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Not enough easy accessible Mastery Points in New Expansion [Spoilers]

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Enola B Twenty Nine.2631" said:

> So far, I love the expansion. Compared to HoT, I really enjoyed playing PoF, except until the past few hours. I am stuck looking for a single mastery point. I am on the "Find the remaining crystals of Vlast's body" story, and need to get "canyon jumping" mastery. I have just one more point so as to get the Springer Mount, but for the life of me, I can't find any "easy" accessible points. I have also been to Elon Riverlands, but these don't seem to be accessible either.


> Am I missing something? I am sick and tired of wondering around the web looking for possible clues. Is there an exact number of easier accessible mastery's, and I am just missing them?



I've been on a raptor for what feels like days, and tried for about 10 minutes on the first jump in Dulfy's article. Never landed it. http://dulfy.net/2017/09/23/gw2-path-of-fire-crystal-oasis-mastery-insights-guide/

What I failed to realise is that you can just hold down [space] or [v] to jump further. I'm an idiot.

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> @Ashabhi.1365 said:

> When you say "easily accessable" do you mean that you can't just walk up to them and commune? Or do you mean that you can't get there period?


> The simple answer to the first part is that sometimes you have to take friends with you, such as most of the HP challenges and some of the mastery points in Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, etc. The answer to the second part is more difficult. I found one mastery point where I was standing on the icon in the map, but it said that it was 12K above me... and there was only sky. That is an issue.


Probably only accessible with a Jackal through a portal.

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Disagree. Yes, the mastery points take some effort to get to but consider that you only will ever have to do it once for your entire account to reap the rewards. Also, did you notice that the experience 'grind' for POF was a drop in the bucket compared to HOT? I like the challenge in POF of finding enough mastery points to progress my mount skills. It is more enjoyable than having easy access to mastery points, but hours of grind ahead of me just to use them.

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Please tell me this is a joke topic. I was able to max out every single Mastery, I'm missing a few... not sure how many have 15 laying around right now.

in HoT I have only Glider completed and the others maybe up to upgrade 4 or so and I only have 5 mastery points left.


I find the other HoT masteries really hard to get (I can't get any adventure ones from Auric Basin and onward for example)

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Please tell me this is a joke topic.

Please read the whole topic.


This was a major problem the first couple of days after the launch, when the instances refused to load on some of the servers (so no masteries from the story, and none from the bounties either because trying to kill the legendary wyrm crashed the game). So some players couldn't progress past Crystal Desert, at least not without getting mesmers to help them reach the raptor 3+ masteries.


Now? Not such a problem anymore, so I dunno why this thread keeps going.



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Not enough easy Points?

The ones you need fast, lvl 3 masteries for the 4 mounts, come from story and easy exploration.


Before i ended pof exploration i had way more Points than needed, which includes the Points i needed for lvl 4 masteries and griffon masteries.


Ps: and I completed it slowly, in a couple of week ( 2 hours per day, and someday more ).


Edit: and about chef


1. Path is always the same, so knowing it and the casting/Landing time of throwing ingredients allows you to anticipate it easily, Just for not saying brainlessly.

2. The challenge allows you to make mystakes.

3. You just have to remember the locations of 20 ingredients more or Less.


Seriously, it was fun, not challenging.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Please tell me this is a joke topic.

> Please read the whole topic.


> This was a major problem the first couple of days after the launch, when the instances refused to load on some servers. So none of the players on those could get beyond Crystal Desert, at least not without getting mesmers to help them get to the raptor 3+ masteries.


> Now? Not such a problem anymore, so I dunno why this thread keeps going.




Strange as I think I got Raptor to 3 from Oasis.

I do remember trying to get into Riverlands and kept getting kicked out of the game every time and being brought back to the Oasis and geting pissed off.

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With the raptor, you can get the mastery that's supposed to be for the skimmer in the south west of crystal oasis by mounting and dismounting as a higher jump. Did that day 1 so devs might have moved a few rocks since then to change it. You can also get the mastery point in the middle of the quicksand area if you have advanced gliding my jumping off of the northern most pyramid (I think I followed a dulfy video for both of these mastery points). I also did the sous-chef one, which I know a lot of people were having difficulty with, so if you havent gotten that one yet, it's worth a try. Can't think of any other mastery points you can mcguyver your way to.

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> @"Enola B Twenty Nine.2631" said:

> So far, I love the expansion. Compared to HoT, I really enjoyed playing PoF, except until the past few hours. I am stuck looking for a single mastery point. I am on the "Find the remaining crystals of Vlast's body" story, and need to get "canyon jumping" mastery. I have just one more point so as to get the Springer Mount, but for the life of me, I can't find any "easy" accessible points. I have also been to Elon Riverlands, but these don't seem to be accessible either.


> Am I missing something? I am sick and tired of wondering around the web looking for possible clues. Is there an exact number of easier accessible mastery's, and I am just missing them?


Sorry I never had any trouble getting these points, but she has an amazing guide to help you ....


As per Dulfy :









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> @Vladish.3940 said:

> > @Khisanth.2948 said:

> > I like the fact that ArenaNet's response to players complaining about mastery gating is to make the gating even worse in their next expansion...


> I see no gating being worse. People need to learn to not rush through maps "to the end" and just explore too. I finished only Crystal Oasis and have points to spare, with mastery points still left on the map, so yeah....


Yeah, the masteries in PoF were much easier to get a hold of, and the obnoxious gates from HoT didn't make an appearance in PoF.

And no "Adventure" locking! :+1:

If there was any problem I ran into getting my masteries for PoF, it was that several were locked behind Jackal 3 sand portals. That got frustrating because of the portals' weird placement and the old "you can't get there from here" that I loathed in HoT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so this post I'm writing at present, which is in the future of the original post that was written in the past... can be answered by the following:


They have enough mastery points to get you to Canyon Jumping by just using your raptor. Unfortunately, you can only get one additional mastery point for full completion of the raptor before you run out of accessible ones. So, if you're like me and you want to be a completionist, it's next to impossible. Somebody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I've gone around the Desert Highlands multiple times, as well as Crystal Oasis, and can't find any more mastery points that the raptor can reach on its own.


Luckily, you don't need a full souped-up raptor to get the springer, but... alas, I wish I could do one mastery track at a time without backlash.

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> @Kroff.5204 said:

> UPDATE: I did a little puzzle-solving in Kanuz Cache, crossed the gap there using Canyon Jumping, and was already able to obtain one more mastery point. I'll scout the area to see if there are more possibilities. One step closer to my goal!


Just a tip for anyone doing this, dismounting (not the engage skill) gives you a higher jump than the raptor can normally jump and way higher than you as a player can jump. That should give you enough leg room to get around this.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah I gotta say this is garbage. I've grabbed all the easy mastery points, plus whatever the story gives me and now i'm wandering around trying to figure out what to do because I've consulted a list of mastery points and none are accessible without a springer, I can't access a springer because I can't find a final mastery point for the raptor long jump, and I can't find a mastery point because I've gone through the list and the story says I need a springer to reach a crystal.


Cool, I guess i'll just wander around aimlessly Anet.

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I haven't followed this thread at all, but since it got bumped:


I've recently completed all my elite specs on 8.75/9 characters, starting from Vabbi up (using the sunspear teleport thing so I don't have to play the story). 90% of my HC unlocks have come from the top two maps. They're way easier to get to and way easier to complete.

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Finally did Imed’s Grotto, ONLY after jumping off the raptor... it was cute how they put not one but two reef drakes on that tiny platform... and make one spawn right on top of the mastery point too, instantly I might add, so you're guaranteed to agro it.


By the time I killed it and was halfway through getting the point, it spawns AGAIN. What is that even? Ugh, so glad to be done with this point scraping for a while.

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I found PoF mastery tracks way easier than Hot ones. I had to leave some mastery points on the maps that couldn't be done without a specific mount, but I never found myself stuck. On the contrary, I always had more MP available than my exp bar.

The only thing that I did, was to level up the tracks until level 3, and then switch to another mount, since the 3 is very useful, while the 4 cost several points and don't provide any big utility for your progress.

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> @"Siska.8102" said:

> No there isn't enough reasonably attainable mastery points. It makes playing the story miserable. I don't need things handed to me, but when playing the story is gated behind having the mount mastery needed to get the mastery it gets a bit stupid.



I completely agree, but this is what the expansion was ADVERTISED as. You'd get mounts that you need to upgrade via mastery points in order to access areas of the map. And people LOVED the idea. I was alone screaming "WHY would you want this?" Well, now we have what everyone said sounded awesome. Now, we get complaints.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Struggled pretty hard myself to get the last mastery point for raptor3, had to blow a teleport to friend to get one. Then it was smooth sailing, and i have an excess of them now.


So as I understand it, you want the bunny to progress through story you don't have access to because all instance servers are down?


I totally get the frustration as I had to wait nearly a day on US because instance servers were down. But others are correct-by playing through the story instances (when they're up) and hunting through the first zone, you will end up with more.than enough MP to get your raptor to L3 long before you get to the bunny.

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I had a similar problem, needed canyon jumping to finish the story, but needed the mastery point from the story to get canyon jumping.


I ended up on Dulfy and found a wonderful table that listed all the commune mastery points by mount and mount ability. It turned out there was one just outside Amnoon that I had missed. After I got that it was plain sailing and now I have more mastery points and not enough XP again.

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