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Feedback on the State of the Mesmer [merged]

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Look at what they did to Rev and Druid. Expect the same for mes. In the next 6 months, i expect it to be nerfed so much that even core mes will be more viable lmao. That's what Anet does, tho. They release solid or OP specs on the launch of an expansion, people buy it and enjoy what's given. Some time passes, most everyone who plays the game has already purchased the expansion, and then comes the time to RIP the class, money is already made anyways.


Yeah, that's why Chrono is the strongest class after almost three years. You're completely right.


Also, the last nerf did nothing to address Chronomancer. Still having to deal with double boon-rip from disenchanter and quadruple taunt from defenders.

They are still swimming in a sea of visual clutter, they still have permanent stability and 58% damage reduction.


This class is no where near fine, nor do we want it to be meta. At least not this version of it. If you're advocating for it to stay as this boon / illusion spamming nonsense, you just like abusing it. No one enjoys playing against it.

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I just want my phantasms back, man. Couldn't the rework have been made optional by having it be a trait or something?


I'm still not sure what to do with my mesmer now since I was phantasm build. Shatter was never fun for me. Maybe I should make a thread about it....

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Cyric.7813" said:

> > Stop reading after Mirage cant oneshot

> Can you tell me the burst combo to one shot a necro like the fresh weaver can and i ll be thankful .




Spawn clones






GG you just 1 shot someone. Not enough damage? Rinse repeat.

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2 cents here for what it's worth. The way I see it, if you want to balance mesmers...make it so that everytime you damage a clone/phantasm, the mesmer itself takes the same amount of damage. So you drop an AoE on a mesmers clones, the mesmers takes all that same damage as well.

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> @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> 2 cents here for what it's worth. The way I see it, if you want to balance mesmers...make it so that everytime you damage a clone/phantasm, the mesmer itself takes the same amount of damage. So you drop an AoE on a mesmers clones, the mesmers takes all that same damage as well.


Literally unplayable. Mesmer would stop being viable in all areas of the game.

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The balance team is using a scalpo and they need to use a damn axe for the balance everything is to high with the damage the boon uptime and so. They need to nerf everything with 50% for all classes and for mesmer 75% and of course SPLIT PVP AND WVW FORM PVE. YOU DON"T WANT PVE NUMBERS IN YOUR PVP COMBAT. Stop using a scalpo and start cutting the numbers down. Power creep is no fun. Before HOT was the best balance of the game and then HOT came and it did go down hill form there on. Sorry for my hard language, but it need to be said.

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