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Mirage faster than thief ( all cd used on a long dinstance ).


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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> open field or was there alot vertical movement aswell? because there thief got advantage IMO


On the road.

Didn't try to exploit with vertical movements because i thought it wasn't needed given the classes.


I was wrong ( trying to understand how he could have replicated my lenght. However my bad for have underestimated the enemy ).

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Didn't use sb5.


Vault does not do a good enough job when it comes to speed.


His dash and your dash give about equal speed boost. Shadowstep = blink


Then you've got vault left which is piss poor as a movement skill, it's primary function isn't movement, it only gives about as much as a dash.


Idk what he did to make up for those vaults though, they do move faster than walking. There's probably a weapon skill with blink on it

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> Didn't use sb5.


> Vault does not do a good enough job when it comes to speed


There's not too much difference if you consider that every 5 vault you have a free dash ( also shortbow leaves you on range untill the arrow lands, so i would have probably died sooner, except if I would have decided to use vertical teleports, but this was not the case. And also if i move toward the arrow, the time the teleport activates i covered 1/3 of the path by running... ).

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > I suppose there was a video created for this? I cannot see a link or a video.


> Not needed, you can figure it out yourself. We just listed the abilities


Sure, and I know very well that I cannot escape a dedicated mesmer before my skills are on cd and initiative depleted. Somehow I expected a video though and wasn't sure if I'm the only one who doesn't see it.

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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> Dodge+sword 1, blink, jaunt, and possibly some other port skills if he took them. If he had staff then maybe backwards staff 2?


Yep, about face + staff 2. I was surprised when I actually thought about it that thief has less mobility than mesmer. Mobility was the only thing thief did that made them good, mesmer is basically just a better class now.

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It'd be balanced if other specs could do what thief does as that's the intention of elite specs: to allow you to do things you couldn't before in a style that may be more comfortable to you. The problem is they allow other classes to do what thief does without the sacrifices that thieves make. It was the same problem with rev when it first came out and evicted thief. It was a safer version of thief for the meta at the time and could do other things that thief couldn't do.

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Vault would of slowed you down. You can cover almost the same distance walking with swiftness then you can while using vault. The "Down" animation during vault slow's you down. Now if Arena net would stop listening to the same people who have been whining for 5 year's straight and didn't nerf Vault cancel, you might of been quicker. (though still in range the majority of the time)


But alas a 5 init gap closer, that covered a shorter distance then SB, was completly unfair. we can't have thief's not using SB right? clueless devs...


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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> Vault would of slowed you down. You can cover almost the same distance walking with swiftness then you can while using vault.


Definitely not.

It's like saying "Infiltrator arrow has 900 range right... unfortunately you still move toward the arrow, so it has only 700 range more or less".

Also 3 vault = 30 endurance back, which with normal regen = 1 extra dash.



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You said almost and i confirmed that it's definitely faster vault than running ( also you have the evade on it, which has a 50% not to put you in combat, or taking damage, if attacked while moving ).


About SB, it is faster than vault ( even though i prefer vault because of more evasion ) but the dinstance covered needs time to enlarge its gap.

And also, even though it's easy to avoid sometimes i still fall for it, there's the shitty bug infiltrator arrow + dash which holds you on place.


Shortly, i chose to trade a little bit of my covered dinstance in favor of more evades, but even so the mesmer is able to catch up ( not sure with SB while in combat vs staff while not in combat, on a straight line ).

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If the Mirage has sword and you don't have shortbow good luck keeping up/getting away - although sword Thief has a better time with this.

If the Mirage doesn't have sword and you have shortbow, you can engage and disengage at will.

If the Mirage has sword and you have shortbow you could be chasing each other for days.


I generally find, playing on my Mirage or my Daredevil, it's such a flip of the coin in terms of mobility win against the other. I remember using Blink + Jaunt x3 + Illusionary Ambush + Mirage Thurst x2 + Axes of Symmetry (hybrid build) to catch up with a Daredevil once and whilst it was funny to see the DD poop himself a little when I came flying over in a mess of pink/purple madness I had nothing left when I got there and the DD just left again after poking me a bit. But I remember being on my DD once and the Mirage I was face stabbing just flew off into the distance so quickly that my jaw dropped and I had a little cry in stealth for a bit.

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