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Mastery Revamp - If you could change one facet, how would you change/revamp the Mastery System?

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > Get rid of mastery points and only use exp to unlock mastery. I really don't enjoy collecting mastery points.

> >

> > Completely agree. Points seem totally unnecessary, especially since so many of them are locked behind irrelevant activities like spoon collecting or wardrobe purchases or rifle shooting or...


> What, you find doing a fractal to get a spoon does not have much relevance to something like pact commander? :)


> I hate the points as well. Either get rid of them or have them 1 per level. The xp should be enough to have tougher levels of masteries as you will eventually reach whatever number it is. Points just add some random gate and having most of them be insights anyway makes them more 'what is the point' than anything else.


I've never set foot in a fractal other than the one _very_ personally humiliating time I tried to solo what I think was a low-tier one. Never again :p I'm doomed to forever wearing a shameful "107" tag. I can't see myself ever earning or seeking out more points. I tried going for the dive mastery, but got bored at 75% complete. Can't afford to unlock even one full tier of cultural armor on a single race. Tried to do the karka extermination thing in Lion's Arch a couple years back, but I can't platform my way out of a paper bag. It might be better with mounts now, who knows? I just know it wasn't fun and felt pointless.


Even more fun-- I have every mastery trained to max XP on all maps, but not enough HoT or Core Tyria points to unlock anything. All my XP is pointless, and I can't progress anymore without spending oodles of time doing things I have zero interest in.


Speaking of changes, could we please, please, please hide our mastery point total, Anet? At least with SWTOR's command rank flair system, you can choose to hide your "progress." I always feel vaguely humiliated when doing anything with my 80s. It's like wearing a big "kick me" sign, except this one says, "I'm lazy and I hate endgame grinding."

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> I'd make the Pact Commander speed boost apply to all of PVE instead of just cities. It'd be a massive QoL thing, and there's no real reason no to just let it work everywhere.


Yeah, now that mounts and gliding are things for most 80s stuff for speed boosts and to reduce falling damage are not as relevant as they used to be. Having a speed boost only usable in cities is laughable.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > > Get rid of mastery points and only use exp to unlock mastery. I really don't enjoy collecting mastery points.

> > >

> > > Completely agree. Points seem totally unnecessary, especially since so many of them are locked behind irrelevant activities like spoon collecting or wardrobe purchases or rifle shooting or...

> >

> > What, you find doing a fractal to get a spoon does not have much relevance to something like pact commander? :)

> >

> > I hate the points as well. Either get rid of them or have them 1 per level. The xp should be enough to have tougher levels of masteries as you will eventually reach whatever number it is. Points just add some random gate and having most of them be insights anyway makes them more 'what is the point' than anything else.


> I've never set foot in a fractal other than the one _very_ personally humiliating time I tried to solo what I think was a low-tier one. Never again :p I'm doomed to forever wearing a shameful "107" tag. I can't see myself ever earning or seeking out more points. I tried going for the dive mastery, but got bored at 75% complete.


I went in them solo once ..... and quickly died. My only real time was with a group that I was doing a bunch of stuff with and someone insisted on doing fractals .... I have never felt more miserable. Yeah, another person who has not maxed out every mastery line.

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I dont like the experience aspect at all.

Thats just “oh, you baked 200 cakes, and build 450 huts. Now you know in detail how to barter, flatter, and trade with this desert nomadic species”.

No, masteries should unlock by doing events **that are associated with what you’re doing**

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I would choose the last option but I'm on the fence right now. Honestly, the only thing I would of changed about the mastery system is for it to be more open, as in you can use those skills outside of their expansion like gliding. They have made improvements with PoF in that mounts can be used anywhere and so far the new mastery line has added a mount skill so if they continue in this way so they are more general usage and not niche uses like being able to fight a giant frog then I say stay the course.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> I dont like the experience aspect at all.

> Thats just “oh, you baked 200 cakes, and build 450 huts. Now you know in detail how to barter, flatter, and trade with this desert nomadic species”.

> No, masteries should unlock by doing events **that are associated with what you’re doing**


True. In fact, masteries can be tied to Achievements and Collections in this sense. Such that an achievement or collection teaches and grants you the mastery skill you are trying to acquire.


The types of trials to complete an achievement can be diverse, and you can keep track in the achievements panel.


To gain favor for a certain tribe, you do events that help them.

To earn a mount, you pass certain tests with a borrowed mount.

To earn passive or active skills, you might repeat some action. For example, revive N amounts of times to earn a skill that improves your revival attempts.





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Even if I do not find the system perfect and would like to see a few changes, I globally like it much. I find very good that there is a system of points additional to the original XP system, the WvW point system and the achievements points system. That's one more facet available in the game for more objectives and variety of what can be done.


I find especially good the overall balance that has been achieved with the last LSs, providing a sufficient amount and variety of activities to earn points, what allows all players to find a suitable way to complete the masteries. I also find good that the target of completing all existing mastery points is a bit challenging thanks to the more difficult ones, while remaining optional.


As for the main changes I would like to see:

- For me personally: A way to spend the mastery points I have in excess. However, this should be something neutral enough, as in convenient but not too much attractive, in order to preserve the flexibility not to have to do all points.

- For many of my friends who struggle with that: More ways to earn red mastery points in original Tyria.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> I dont like the experience aspect at all.

> Thats just “oh, you baked 200 cakes, and build 450 huts. Now you know in detail how to barter, flatter, and trade with this desert nomadic species”.

> No, masteries should unlock by doing events **that are associated with what you’re doing**


That could work really well if it could tie into the heart system too. Events could be problematic for some players at certain times depending on a map's population-- HoT, for example-- but having alternate soloable activities that are directly relevant could be a lot of fun and add to immersion.

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I do not like the mastery point system especially with things like having to be great at adventures for people like me for one mastery point I had to get 5 at bronze I aint that good to get gold or silver on them. Having to redo all of the achievements in a story line to get one mastery point is stupid also. I don't mind killing bosses to get them or even leveling up to get them. have more easier mastery points than needed so people can get them it still takes a while either way I wanna play the game my way not constantly look for them takes the fun out of the game for me. I am at 221 now it gets me around fine. Wanna have all the masteries though but takes way too long example did an adventure where you shoot at things on a time limit I thought I was doing well but they kept adding things to shoot and it was not near as much as I needed for even bronze before the time was up I think I was up to about 15 I'm not an expert so I just gave up. Maybe one day it will change and more will be added that are easier to acquire for each area.

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