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Mastery point converter

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There would be some obvious benefits to a mastery converter of some kind, including perhaps convincing those who didn't initially to buy one or both of the expansions. It would give new players the option of saving up Tyria mastery to get a head-start on their mounts. Or would you consider that 'cheating'?


NB. Yes, the options are partially overlapping, have a stab.

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Mastery points are meant to give players not a single way to achieve their masteries.


Out of X total Mastery Points you have to achieve Y of them in order to unlock all the masteries.

And because of that ( X > Y ) you are somehow free to chose what kind of mastery points redeem by playing the game.


Every LS will also provvide you another Mastery and more Mastery points ( through zones and achievements ), giving you even more choice.

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I misread the topic, but it should **NOT** convert them to other masteries (ie Core Masteries > POF). It should convert to some other currency, like obsidian shards or mystic clovers or something valuable. The excess mastery points at the end of HoT and Core Tyria are worthless to achieve. By adding a converter or vendor for excess mastery points to be used to purchase something valuable, it would add incentive to hunt some of the more prestigious/difficult ones.


I highly doubt they ever will add another HoT mastery. Yet I have plenty of excess mastery points with plenty more to get.

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Seperate in this case is good. You have to play the new areas to master what they have. Also need something to aim for when a new expansion hits... not just have it all sorted from the start.


Now as Reece said a way to convert excess mastery points into something entirely different... I could see that be nice... even if I personally don't want to hunt the points I'm missing in HoT (so awful).

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ANet's never going to provide an alternative use for excess mastery points:

* They want to maintain the motivation to buy expansions and for people to remain in its zones doing specific content.

* "Excess" means extra, surplus. So that people don't feel any pressure at all to get each and every mastery point possible.


I can see why people want these things. I just can't imagine any scenario in which GW2 is thriving and ANet thinks this is good for the long-term health of the game.

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I don't care too much, but I guess it could be nice to casual players who may have far less mastery points or have difficulty getting enough of them to fill in their masteries.

But for newbies this would introduce the risk of mis-spending their mastery points, causing them fo be stuck in like Path of Fire because they spent all their PoF mastery points to Nuhoch Lore. This causes them to find PoF inaccessible without certain mounts.


Yes, unlikely, but if it can happen it will happen. Newbie players will make newbie mistakes.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > Maybe fix the bugged Mastery in Mount Maelstrom, to make them all available?


> They are aware of this one being bugged. I don't recall that they posted an ETA for when it will get fixed. Probably next release, because they acknowledged it's blocking Aurora.


It was sort of humorous, in a sad kind of way, while 10 or so of us tried to will it into our achievements.

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Most of the masteries in HoT are not needed in other zones, but are specific to interactions with the NPCs in the HoT zones. The problem there, though, is more one of getting the necessary XP to apply those masteries; e.g., I have twenty-one HoT mastery points I can't apply because unless you're in a zerg doing the meta events, you only get dribbles of XP. Well, I hate zergs... I don't consider that to actually be playing the game; that's letting the game play you. ZERG LEFT! ZERG RIGHT! ZERG UP THE MIDDLE! RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY! THE RABBIT'S LOOSE! DON'T THINK; JUST FOLLOW THE ZERG...

Not for me... not in keeping with the original pretense of the game. Boring. Mindless. Not at all fun.

The PoF masteries have extensions to other zones. They appear to have been much better thought through. But HoT is a bad joke on the players.

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> Most of the masteries in HoT are not needed in other zones, but are specific to interactions with the NPCs in the HoT zones. The problem there, though, is more one of getting the necessary XP to apply those masteries; e.g., I have twenty-one HoT mastery points I can't apply because unless you're in a zerg doing the meta events, you only get dribbles of XP. Well, I hate zergs... I don't consider that to actually be playing the game; that's letting the game play you. ZERG LEFT! ZERG RIGHT! ZERG UP THE MIDDLE! RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY! THE RABBIT'S LOOSE! DON'T THINK; JUST FOLLOW THE ZERG...

> Not for me... not in keeping with the original pretense of the game. Boring. Mindless. Not at all fun.

> The PoF masteries have extensions to other zones. They appear to have been much better thought through. But HoT is a bad joke on the players.


Perhaps, you would find Living World Season 3 maps more satisfying, or easier to obtain the necessary XP.


Good luck.

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