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Pristine Server? Server with new ruleset?

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Would you be interested in a Pristine server? IE, something along the lines of what is being done with Rift or some other games recently? Or just a server (non-mega) with a different ruleset? Maybe even a monthly subscription?


I've been looking for more challenge in my games lately, and it's hard to find anything current that is challenging. It made me think about GW2 and what a pristine server could look like?


What would it be like if gear was capped at Rare? What if when you were downscaled you still weren't beyond overpowered like currently? What if they made more quests/DEs that were challenging and required grouping to accomplish some of them? What if they had a small server (perhaps RP?) where you had to get to know people and send invites to group?


Would anyone be interested in something like that?

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Can you explain for those of us who don't follow Rift updates what a Pristine server is? Is it literally just a 'hard mode' server like you described later on in your post - capped at lower tier equipment, more drastic downscaling & harder events? Or is there more to it than that?


It may take a bit of planning but you can already make the game harder for yourself if you want to. Obvious things like playing a profession you don't know well, restricting what equipment you can use (I once tried playing with no armour or trinkets, got up to about level 25 before I died because I accidentally aggroed too many enemies) or using a deliberately 'bad' build - like only using weapons and skills you never normally choose. You could also ban yourself from using gliding and mounts.


You can also make a free account so it's completely separate from your main account and you can't be tempted to cheat on things like mount use, or sharing items/gold from your other characters.


It's highly unlikely Anet are going to make a new server that's separate from the existing ones, because they seem to be opposed to anything that splits the playerbase up too much, which is understandable given the number of big meta-events which need lots of people around. But it may still be possible to create that sense of challenge yourself.

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This is Gw2- Multi facets of game play are already available - Options of play are up to the player - Grouping one of them- Want to play RP you can - Heaps of guilds are available - And I agree - To rid the 'world' of servers altogether, I'm not sure any kind of new servers is an option.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Can you explain for those of us who don't follow Rift updates what a Pristine server is? Is it literally just a 'hard mode' server like you described later on in your post - capped at lower tier equipment, more drastic downscaling & harder events? Or is there more to it than that?


> It may take a bit of planning but you can already make the game harder for yourself if you want to. Obvious things like playing a profession you don't know well, restricting what equipment you can use (I once tried playing with no armour or trinkets, got up to about level 25 before I died because I accidentally aggroed too many enemies) or using a deliberately 'bad' build - like only using weapons and skills you never normally choose. You could also ban yourself from using gliding and mounts.


> You can also make a free account so it's completely separate from your main account and you can't be tempted to cheat on things like mount use, or sharing items/gold from your other characters.


> It's highly unlikely Anet are going to make a new server that's separate from the existing ones, because they seem to be opposed to anything that splits the playerbase up too much, which is understandable given the number of big meta-events which need lots of people around. But it may still be possible to create that sense of challenge yourself.


Rift is currently running a server that goes back to what Rift was before it was a free to play cash shop game. All the rewards are in game but you have to pay a subscription. I'm not sure it's going to work out for them, but it's not like they're not running the free to play version concurrently.


You're basically starting over on that server without any of your long term buffs and veteran player rewards.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Rift is currently running a server that goes back to what Rift was before it was a free to play cash shop game. All the rewards are in game but you have to pay a subscription. I'm not sure it's going to work out for them, but it's not like they're not running the free to play version concurrently.


> You're basically starting over on that server without any of your long term buffs and veteran player rewards.

That's not really it in case of Rifts. The main difference is that Rifts cash shop in f2p leans strongly towards p2w. _That_ is why there are people willing to pay a subscription for having everything be accessible within the game. In the long run it's just much cheaper if you play at more than casual level.


That can't really be compared to the GW2 situation, as gw2 shop is vanity based, not p2w one.



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> @"Vayne.8563" said:


> Rift is currently running a server that goes back to what Rift was before it was a free to play cash shop game. All the rewards are in game but you have to pay a subscription. I'm not sure it's going to work out for them, but it's not like they're not running the free to play version concurrently.


> You're basically starting over on that server without any of your long term buffs and veteran player rewards.


This description is wrong.


From RIFT Homepage:

> "RIFT Prime is a progression server, meaning that the server begins with content and level caps restricted to that of the original RIFT launch, then gradually unlocks additional content and expands the level cap over time. This allows RIFT Prime players to experience each set of content from RIFT’s history in sequence.


> RIFT Prime will not be an exact copy of launch RIFT, and certain features that were added to RIFT to expand gameplay or improve quality of life will be available from day one. These include: Dimensions, Looking for Group, Looking for Raid, current Warfronts, and Wardrobes."


It also **does** include a cash shop.

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> @"Sindariel.2354" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:


> > Rift is currently running a server that goes back to what Rift was before it was a free to play cash shop game. All the rewards are in game but you have to pay a subscription. I'm not sure it's going to work out for them, but it's not like they're not running the free to play version concurrently.

> >

> > You're basically starting over on that server without any of your long term buffs and veteran player rewards.


> This description is wrong.


> From RIFT Homepage:

> > "RIFT Prime is a progression server, meaning that the server begins with content and level caps restricted to that of the original RIFT launch, then gradually unlocks additional content and expands the level cap over time. This allows RIFT Prime players to experience each set of content from RIFT’s history in sequence.

> >

> > RIFT Prime will not be an exact copy of launch RIFT, and certain features that were added to RIFT to expand gameplay or improve quality of life will be available from day one. These include: Dimensions, Looking for Group, Looking for Raid, current Warfronts, and Wardrobes."


> It also **does** include a cash shop.


Yep there was a cash shop at launch too. It doesn't include the p2w cash shop that came with the free to play game. I don't believe there are enough Rift players left to split the servers anyway. I think it'll be a failed initiative.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

> > > @"petespri.6548" said:

> > > Would you be interested in a Pristine server? IE, something along the lines of what is being done with Rift or some other games recently? Or just a server (non-mega) with a different ruleset? Maybe even a monthly subscription?

> >

> > I would happily pay a monthly subscription-fee for a better quality of support/development in this game. The buy to play model is complete garbage. And it's **such a shame** because this awesome game is languishing right now...

> >

> > We had to wait three years after HoT for a new expansion, and it was all over in three days. You still have people running stupid, boring, 5 year old fractals like Cliffside and Urban Battleground, etc etc etc.

> >

> > If I could pay $15 a month to help them hire some people and actually do something with this game, I'd be all in. Some people would cry a river and threaten to quit. But they already do that anyway. And those serial crybabies have always struck me as some of the cheapest and most miserly people in the game (i.e. the ones who make the btp model such a flop).

> >

> > Let them go. Charge a fee. Grow this game.


There's only going to be 2 years between expansions, as there was between HoT and PoF. Also, I'm not quite sure how much bigger a staff you think Anet needs, if you think they only have a hundred or so employees you might want to do more math, last word was that staffing was around 300 or so people during work on HoT, of course that includes other areas besides development, but they have plenty of staffing, even if that count has shed a 100 positions or so since HoT and they had a slightly smaller staff for PoF. Remember, they have multiple teams working on different content, there are 4 Living World teams(that was the last count), an expansion team, the Current Events/Festival team, etc., etc.,



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