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Were the design team playing chess while working on the obsidian weapons?


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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> i love it tbh


> add a chess armor set too please

> maybe the light armor classes can be a bishop

> and the heavies can be rooks

> and the mediums can be horsies


> and then t2 is a mix of that with king/queen bits


And then add an option to game menu where all players below bronze rank display on screen as pawns rofl!

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Was a nice try by Anet try to rework some of the skins, but they still look bad...only way i can find myself even consider using any of those, is if that is the first weapon set that comes with dye channels, that would make a big diference in my opinion, this "chess" kind of theme they going in here aint working for me, atleast this way I would be able to dye everything the same...but still, the design itself still ugly, they should put the same art people who make the gem store stuff, would look 10 times better.

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Could we maybe hold a competition to get them community designed instead? I feel that it would hold more meaning and pride. Heck lets do one for every server heheh. Like a Sea of Sorrows/Maguuma/Blackgate/Dragonbrand/Yak's Bend/etc/etc weapon collection. It would be nice to commemorate the servers and also keep the community busy in the meantime.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Could we maybe hold a competition to get them community designed instead? I feel that it would hold more meaning and pride. Heck lets do one for every server heheh. Like a Sea of Sorrows/Maguuma/Blackgate/Dragonbrand/Yak's Bend/etc/etc weapon collection. It would be nice to commemorate the servers and also keep the community busy in the meantime.


EU says hi.


I vote for WSR to have various depictions of Chris Whiteside as ours, I know he’s left but we still remember.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > Could we maybe hold a competition to get them community designed instead? I feel that it would hold more meaning and pride. Heck lets do one for every server heheh. Like a Sea of Sorrows/Maguuma/Blackgate/Dragonbrand/Yak's Bend/etc/etc weapon collection. It would be nice to commemorate the servers and also keep the community busy in the meantime.


> EU says hi.


> I vote for WSR to have various depictions of Chris Whiteside as ours, I know he’s left but we still remember.


Aye all servers, na/eu. I'm sure there's some interest in this kind of thing especially if we got some of our opinions on the design involved.

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Honestly, I appreciate that you had someone take actual time and design new skins for these weapons. Says a lot about how you regard community feedback.

I can guess the theme with these weapons. Something like I'm guessing either royal or chess like, and I like that direction much, MUCH better than the first iteration.

With that said.


I don't think the weapons having changing effects does the set justice.

My opinion but having the sets change colors to the green,blue,red coloring kills the whole design for me. I would rather see the weapons have an effect like the mount skins you just released

A black mist oozing out of the weapons where the obsidian is located would look cool.


Also thank you for redoing the meme shield. The new one looks SOOOO much better.

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