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[Suggestion] Could we please have enemy Spellbreakers Winds elite a different colour effect?


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So like the image above? This is from a Harpy Spellbreaker and instead of the AoE bubble being orange/yellow, it's an obvious "enemy" red. In WvW however enemy Winds remain the same colour. It's so hard to tell which is a friendly Winds of Disenchantment and which belongs to the enemy. There is a red outline on the bottom of the bubble, but in a Zerg fight or fights on un-even terrain it's hard to notice and differentiate between them, often too late when all of our boons are ripped and we're down.

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Posted this on Reddit as well to see what others that don't use the Forums say: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/71xnzy/suggestion_in_wvw_and_pvp_could_we_have_enemy/. One comment even suggested having the new Scourge Sand Shades turn red too, which is also a good idea. But the most important skill effect change from PoF IMO is def. Winds having that distinguished look/colour.


The enemy colour's are in the game already, they just need to be implemented as Enemy ones in WvW too.

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Or even put a triangle over the top of it that shows which color the server is that that is safe for... lol


I have noticed that the ground is red around the perimeter of the one that the enemy does and blue for the one that the allie of yours does. However, it easily gets lost in all the other red AoE circles that you can't always be sure that's safe or not.


EDIT: maybe make a bigger thicker circle on the ground that is blue to say safe bubble, or a bigger thicker red border on the ground where the dome meets?

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Please tell me you are looking into this for skill across all professions. This has been requested for years on various skills across multiple professions. I would really hate to see the golden children in the game, warriors, suddenly have this change exclusive to one of their skills while the rest of us are ignored......

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> @coglin.1496 said:

> Please tell me you are looking into this for skill across all professions. This has been requested for years on various skills across multiple professions. I would really hate to see the golden children in the game, warriors, suddenly have this change exclusive to one of their skills while the rest of us are ignored......


The golden child of 0 High level SPvP relevance for quite a while, A long spree of no zerg relevance, 0 Power build viability for raids or fractals, and outpaced, sluggish mechanics in rampant powercreep...


Just to irk this guy, I kind of hope they only do it for bubble. Warrior finally gets a bit of love with spell breaker and I'm getting my 5 gallon jug ready to collect tears.


Welcome to glitterdome wimps.

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> @CrashTheGrey.1492 said:

> > @coglin.1496 said:

> > Please tell me you are looking into this for skill across all professions. This has been requested for years on various skills across multiple professions. I would really hate to see the golden children in the game, warriors, suddenly have this change exclusive to one of their skills while the rest of us are ignored......


> The golden child of 0 High level SPvP relevance for quite a while, A long spree of no zerg relevance, 0 Power build viability for raids or fractals, and outpaced, sluggish mechanics in rampant powercreep...


> Just to irk this guy, I kind of hope they only do it for bubble. Warrior finally gets a bit of love with spell breaker and I'm getting my 5 gallon jug ready to collect tears.


> Welcome to glitterdome wimps.


So.. I don't play warrior, don't like the style or type, but that was quite an effective retort there. Two snaps up with a twist.


Seriously. You summed up the issues with warrior well. About the only thing I see them consistently do well, is roam, and even then, unless the person is good, I can defeat them with a DD.


Warrior and engie both seem to be the classes with the least overall viability in each of the game modes.


And I am not saying that people can't be viable with them, but they rarely fit the meta.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @coglin.1496 said:

> Please tell me you are looking into this for skill across all professions. This has been requested for years on various skills across multiple professions. I would really hate to see the golden children in the game, warriors, suddenly have this change exclusive to one of their skills while the rest of us are ignored......


What other skills fx do you have a problem with?

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> @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> > @coglin.1496 said:

> > Please tell me you are looking into this for skill across all professions. This has been requested for years on various skills across multiple professions. I would really hate to see the golden children in the game, warriors, suddenly have this change exclusive to one of their skills while the rest of us are ignored......


> What other skills fx do you have a problem with?


Mainly Timewarps / Plaguelands / Walls of Reflection / Purging flames - many others but these are the most impactful ones that have been brought up within my guild. A lot of mesmer stuff is hard to tell as well (I agree about portal and feedback) but in my opinion have less impact. Thanks for looking into this.

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> @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> Just wanted to let everyone know we are looking into this.


But plz also balance wise, seeing which bubble are your own and which not is a first step but the sped of the boonrip 100% + maybe size/targets/duration/cd need a nerf too.

The combination of all the condies and boonhate the scourge/speelbraker combo can output need a big tweak down,

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> @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> > @coglin.1496 said:

> > Please tell me you are looking into this for skill across all professions. This has been requested for years on various skills across multiple professions. I would really hate to see the golden children in the game, warriors, suddenly have this change exclusive to one of their skills while the rest of us are ignored......


> What other skills fx do you have a problem with?


Scourge's Shade could really use some color coding. Same for Dragonhunter traps

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changing colours of entrance/exit portals would be cool too for mesmers. if you stumble on one, with an exit alrdy up somewhere, you have no idea if its the entrance or the exit.


And definitely for dh traps (and whatever other class).....no idea what is friendly and what isn't half the time.

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