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Anet Please Bring back Legendary Collection


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What Anet could do with the next set is have various components of the legendary specific gift obtained through instanced story content made for that particular legendary. This way players get their story element with each legendary and don’t have to deal with broken events.

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I've done two sets of Legendary Collections, and while they're cool, I am also very much behind not having to do that for Ipos. I very much enjoyed the Tier I collections which were to go around and get a single thing from specific places. The Tier II collections, on the other hand, where a nightmare. Farming Karka for shells and also Farming Blooms was not fun. Having to do maps that I don't spend much time in for ages in order to get a quantity of resources just to complete a single collection item is not fun. Having to farm/buy a ton of mats just to make a quantity of garbage items to effectively throw away is not fun. I get the idea behind it, but I would love to do basically anything else, which is actually what we're doing in the new Legendaries with Shards and Mystic Curios. I'm trashing a ton of mats to make each of these items, but at least it feels like I'm making direct progress toward my goal, not just doing busy work until I can actually start making my real goal.

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> @"Reece.7341" said:

> I agree.


> I'd rather have them do the long quests as they add a path to the legendary and give the weapon meaning. When I equip my HOPE I remember training with all the Hylek on how to make the alchemicals. When I equip my Chupa Bow I remember raising these tigers. When I equip the predator I remember hunting down and assassinating all those bosses. Shining Blade just feels meh (Although it is my favorite legendary skin in the game) because it had no journey to it.


> However, I suppose what we are getting now is better than no legendaries, which was a thing after HoT dropped.


It **doesn't** give the weapon meaning.. It's a grind fest for time gated materials.

It takes too many resources for devs to make, and for more than half (or probably even all, depending on how you do it) the legendaries its cheaper to buy the precursor and sell the materials, than to make the collection.

Sure the first phase of the collection is kinda cool, but overall the quality is poor and it devolves into a pure resource sink. (Well it was released with HoT after all).


If it were properly implemented and didn't leech too much developer time, it would have been great.

But compared to how they were implemented with HoT i'd rather have the current iteration. It's as grindy as the other one, but still cheaper and no time-gates.


Time-gated crafting is one of the worse cancers and deterrents to enjoyment they ever came up with in GW2's history, and the less they do with things that revolve around that, the better.

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I also really enjoy the precursor collections and have done most of the gen1 ones, even the ones that make you loose several 100s of gold in the end, just because they are fun.


I just dont understand why they didnt bring the tools to make collections easily creatable when they implemented them. Its like they implemented the collection-system without a tool to add more to it fast and thus abandon it because they take so much time to make. It makes me quite mad tbh...

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> It **doesn't** give the weapon meaning.. It's a grind fest for time gated materials.

> It takes too many resources for devs to make, and for more than half (or probably even all, depending on how you do it) the legendaries its cheaper to buy the precursor and sell the materials, than to make the collection.

> Sure the first phase of the collection is kinda cool, but overall the quality is poor and it devolves into a pure resource sink. (Well it was released with HoT after all).


> If it were properly implemented and didn't leech too much developer time, it would have been great.

> But compared to how they were implemented with HoT i'd rather have the current iteration. It's as grindy as the other one, but still cheaper and no time-gates.


> Time-gated crafting is one of the worse cancers and deterrents to enjoyment they ever came up with in GW2's history, and the less they do with things that revolve around that, the better.


What about the precursor quest is a resource grind for time gated materials? Besides the second crafting section, which uses time gated materials at the very end of it, and not that many of them. Honestly, I try to craft one 24hr material a day as long as I have resources for it and I always have extra, or you can buy them on the TP for 5-10G. This is a legendary item, of course it's going to take some time gated crafting. The most time it takes for me is farming crystaline ingots and tokens for the second teir and you need to do that for new legendaries anyways.


The rest of the quest, while it may be opinion, is at least something interesting that sends you back into parts of the world you really don't care to go to anymore except for map completion on alts. I appreciate that aspect, and I remember fondly the hunt for the precursors that I did. In fact, it's what I look forward to most about the legendaries.


As said in my previous post, I made Shining Blade, and it had none of that. It truly was just a resource dump for Unstable Magic for tributes, and the crystaline farm. And the precursor quests are 10x better than that and actually make you go out and hunt/do things instead of teleporting back and forth between vendors. To me, that gives the weapon more meaning and to skip over that whole aspect of it, because god forbid we need some deldrimor ingots and spiritwood planks like every other ascended item... is rather short sighted.


The worst part about making legendary weapons is the lottery for mystic clovers if you don't have enough. But that's an entirely different discussion than precursor collections.



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Lol 100 Time gated items aren't a resource sink?

Honestly, i don't know why i bother... Precursor crafting was created solely from an economical point of view, the devs said it themselves, they wanted to make crafting the precursor cost around as much as buying it from the TP.

It was never about the experience, if it was they'd incorporate more of the first stage and less of the second stage.

Nowadays (and not long after precursor crafting was released) it became apparent that it was a resource sink and it was more costly that outright buying precursors from the TP, with the worse part being the time-gated materials.


If it was made to be in-line with the first stage, then it would be awesome, but what sense does it make to craft 250 basic mithril greatswords, then 250 mithril blades on top of that, the 10 of each sword blade (5 being ascended = 15 Deldrimor steel), plus like 6 other things that are simply resource sinks only for stage 2)? How is that anything but a resource sink? At least the later precursors without the "quest" are honest about what they are, a resource sink, and don't force you into time-gated items.

Yeah Legendary should be a great thing, but guess what, **this is JUST the precursor**. Legendary crafting comes after.


Finally it will never happen, so keep arguing, they already stated it takes away too much development resources to release a legendary in that form. So current crafting is win-win, it's easier on the devs, and the resource farming is at least more honest and without crappy time-gates. The end-cost is pretty much the same, but without the cancer that is time-gates.

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