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WvW name change?


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And it isn't a war of alliances. That would mean it was only one alliance vs another. Alliances will be just one part of a 'world'.


Same thing with guilds. It's not one guild fighting just another.


The most accurate term is World vs World vs World.


The next closest would be Realm vs Realm vs Realm.


Nothing else reflects it as accurately.

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> @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > > Since the worlds won't be permanent let's call it Temporary World vs Temporary World vs Temporary World. :p

> > By this logic you where on a temporary server even if you stayed there for 6 years. People move all the time, it doesnt make servers temporary does it? Even a 0 population world is still a world.

> >


> The world I started on is still here. Albeit it has become a guest world with no identity left and nothing to gain nor lose in WvW.


> Come the alliance system all worlds become guest worlds with no identity and nothing to fight for.

Ah but they are still worlds are they not? And permanent at that.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > > > Since the worlds won't be permanent let's call it Temporary World vs Temporary World vs Temporary World. :p

> > > By this logic you where on a temporary server even if you stayed there for 6 years. People move all the time, it doesnt make servers temporary does it? Even a 0 population world is still a world.

> > >

> >

> > The world I started on is still here. Albeit it has become a guest world with no identity left and nothing to gain nor lose in WvW.

> >

> > Come the alliance system all worlds become guest worlds with no identity and nothing to fight for.

> Ah but they are still worlds are they not? And permanent at that.


At the end of season the world ends. Glicko rating gets reset, position in the season ladder wiped and forgotten, and all players kicked out. The world's name will be recycled for the next season, so we cannot even engrave a tombstone. Death of an unknown world - did it even exist?

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> @"Korgov.7645" said:

> At the end of season the world ends. Glicko rating gets reset, position in the season ladder wiped and forgotten, and all players kicked out. The world's name will be recycled for the next season, so we cannot even engrave a tombstone. Death of an unknown world - did it even exist?


If they run actual seasons/tournaments again with this, they'll be remembered in our hearts and at the very least on the wiki! just like the first 3 tournaments!



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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > At the end of season the world ends. Glicko rating gets reset, position in the season ladder wiped and forgotten, and all players kicked out. The world's name will be recycled for the next season, so we cannot even engrave a tombstone. Death of an unknown world - did it even exist?


> If they run actual seasons/tournaments again with this, they'll be remembered in our hearts and at the very least on the wiki! just like the first 3 tournaments!

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Fall_Tournament_2014


Excellent point.


There were 2 rewards: Tournament Claim Tickets, and a Dolyak statue in the Citadel.


The tickets do not make you standout as everyone can get tickets regardless of success - it only takes more time. The Dolyak statue, if not completely removed, will be all random as a season starts.


It says Ring of Fire won the first Bronze Tier Tournament. Can the world defend the title? No. Can anyone prove to have been on that world at the time? No. Or to have contributed towards the victory? No.



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People remember BG overwhelmingly winning the first tournament, they remember the infamous double team of the season tournament to make them lose, and then BG dominating again for the 3rd tournament. The server names live on in the memory and videos of those times through it's own players. Players not on those server wouldn't give a care anyways because they had no chance. For all those tournaments the server composition of players and guilds were not the same either, or do you really think BG had the same players and guilds for all 3 tournaments?


The rewards were also crap because it was something new they were trying while knowing that worlds with the greatest coverage were going to win, and because of that they couldn't give much in prizes based on server performance. Which is also why wvw suffered for so long in getting low rewards in general, until reward tracks and skirmish rewards which are more individually based. Maybe they can look to give out more permanent rewards since worlds will be more equal than ever before, and therefore worlds actually earning their wins, like the world tournament finishers they have for spvp (could have swore there's a permanent dolyak gold silver bronze finisher around in one of the wvw tournaments).


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> /Shrug

> People remember BG overwhelmingly winning the first tournament, they remember the infamous double team of the season tournament to make them lose, and then BG dominating again for the 3rd tournament. The server names live on in the memory and videos of those times through it's own players. Players not on those server wouldn't give a care anyways because they had no chance. For all those tournaments the server composition of players and guilds were not the same either, or do you really think BG had the same players and guilds for all 3 tournaments?


> The rewards were also crap because it was something new they were trying while knowing that worlds with the greatest coverage were going to win, and because of that they couldn't give much in prizes based on server performance. Which is also why wvw suffered for so long in getting low rewards in general, until reward tracks and skirmish rewards which are more individually based. Maybe they can look to give out more permanent rewards since worlds will be more equal than ever before, and therefore worlds actually earning their wins, like the world tournament finishers they have for spvp (could have swore there's a permanent dolyak gold silver bronze finisher around in one of the wvw tournaments).


Even BG retained major portion of its population season to season (I assume. I don't have statistics). That allows it to be recognized as the same world.


I'd love if the seasons had glory rewards to swagger about: leaderboards, titles, unique skins, finishers, commander badge icons, objective decorations... Some permanent, some lasting, some defendable. That would definitely restore some competiveness in the game mode.


Not sure if this ever was a tournament reward.




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Did no-one read the FAQ? Worlds aren't going away - there are just going to be new ones, number to be determined depending on demand, re-adjusted and re-started every eight weeks : "The number of worlds can change every season. The number will always be divisible by three, but one season could have 12 world and the next could have 15 based on the need of the population."


The FAQ refers to "worlds" throughout "We plan on updating the API so that it can recognize the new worlds created with World Restructuring", "The goal is to have worlds be balanced at the same level. That way we can create great matches. We are not trying to make 3 tier-one-worlds and then 3 tier-two-worlds etc."


"Worlds" are very definitely not "Alliances". A "World" can hold four or five full-size Alliances : "500 players is around 20-25% of WvW world sizes currently (this is only using players we consider active WvW players). Therefore, a single alliance can be a significant size of a world population but not the majority."


This is all in the FAQ so where the idea that the new system will be Alliance vs Alliance comes from beats me. If the system works and the population is spread evenly as intended, a Match will include anything up to 15 full-size Alliances across all three teams and the "teams" will, as now, be known as "Worlds". So there's no need to change the name of the game mode.


The one thing I can't see in the FAQ, but which I have a vague idea was mentioned at some point, is what the Worlds will be called. I thought I read something about new names being created for the Worlds at each bi-monthly reset. Clearly they will have to be called something for the API even if we end up calling them "Red/Blue/Green" in game.

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