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How Many Characters Do You Have?

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> @"MoJoe.9063" said:

> Related to this topic, how can you people stand to have two characters of the same race/gender combination when every character of that combo has the exact same voice? I like to imagine my characters having different personalities, and the voice is a big part of that, so it annoys me too much when I have, e.g. two human females with the exact same voice when I've pictured them to be very different people. And because I don't like charrs and norns that much, this means I've pretty much hard-capped myself at 6 characters... (one of either gender for asura, human and sylvari)


Hm to be quite honest I'd never thought about it. I guess the voice had never been a huge thing for me. Each of my characters has their own lore and personality it's true, but a lot of the time the voice just translates in my head I guess? How to explain...I guess for me it's like watching animes with subtitles. I hear their voice as it should be, but in my head it just auto translates into their voice in English as I watch. Does that make sense lol?

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> @"MoJoe.9063" said:

> Related to this topic, how can you people stand to have two characters of the same race/gender combination when every character of that combo has the exact same voice? I like to imagine my characters having different personalities, and the voice is a big part of that, so it annoys me too much when I have, e.g. two human females with the exact same voice when I've pictured them to be very different people. And because I don't like charrs and norns that much, this means I've pretty much hard-capped myself at 6 characters... (one of either gender for asura, human and sylvari)


The voice never matches what I imagine they should sound like anyway. Having them identical is another aspect of that. Since I can’t have them sound like they do in my imagination then having multiples doesn’t matter since I’m disregarding how their voice sounds.

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Nine... one of each class. Five are level 80 masters of their elite specs; the other four are all around 65-70. I rotate through them, setting a goal each time I play one of them; when I reach that goal, I move on to the next character.

Had five level 80's from release, but I deleted them when I came back to the game; I always start new characters when I return to a game after being away for a while; I find that to be the best way to pick up all the rule changes. I have to say that I'm not happy with the changes in GW2 NPE and as I've said before, I despise HoT and dislike PoF. ANet lost its way...

I'll probably delete all of these characters when they all reach level 80 and move on to some other game. The original release of GW2 was fun; the current version is designed for elitists and raiders; not my cup of tea.

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> @"MoJoe.9063" said:

> Related to this topic, how can you people stand to have two characters of the same race/gender combination when every character of that combo has the exact same voice? I like to imagine my characters having different personalities, and the voice is a big part of that, so it annoys me too much when I have, e.g. two human females with the exact same voice when I've pictured them to be very different people. And because I don't like charrs and norns that much, this means I've pretty much hard-capped myself at 6 characters... (one of either gender for asura, human and sylvari)


I feel exactly the same! The only difference is that I love Norns and Charrs ^-^

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5 atm. Warrior/Necro mains at 80. Extra warrior I used to WvW on an alt build that I'm turning into a mule. 80 revenant that I'm turning into a mule because the entire profession is garbage, a 53 alt for bags and I'll be using one of my open spots for key farming, the other to roll a mesmer since it's anet's golden child.

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I've been playing GW2 for some months now. (Can I see somewhere when I started?) I think about 8-10 months maybe.

So far I mostly played with my beloved Sylvari Ranger (Luna Illyasdottir), which I got to level 80 with all zerker exotic gear and full specializations etc.

A few days ago I created a cute Asuran Thief (Imoen Dremur) and have been trying to get decent in PvP with her but thief PvP seems quite difficult to get good at.


I wish extra bag slots were swappable between characters, because I have no idea which character I'll go farming with most frequently in the future. (Possibly neither of these two.) Makes me reconsider buying the "Account Jump Start" item in the gem store, and instead just buy bank tabs with gems and bigger bags with gold. (24-slot have become more affordable since the last Living World Season 4 part, I think?)

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I think I have somewhere around 10. One is just a low level one that I use to farm transmutation crystals when I need them and just delete and recreate over and over again lol. I also have duplicates of warriors, thieves and rangers of different races, but no necro.

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> @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> do people who have more than 9 chars do personal story and map completion on each and every character?


Some do. They're insane. :P


I might consider pushing personal story for some if I'm that bored, if only because the rewards can be good, infrequently.

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> @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> do people who have more than 9 chars do personal story and map completion on each and every character?


I can only speak for myself but the answer to that would be no. Eventually I would like to but my goals for my characters differ. While they're all RP characters, they also represent certain playstyles/builds.


Also, HoT is very alt unfriendly when it comes to map completion, I've found, so I've pretty much given up on doing map completion out there.

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