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Problems PoF Open World


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i recently got a mesmer to 80, got exotic gear (mainly power precision, ferocity, some vitality toughness) and fetched all HP in PoF to get chrono maxed out.

I am using gs and sword/sword.

I wanted to get a feeling for the profession and do world completion and checking out variable builds. It looks like a fun and spell effect wise nice profession to look at.


My problem: I die to normal mobs in PoF. If I got swarmed by more than 2 normal mobs, they tend to focus on me and kill me quickly. It doesnt help, that the aggro range is quite wide, therefore, if I try to get evasive, I usally get a few more mobs attacking me.


This is so much easier on my ranger (with worse gear). The pet holds aggro, and if I got hit too hard, I can usally fall behind.

On my mesmer, my phantasmals are good to hold one mob, but more then one tend to run straight to me.


I know I am doing something wrong? Any suggestions?

Or is mesmer just the wrong class for this (or perhaps for me :-)).

kind regards

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I know this isn’t exactly the answer you’re looking for, but I’ve had much more success with Mirage. Although I love the Chrono concept to bits, in practice I’ve found it awkward to pull off, whereas Mirage ‘flows’ a lot better and seems to be more survivable with the evades, superspeed procs and Jaunt.


It might be worth checking out the link below to see if it helps at all:

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> @"Meestercat.2748" said:

> I know this isn’t exactly the answer you’re looking for, but I’ve had much more success with Mirage. Although I love the Chrono concept to bits, in practice I’ve found it awkward to pull off, whereas Mirage ‘flows’ a lot better and seems to be more survivable with the evades, superspeed procs and Jaunt.


> It might be worth checking out the link below to see if it helps at all:


I can't offer advice on chrono as I haven't played it, but I will second this. Mirage should have similar damage output (lower burst, higher sustain) to chrono, but seems more survivable. It's not that chrono is weak defensively. Mirage just has amazing combat mobility and damage avoidance.


Here's a sample I recorded last night. You can see my healing capability is garbage and I take a lot of damage when I get hit, but I make up for it with teleports and evasion!



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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"Ghrian.5038" said:

> > Hi, thanks for the feedback. Tried out a shield and it really helps.

> > Now I have to grind the HoT HPs to get mirage. Hopefully, the shield makes this possible.


> Staff can help with survivability too!


^This. Even without the staff-skills cd reduction trait, staff is your best possibility to survive (no matter whether power or condi). Only shatter your clones when there's just 1 mob left, because the staff clones attack with WoC too, so a group of mobs attacked by four bouncing WoC projectiles won't live that long. Due to the recent changes WoC applies torment and because clones become destroyed pretty fast, the mobs will walk/run a lot to the next one. Furthermore staff grants high mobility and a decent AoE (if traited).

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Should have started with mirage :-) But I think, I am the problem, chrono should be fine too. Need to get more adept with the mechanics.

But good to know, its not the profession.


I am trying out shield and staff at the moment and exploring HoT for the HPs.

Need more time with my mesmer.


Like I said, the spell effects and flair of the profession is great. I like battle mages...

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> @"Ghrian.5038" said:

> Should have started with mirage :-) But I think, I am the problem, chrono should be fine too. Need to get more adept with the mechanics.

> But good to know, its not the profession.


> I am trying out shield and staff at the moment and exploring HoT for the HPs.

> Need more time with my mesmer.


> Like I said, the spell effects and flair of the profession is great. I like battle mages...


It's definitely a class that gets better with practice! I am still improving all the time even after months of playing it!

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@"Refia Montes.3205" Do you have a build? I tried out one of the sword/sword // gs open world builds from a reddit post.

But without the ascended berserker gear.

My problem was, that I had not much problems versus single mobs, but if many trash mobs attacked me, they tend to ignore my illusions and after my second dogdge my health went down really fast.


Any help regarding strategy / rotation?


I now, its me and not the profession ;)

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Don't follow the one in reddit, it doesn't have much damage and relies too much on Greatsword. It also uses questionabe utilities and Elite, so I recommend going with this instead.


With this build you have about 75% fury, 25 might and 60% Quickness uptime. Just use whichever mix of Zerk and Assassin's you're comfortable with. I use a good mix that allows me to hit crit cap on a raid/fractal scenario since I also use this build in those.

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> @"Ghrian.5038" said:

> Should have started with mirage :-) But I think, I am the problem, chrono should be fine too. Need to get more adept with the mechanics.

> But good to know, its not the profession.


> I am trying out shield and staff at the moment and exploring HoT for the HPs.

> Need more time with my mesmer.


> Like I said, the spell effects and flair of the profession is great. I like battle mages...


First: Yes learning is key and chrono can do very well in many game scenarios.

Second: If you start getting problems try to use more defensive gear if needed.

Dont go full on bunker but half soldier, half berserker can do wonders for beginners.

Last but not least: Use skills appropriately. Block when pressured, use GS5 when enemies are to close to you.

Use the CP and GS trait combo to pull of fast bursts. And use shield as a life safer.


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If you are using Chrono and thus Chronophantasma then Signet of the ether passive heal is pretty good. You should be able to burst down Vets and below quick enough. With Elites and Champs you just have to get used to when to use your various defense skills or dodges or kite with GS. This is why I use domination instead of Dueling for open world. I miss the fury but the extra GS phantasm synergises well with traits and the signet.


Use Raptor or Focus to group together mobs to burst them down in one go.

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i use this build if i need more surviveability or don't know whats comming my way like in the storymode. You can use zerker/assasin gear. Also you can use shield/fokus in offhand insteat of GS or sword depends on situation. I have no trouble in open world or killing vets/elite/storybosses with it. Never needed defensive stats or something like this.




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