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cd and nsp


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i do not know were to put this to be honest. if you want to know what cd is its crystal desert and nsp is northern shiverpeeks. i do not know if what i am about to say is a bug in the system or just realy bad matching but here it is. I am soooooo tired of seeing cd fighting nsp almost all the time. if you want to know how often cd and nsp fight in wvw its like 90% of the time. i do not mean this like from week to week i mean we get grouped like 90% of the time and i am sooo tired of alway seeing nsp fighting cd every week and it needs fixed.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

>i do not know if what i am about to say is a bug in the system or just realy bad matching but here it is.


It's not a bug. Current matchmaking is 1 up 1 down which means that the server that finishes the match in 1st place goes up to the tier above, the server that comes in last drops down to the tier below and the server that comes in second stays in their current tier. Some servers tend to win a match, lose one, win again etc which results in facing the same servers over and over (I imagine since NA has one less tier than EU it's a lot worse for you guys than it is for us). However, if a server puts in a lot of effort and wins 2 or maybe even 3 matches in a row it's possible to climb tiers very fast (so is dropping down tiers by losing matches on purpose).


But, as XenesisII already pointed out, cd and nsp haven't really been matched against each other that often. If you wanna know what dull matchmaking really looks like, go take a look at the match history of Elona Reach on EU.

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I feel like we have been matched up with HoD, DB, and (until recently) TC just as much if not more than with CD lately. This is unavoidable when you combine 1u1d with relatively few, static worlds where there is a great variation in coverage and population from top to bottom. Barring major transfers or outright tanking, servers tend to stay within 2 tiers for long periods of time.


If you want to complain about something that is within Anet's control and yet seems to have far less variation than it should, look at the linkings. I have a friend on SoR who complains that he has been linked with HoD twice in a row, 3 of the last 4 linkings, and more frequently over the past 2 years than with any other server by far. Whereas we were just linked with DH for the first time *ever*, and I still don't think we've ever been linked with a couple of servers (IoJ comes to mind). Why does Anet not vary the linkings more?

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