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Help me find a build


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Hey there, I just came back to the game after 5 years and done s2 story and about to begin HoT, and also start working on getting ascended gear but the problem I have I don't know what stat to take and with what build to go, I saw there is a Power Chrono, Support Chrono, and Cond Mirage. I don't have a lot of gold so for the start I want something that is sort of easy to gear for. also when I look online for builds most of them are out-dated because Mesmer got some rework in a recent patch.

I would like if someone could help me with choosing and finding a build and choice of weapons.

if you need any info from me ask away. Thank you :)

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If you're starting on HoT rather than PoF, then your choice is pretty easy: You'll be unlocking Chrono first. For open world, power chrono is a strong option. Excellent burst and sustained damage paired with strong survivability. Condi Mirage is probably a little stronger on survivability and sustained damage, but weaker in terms of burst and area damage. You really can't go wrong with either power Chrono or Condi Mirage at this point.


I've been playing Condi Mirage for several months now and it feels strong and fun to play. Here's a sample!


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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> If you're starting on HoT rather than PoF, then your choice is pretty easy: You'll be unlocking Chrono first. For open world, power chrono is a strong option. Excellent burst and sustained damage paired with strong survivability. Condi Mirage is probably a little stronger on survivability and sustained damage, but weaker in terms of burst and area damage. You really can't go wrong with either power Chrono or Condi Mirage at this point.


> I've been playing Condi Mirage for several months now and it feels strong and fun to play. Here's a sample!




I guess I'll start with Chrono Power, but which weapons and stats for gear should I use?

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> @"Melode.3407" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > If you're starting on HoT rather than PoF, then your choice is pretty easy: You'll be unlocking Chrono first. For open world, power chrono is a strong option. Excellent burst and sustained damage paired with strong survivability. Condi Mirage is probably a little stronger on survivability and sustained damage, but weaker in terms of burst and area damage. You really can't go wrong with either power Chrono or Condi Mirage at this point.

> >

> > I've been playing Condi Mirage for several months now and it feels strong and fun to play. Here's a sample!

> >

> >


> I guess I'll start with Chrono Power, but which weapons and stats for gear should I use?


Weapons I believe berserker stats with greatsword and sword/x are recommended for power chrono in open world, but I'm not very knowledgeable on the build.

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You can unlock Mirage first without Chrono though providing you have bought PoF as well, so have a look at the videos to see which playstyle you prefer as they're quite different. Also decide if you like Axe or Shield better before committing to one, as unlocking the second spec will take more time.


And bear in mind sound/visual effects that you might like or find annoying - eg I personally can't stand the new sound effect of Alacrity so can't play Chrono anymore. But also the default Axe ambush sound effect is an irritating rattle. I think more than build it's important that the aural and visual feedback in gameplay is satisfying, and Mirage/Chrono are pretty different in this regard.

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> @"Melode.3407" said:

> I really like both play styles so the real question is which is the easiest to gear for? because I don't have much gold for now.

> and my big problem is I can't find a site with a build that is updated (maybe I don't search good or something ^^" )


Have you tested both mirage and chrono in the pvp lobby? I'd recommend jumping in there and trying on a few amulets/weapons/sigils/runes against the npcs to get a better feel of what you want to aim for because otherwise it is kind of difficult to say, even with limited gold there is a lot of variety.


Also what kind of play are you aiming for in end game? Instanced pve (raids/fractals)? WvW, solo, smallscale, large group? Or just open world pve? I'd certainly bear that in mind when going for finalising ascended gear.


I know that might sound a little boring and it might take a little bit of time but in my opinion it's the best way to identify the kind of build you want to go for after which you'll feel more certain about what to play and how to play. Also that means you might enjoy going through the story and open world more. :)

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My aim is Fractals, Open World and Finish the Story, I'll would like to try Raids sometime. and for WvW I'm playing from time to time but my main focus for now is PvE.

I'll test in the pvp lobby and see whats what. but for sure for both play-styles I'll need sometime to get use to.


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I've had good success going by this reddit post for open world builds.


I'm a returning player also and am currently using the core phantasm build while I unlock the chronomancer. I use berserker exotics currently because I don't have ascended gear yet except for my trinkets, rings and accessory. No problems so far in PoF. Haven't tried to do the HoT story line yet.

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For now I'll go Chrono power because its easier to get , and I like the Mirage mechanics but it feel to me more pvpish then pve. but I think Its just need the right build for pve to work there. may take it in the future when I'll have more gold or easier way to get loot.

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> @"Melode.3407" said:

> For now I'll go Chrono power because its easier to get , and I like the Mirage mechanics but it feel to me more pvpish then pve. but I think Its just need the right buildern for pve to work there. may take it in the future when I'll have more gold or easier way to get loot.


Both specs can be used across all game modes but anyway - good luck and have fun! :)

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