Orr, Option 4 is Not liking them but you do them for the rewards , and option 5 is not liking them so much you don't do them regardless of reward, in other words you'd like them removed from the game entirely.


> No, you made poll options unnecessary specific. What you explain in this post should be more or less your poll.


I agree. The options are either very specific if not entirely biased to a negative way of viewing repeatable hearts.


I just picked the first option because that made the most sense to me even though theres obvious room for improvements.


I definitely echo that the hearts shouldnt become the main event in an area and more used as an enrichment to events and environment.

Seeing what the merchant has beforehand, locking only a few or half or not everything on hearts, discounts or always having the merchant available after the first completion all seem good ideas. They could even change it up.



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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > I hate hearts but this poll is badly designed and I can't really vote.

> >

> > Just look at it in a reworded way:

> >

> > Option 1 is I like hearts being repeatable, option 2 is I like hearts but want them to be one and done, Option 3 is No more hearts in future content they should have stayed gone starting with Orr, Option 4 is Not liking them but you do them for the rewards , and option 5 is not liking them so much you don't do them regardless of reward, in other words you'd like them removed from the game entirely.


> No, you made poll options unnecessary specific. What you explain in this post should be more or less your poll.


Well I can't edit the poll options, I tried. so that's about all I can do.

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I chose the first one, but with a slight modification. I like the idea of repeatable hearts. When you travel to the map you know some content is ready for you, but the daily reset is too rapid indeed. With a weekly reset i would say they are perfect for me ;)

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I like hearts and events as well and I don't have a problem with repeatable hearts. In my opinion it was a good decision to reintroduce hearts in the living world maps. There are some repeatable hearts that I do most days on a few characters.


What I always find funny is the dislike for hearts and the praise for events by some people. "Dynamic Events" are not dynamic or random at all. They all follow a scripted schedule. And I am not only talking about meta events or world bosses which are on a timer. Most small scale events follow a certain schedule. When doing daily event completer I can go to any zone, do an event which is followed by more events and I know exactly the whole process will repeat in x minutes. Sometimes there are different events triggered depending on success or failure but it is a very simple variation and you know in both cases exactly what will happen.


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Events feel a little bit more organic and don't feel like just chores, most of them have some feel of urgency to them, defend this, capture this, escort this, etc. Plus events tend to draw in more people and you're working together cooperatively where hearts you may be fighting over being able to interact with things first. Events are how the game has always been intended to play. Hearts are tacked on tutorial for people coming from MMO's that focus on static content.

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I checked the second option. I strongly believe that the hearts are a key design feature needed to provide players with things to do on the map (it does not necessarily have to be "hearts" but most games have a similar feature). Also, they can be quite fun and interesting if you enjoy the lore and side-quests in general. However, the more I think about it, I have changed my mind and should have selected the first option. Making them repeatable gets MORE players involved in doing the activities on the maps so that new players to the area don't feel quite as alone which is essential for keeping new players around in an MMO. And seriously, none of the hearts really take that long anyways so its not a big deal if you have to do one again for some reason.

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> @"Silvatar.5379" said:

> I checked the second option. I strongly believe that the hearts are a key design feature needed to provide players with things to do on the map (it does not necessarily have to be "hearts" but most games have a similar feature). Also, they can be quite fun and interesting if you enjoy the lore and side-quests in general. However, the more I think about it, I have changed my mind and should have selected the first option. Making them repeatable gets MORE players involved in doing the activities on the maps so that new players to the area don't feel quite as alone which is essential for keeping new players around in an MMO. And seriously, none of the hearts really take that long anyways so its not a big deal if you have to do one again for some reason.


I'd argue that events do it better. Events get people working together where hearts just kind of everyone doing their own thing and they may end up competing for interactables, which is the wrong direction for this game where it's supposed to be a thing of another player is always a welcome sight, vs other MMO's where other players while you're soloing are just competition at best, or at worst, going to gank you. People STILL run HoT map metas, because they were done well (the only problem with them is being able to get onto the right instance of the map to do them), people STILL do Silverwastes, and Dry Top, because those maps were well designed with events that get people working together, and they're fun and rewarding. If you fill the world with hearts instead of events other players instead of being glad to see you, might be thinking "man I wish I could PK this guy, he keeps taking the crab traps I need to progress this stupid chore"

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I've done map 8 times. Its never been something I've enjoyed except for the first time cause everyone was on a race to get that badge next to their name and it was like a big deal. But now everytime I go to craft a new legendary I have to map all across Tyria. I'm getting really sick of it. Being able to get skill points through WvW is nice. But I really wish they would release a Gem store purchase that allows people to unlock all hearts accross central Tyria. 'Cause thats the real killer. There is a package for waypoints but that is so pointless now that PoF allows mounts. I just did map very recently and I did everything on each map except for the hearts. It took me under 30 mintues for each map this way. At this point in the game I think that's a very reasonable amount of time to spend doing something that doesn't really benefit you in the long run anymore. Most of the vender items are obsolete after 1 or two items and aside from niche items or food purchases all other things are pretty much useless and I'm not just saying that to sound full of myself. They are like useless 1 or two stat items.


The new hearts, although still a bother to do, are a little bit more interesting since their rewards are a little bit more unique and have fun tonics and stuff. But like I'm pleading if we could get a Gem Store item to unlock all of the hearts across tyria, a bundle option, and a zone by zone option. I would be really grateful. It pulls me away from a lot of other things I would very much like to do and its a time sink that isn't much worth it anymore.


Please Anet,


Yours truly,



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  • 11 months later...

Necroing a thread as it's the only one where I see this quest mentioned.


I'm doing map completion in Tyria again, and I'm now on that "Join the Ash Legion of Tawny Ridge in stealth operations." I loathe this heart, and it seems there may be a sizeable majority that also dislike it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Join_the_Ash_Legion_of_Tawny_Ridge_in_stealth_operations


At least in the PoF maps you have the triangles that show line of sight. For this one, with an asura I can be hiding behind a barrel and I'm still seen. It's a tedious and time consuming heart. This is the one I wish was either removed from the game, or had the progress speed up.

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I am indifferent to them since I see no difference with the more traditional mmo quest format. Anet just combined all the usual boring fetch quests into one renown heart. Now if we had to pick between this and actual meaningful quests with a story, similar to what you see in some single player games, I would prefer that. But that won't ever happen here or in any mmo. The closest I 've seen were SWTOR's questlines but even those were watered down.

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I liked how hearts were done in Core. I wouldn't have an issue with them being repeatable so long as you didn't need to repeat them to get access to the vendors.


I also liked how quick they were to complete in Core vs PoF, though I believe the trade off was there were about double the amount of hearts per map in Core vs PoF.

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I wish that repeatable hearts were opt in/out and extend to core.

There are quite a number of hearts I would happily do on repeat because I enjoy some of the weird activities you get up to.

I also appreciate those that have done a heart once and just want the damn vendor without having to redo it.

So I null voted because none really fit my feeling on the matter.

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What to like about hearts? No, seriously? They are just mindless time-wasters, like "approach an object and press F key" or "kill this weak mob which is not even bit interesting and challenging to fight". 98% of them feel like a tutorial for noobs you would never do, but have to as they are required for map completion. There is nothing interesting to them, no gameplay at all bound to them, no thinking and real decision making. They are worthless as gameplay elements, a chore, as somebody else said above. I really would love for them to become completely optional (not tied to map completion), and ofc the fact you need to repeat them to access a vendor is piece of kitten.

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