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On "Secret" Healers in Fractals

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> In random pug groups, I almost never encounter a secret healer, let alone one that would continue to be a healer while a druid or announced tempest/firebrand/renegade was in the party.


When my static invites PUGs, we've seen (with an announced healer druid in the party): support FB, healing Weavers, Weavers that camp water, among other "interesting" combinations. I wouldn't call them "secret healers," but they certainly didn't change their build or playstyle based on what the rest of us were bringing.


It's my impression that many people aren't very situationally aware. Good players always look at what other class are in the party, what today's instabilities might change, and how well the party is doing. But many players don't see that at all: they know how it worked once (or many times) in the past and they expect that's exactly how it will work this time, despite mounting contrary evidence, even in their own experience.


You'd think that the fifth person to join would adjust to suit the needs of the group, right? No, humans exhibit human nature, and that's why I'm not all that surprised that the last to join almost never modifies anything.



Still, all the above misses the point that the OP is making:


> @"Sister Saxifrage.7361" said:

> tell your party


Communication makes things easier. You find out right away if your group is flexible or not, regardless of whether it _should_ adapt to your preferences or not. You might learn something (or not), they might learn something (or not). The point is: don't assume: what's obvious to you isn't obvious to everyone.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> In random pug groups, I almost never encounter a secret healer, let alone one that would continue to be a healer while a druid or announced tempest/firebrand/renegade was in the party. I'm going to call shenanigans on this thread.




Maybe we're playing at different times. At this point it's my first assumption when I see a tempest, and I've also encountered firebrands and now even a scourge using the same tactic.


It's not a big deal; I just notice someone doing 2k DPS or less, ask if they're a healer, and if they say yes I swap to soulbeast. But to do that I have to get out of combat, and we had to plink our way through whatever initial phase that much slower before they were discovered, which when I'm pressed for time is a little annoying. Hence the topic.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> In random pug groups, I almost never encounter a secret healer, let alone one that would continue to be a healer while a druid or announced tempest/firebrand/renegade was in the party. I'm going to call shenanigans on this thread.

I've seen (very) few of those. The majority of low-dps players that aren't on an obvious support class are just bad, not healers. All those longbow DHs (as a guard main, they always make me cringe), staff necros and whatever else.



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I cleared 99 cm multiple times with healer firebrand/renegade/tempest in my party. They are playable and small buffs can make them meta in fractals. But the diferrnce between raids and fractals is number of players.


This is a pve game so there will always be number 1 in slot. Nothing to do here. The reason why warrior and druid cannot be replaced is that they provide gigantic dps buffs that come from CORE class. Thats why you cannot remove druid/warrior. Healers are not taken primary for heals but for buffs. Things like spirits, doublecc pet and banners are much more important then heals.


If we want to se another healers we either need to nerf those spells to the graund and make them usless or we can give other healers some another benefits that make them favorable on some encounters (like warrior now has 3 builds that are all welcome in raids)


Examples. Give tempest trait that his heals can overheal into barrier.


Renegade trait/spell that has long cd but boost dps by huge percentage for short time

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Examples. Give tempest trait that his heals can overheal into barrier.


Won't work. Healing is already more than needed, adding barrier gives only a marginal advantage in potential scholar uptime, it's not good enough. And Tempest won't have the same CC capabilities.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > Examples. Give tempest trait that his heals can overheal into barrier.


> Won't work. Healing is already more than needed, adding barrier gives only a marginal advantage in potential scholar uptime, it's not good enough. And Tempest won't have the same CC capabilities.


Well barrier helps with scholar uptime on VG for example.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > Examples. Give tempest trait that his heals can overheal into barrier.

> >

> > Won't work. Healing is already more than needed, adding barrier gives only a marginal advantage in potential scholar uptime, it's not good enough. And Tempest won't have the same CC capabilities.


> Well barrier helps with scholar uptime on VG for example.


In raids you can already use a different second healer. It's just that people already have geared druids and there's no incentive to gear a different one, since they don't offer any noticeable advantage. But you don't really lose anything by having one. In fractals you do, since you only run one healer there.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > Examples. Give tempest trait that his heals can overheal into barrier.

> > >

> > > Won't work. Healing is already more than needed, adding barrier gives only a marginal advantage in potential scholar uptime, it's not good enough. And Tempest won't have the same CC capabilities.

> >

> > Well barrier helps with scholar uptime on VG for example.


> In raids you can already use a different second healer. It's just that people already have geared druids and there's no incentive to gear a different one, since they don't offer any noticeable advantage. But you don't really lose anything by having one. In fractals you do, since you only run one healer there.


True, thats why i am saying other healers should get clear advantages for specific encounters

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Piggy backing off on why people take druids:


Every class can easily support a group with pure healing. Druids is taken as the meta healer because it has access to the most damage buffs compared to other healers through spotter and spirits, can maintain might on 5 people, and has access to high amount of cc from pets, all in one class.

You can easily play a rev, guard, or ele healer and easily keep your group topped off, with druid even having some of the lowest raw healing output, but it’s the extra offensive stuff that causes many people to want a druid.

The other healers bring a larger amount of defensive buffs, which in an action combat mmo isn’t as needed due to the ability to dodge or otherwise negate incoming damage or just outbreak anything you can’t.

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I'd leave my bunker ventari because of elitist in T4.. tired of being kicked.. even when i prooved that i can do even twice times the heal amount than a druid, also giving alacrity and facets boons, hard to die running bunky build and helping allies to get up when defeated, cleansing conditions.. etc... The thing that i think it's that if your team it's not able to mitigate some dmg and in consequence get down by the boss, the offensive buffs that you can bring as a druid are.. mm.. "wasted"..


Whatever.. i'd leave my rev, and switch to Mirage, funny as a rev, but better seen by others..

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Hilariously, certain instabilities end up hurting other healers (FB for example) more than they hurt a druid.


It's also certainly easier to snipe someone with lunar impact than with geysir or pushing the tablet around. I played all four and outside of the benefits a druid already offers (Spirits, various boons, strong cc) many pugs don't understand the other healers in this game and that they heal differently.

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Plus even if druid is the worst healer (lowest quantity of healing of all healing builds) it is still enough for all the content since dmg of everything is low or can be avoided easily. Some people even play condi or power druid since even that is still enough healing for experienced groups

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