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Part of PVPs toxicity: lack of forfeit


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> If we were to ever implement a vote to forfeit option, we'd probably put in score and time requirements to prevent abuse. At that point, it's likely saving you maybe 2-3 minutes max. Doesn't seem like a worthwhile thing for us to spend our time on.


I mean. 2 minutes is time better spent requeueing, but I get it.

This isn't a LoL match where you can run for 45 minutes. you have 15 mins tops in team, significantly less if its a blowout. Add that to the potential for spawning more toxicity by people either forfeiting or refusing to do so and it seems better to just take the loss.


> @"Assic.2746" said:

> Truth be told there is a lot of AFKers in PvP. Even in tournements people queue and AFK on spawn just to get participation rewards and reward track progression without actively participating in match.


That being said this -is- a problem. We can't force people to contribute meaningfully, but if you're just sitting in spawn, refusing to even at least be a target to distract an enemy or two because you are too lazy to play for rewards or too angry to try doing what you can for the team, dishonor should apply to you.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> If we were to ever implement a vote to forfeit option, we'd probably put in score and time requirements to prevent abuse. At that point, it's likely saving you maybe 2-3 minutes max. Doesn't seem like a worthwhile thing for us to spend our time on.


Ben telling it like it is :)

I appreciate that.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> For it to work every player in the group must agree to /resign or something. I can't even get half my team to use the chat and that's in high plat. Likely yod'd forfeit 1 match per 2 weeks at best saving 3 minutes.


Indeed. I would refuse to enter /resign just out of spite. The rage in chat would be hilarious.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> If we were to ever implement a vote to forfeit option, we'd probably put in score and time requirements to prevent abuse. At that point, it's likely saving you maybe 2-3 minutes max. Doesn't seem like a worthwhile thing for us to spend our time on.


Or you could use a voting system. Difficult to abuse if 3/5 people have to decide if the game should be forfeit. Also, less problems if you make it so forfeit is no longer an option after 8 minutes or so into the match


People have been asking for a way to forfeit for years now for good reasons. Im not sure its right to dismiss that with a spur of the moment thought.


About what is worthwhile to spend time on. The inventory management system is long over due for an overhaul, the action camera doesnt work right, then theres the problem of the lack of visibility of cooldowns (including traits and sigils) but we have gotten at least 4 PvP UI changes that no one needed.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> If we were to ever implement a vote to forfeit option, we'd probably put in score and time requirements to prevent abuse. At that point, it's likely saving you maybe 2-3 minutes max. Doesn't seem like a worthwhile thing for us to spend our time on.


10 minute queues

"Not worth our time"


Do you play your own game? WvW tracks faster and it's still dullishly slow. You must either hate your playerbase or think they're unemployed.

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> @"Gretzel.6790" said:

> If a member DCs, doesn't it give a 'bye' and waiver the results of a loss? I recall it doing that like a year ago. It should do that when you have a kitten afk in spawn for most of the match too.


That would be nice to have, but people would manipulate matches by afking to protect their team/ moving but being useless to ensure their team loses points

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Gretzel.6790" said:

> > If a member DCs, doesn't it give a 'bye' and waiver the results of a loss? I recall it doing that like a year ago. It should do that when you have a kitten afk in spawn for most of the match too.


> That would be nice to have, but people would manipulate matches by afking to protect their team/ moving but being useless to ensure their team loses points


Yeah things like these are never a one mark solution. You have to go with one adjustment, then figure out how to safeguard that and then so on.

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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> Dunno man. Not really sure this pvp community is healthy enough to have an forfiet option I could see more options to wintrade and have say 3/5 people forfiet in such a way that it fits the requirements.


Then just don't let people send gold or whispers during ranked games

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Something needs to be done for sure. In ranked, I cannot count how many times a player has gotten upset midmatch and decided to "AFK" in the base. Usually, this is because said player cannot stand a wipe or setback, assumes (99% of the time wrongly) that their team can't win, and thus dooms their team by refusing to play. That, or said player tries to micromanage his teammates and decides to throw a temper tantrum as soon as someone does something he dislikes.

I have a bad taste in my mouth from all the matches I've lost because someone on the team throws a tantrum... especially in gold tier. I don't know if a resign option would help this problem at all, but I hope arenanet can find a solution.

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