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what if ranked system was deleted?


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with every change to rank system ppl are complaining

the rank system in theory should push ppl to learn the game and play better but instead force ppl to face the truth where they are belong to with a system balance which cause them to stick at low rank or a rank they think they dont deserve.

once in a while some op build evolve and they go up the ladder and atm hackers wintrade become too popular.

so eventually it force ppl out of the rank system instead of draw them back to it. even pve and wings didnt bring them back.


i still think my old suggestion to point a player by the role he is playing will benefit more

probably an overall change to rank system but it force ppl to choose a role and the system will points them accordingly


roles should be something like this:

roamer - decap/cap, kills

dmg - fight with a team, dmg done, kills

support - healing, boons, res

bunker - hold points , res


before the fight you pick a role

the system try to balance team with the roles picked

if you win and manage to do the role well you gain more points

if you lose but manage to do your role well you gain few points

if you win but didnt manage to focus on your role you gain few points

if you lose and didnt manage to do your role you gain no points


what does it mean to do the role well....


here anet can establish some average or minimum points which ppl should achieved

i will just throw numbers to demonstrate


support should get 100k healing to allies (not self), 50 boons to allies minimum requirement. each res little bit more points

so if his team was so good which didnt need him to heal much than yes he wont get much point cause his role wasnt effective even if the player is good.


bunker should get 100k self heal, hold a point for 2 min when fighting. each res give little bit more points


dmg dealers should have 200k dmg and for each kill little more points. each time you die you lose points. ( you can split it between conditions dmg and direct dmg)


roamer should have 2 decap and 1 cap with no team and for each kill little bit more points. each time you die you lose points.



if you play and you see your team losing it will push you to do your role even better to gain some points even if you lose


if you choose your role before the fight and the system match them it will be harder to see 2 bunker in one team and no bunker in the other team.


it will enable anet to balance the progress along side the op class/builds. lets say scourge and mirage are controlling the meta than anet can demands higher points for conditions dmg but less for bunkering and support. if FB+scourge are controlling the meta than anet can demand higher points to conditions dmg and support.

so overpower build progress can be controlled.


you can identify good player by their best role if you give them title or unique badge. also at the end of each fight the team can see which player fulfill his role and who wasnt


max points will be about 1000 for each role

each season the points deleted but the previous score stay

rewards for each game:

win + role = 13

win + no role = 7

lose + role = 3

lose + no role = 0


the idea here is to check what is the player role percentage and if its above 80% it means he is doing is job well and know the class and build.

if he wins it doesnt mean he is a good as he can get carry, wintrade, hack, or just good luck of rng.


so after time we will see in chat

"looking for support +80", or "group looking for 1 roamer +90 for AT" etc...



your thoughts?

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> Ranked shouldnt push people to learn....thats what unranked is for.


learn the game... there is a difference playing soloq or with a team. voichat , communication etc..

if i want to play rank i need to learn it first in unranked but also in ranked . why not... do you think when you play rank you dont learn anything ? you dont do mistake to learn from?!

atm unranked is the favor and hot join is dead .

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?


> I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?


> This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.


explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...


the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?

> >

> > I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?

> >

> > This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.


> explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...


> the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

> atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it



Are you top 250? If not, there really isn’t even a point in you complaining about win trading; it doesn’t even affect you.


The hacking complaints are all over exaggerated also. I’ve never seen hacks in any ranked match.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?

> > >

> > > I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?

> > >

> > > This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.

> >

> > explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...

> >

> > the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

> > atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it



> Are you top 100? If not, there really isn’t even a point in you complaining about win trading; it doesn’t even affect you.


> The hacking complaints are all over exaggerated also. I’ve never seen hacks in any ranked match.


i saw and many ppl saw it too and post it. mainly i see speed hacking.


dont you want to solve the problem entirely cause at the moment you have maybe 250 player playing pvp LOL


put your head out of the sand box. ppl not complain just to complain.


when i had my first 10 match placement and 7 game in a row i had 1-2 afk... why should i get into gold . maybe i belong higher. but its not the system right its the player?

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?

> > > >

> > > > I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?

> > > >

> > > > This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.

> > >

> > > explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...

> > >

> > > the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

> > > atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it

> >

> >

> > Are you top 100? If not, there really isn’t even a point in you complaining about win trading; it doesn’t even affect you.

> >

> > The hacking complaints are all over exaggerated also. I’ve never seen hacks in any ranked match.




> when i had my first 10 match placement and 7 game in a row i had 1-2 afk... why should i get into gold . maybe i belong higher. but its not the system right its the player?


Yeah it’s the player... err the issue is with you.


You are likely overestimating you own skill by an extreme amount, sorry.


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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > > This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?

> > > > >

> > > > > I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?

> > > > >

> > > > > This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.

> > > >

> > > > explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...

> > > >

> > > > the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

> > > > atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it

> > >

> > >

> > > Are you top 100? If not, there really isn’t even a point in you complaining about win trading; it doesn’t even affect you.

> > >

> > > The hacking complaints are all over exaggerated also. I’ve never seen hacks in any ranked match.

> >


> >

> > when i had my first 10 match placement and 7 game in a row i had 1-2 afk... why should i get into gold . maybe i belong higher. but its not the system right its the player?


> Yeah it’s the player... err the issue is with you.


> You are likely overestimating you own skill by an extreme amount, sorry.



sorry you fail to see the failure in the system and refuse to even check it . stay with the top 100 players which will lead to a dead game... oh its already dead...oh the top 10 already have left.... oh no esl .... so shame. continue to ignore

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?

> > >

> > > I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?

> > >

> > > This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.

> >

> > explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...

> >

> > the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

> > atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it



> Are you top 250? If not, there really isn’t even a point in you complaining about win trading; it doesn’t even affect you.


> The hacking complaints are all over exaggerated also. I’ve never seen hacks in any ranked match.


OP suggests matchmaking is heavily flawed, presents thorough suggestion for a better system that reflects individual skill more accurately (if not without flaws of its' own.)


Responder discards suggestion because OP isn't part of the top 5% or the playerbase in a matchmaking system that has been proven in the past to be skewed, incomplete or not representative of player skill.


This shit is why nothing will ever change. People that have achieved moderate success through luck, skill or other factors just completely shut down the opinions of everyone else because "git gud."


This isn't CS, or a game where individual ELO directly represents skill. MMR can theoretically vary by potentially hundreds of points based on factors ranging from class balance, counter comps, poor matchmaking, or whatever else.


I was glad in WoW, SMFC+ in CSGO, play with notable platinum players in unranked, but have a 1280 MMR after going 7-3 in placements and am over 100 points lower than where I finished last season.


MMR is fucked. Rating is fucked. Dismissing suggestions fixes nothing. If it was some poorly thought out bullshit I'd understand, but this was at least coherent and could've led to discussion. Instead, it's just a pissing match because his dick isn't as big as yours.

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> @"bLind.6278" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?

> > > >

> > > > I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?

> > > >

> > > > This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.

> > >

> > > explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...

> > >

> > > the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

> > > atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it

> >

> >

> > Are you top 250? If not, there really isn’t even a point in you complaining about win trading; it doesn’t even affect you.

> >

> > The hacking complaints are all over exaggerated also. I’ve never seen hacks in any ranked match.


> OP suggests matchmaking is heavily flawed, presents thorough suggestion for a better system that reflects individual skill more accurately (if not without flaws of its' own.)


> Responder discards suggestion because OP isn't part of the top 5% or the playerbase in a matchmaking system that has been proven in the past to be skewed, incomplete or not representative of player skill.


> This kitten is why nothing will ever change. People that have achieved moderate success through luck, skill or other factors just completely shut down the opinions of everyone else because "git gud."


> This isn't CS, or a game where individual ELO directly represents skill. MMR can theoretically vary by potentially hundreds of points based on factors ranging from class balance, counter comps, poor matchmaking, or whatever else.


> I was glad in WoW, SMFC+ in CSGO, play with notable platinum players in unranked, but have a 1280 MMR after going 7-3 in placements and am over 100 points lower than where I finished last season.


> MMR is kitten. Rating is kitten. Dismissing suggestions fixes nothing. If it was some poorly thought out kitten I'd understand, but this was at least coherent and could've led to discussion. Instead, it's just a pissing match because his kitten isn't as big as yours.


I was 2800 in WoW. This isn’t wow though, but cool story bro. This game is faster paced and more dynamic.


MMR is extremely accurate and is great. Anet has done a great job.


**Dunning–Kruger effect Is so strong in this pvp scene it’s crazy. Look it up. It applies to both you and OP.**


When people that are good at the game say it is not competitive, they mean amongst people at the top. The best people quit playing before HOT even dropped and they continue to leave.


For instance I play rev and make it top 50 every season and anybody that knows the possible best builds in the game knows rev is absolute shit. I bet op doesn’t play rev but yet he is in gold. That’s just laughable sorry.


If you can’t make it top 250 at this point in the game at least once, nobody is going to take you seriously.


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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"bLind.6278" said:

> > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > >


> MMR is extremely accurate and is great. Anet has done a great job.








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> @"bLind.6278" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?

> > > >

> > > > I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?

> > > >

> > > > This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.

> > >

> > > explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...

> > >

> > > the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

> > > atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it

> >

> >

> > Are you top 250? If not, there really isn’t even a point in you complaining about win trading; it doesn’t even affect you.

> >

> > The hacking complaints are all over exaggerated also. I’ve never seen hacks in any ranked match.


> OP suggests matchmaking is heavily flawed, presents thorough suggestion for a better system that reflects individual skill more accurately (if not without flaws of its' own.)


> Responder discards suggestion because OP isn't part of the top 5% or the playerbase in a matchmaking system that has been proven in the past to be skewed, incomplete or not representative of player skill.


> This kitten is why nothing will ever change. People that have achieved moderate success through luck, skill or other factors just completely shut down the opinions of everyone else because "git gud."


> This isn't CS, or a game where individual ELO directly represents skill. MMR can theoretically vary by potentially hundreds of points based on factors ranging from class balance, counter comps, poor matchmaking, or whatever else.


> I was glad in WoW, SMFC+ in CSGO, play with notable platinum players in unranked, but have a 1280 MMR after going 7-3 in placements and am over 100 points lower than where I finished last season.


> MMR is kitten. Rating is kitten. Dismissing suggestions fixes nothing. If it was some poorly thought out kitten I'd understand, but this was at least coherent and could've led to discussion. Instead, it's just a pissing match because his kitten isn't as big as yours.


I know... the idea to reward people based on what role they pick is really clever. it encourages good play (and not afking), and discourages picking the wrong role for queue manipulation


plus isn't it halrious that the guy critiquing OP because he's not part of the top 250, is also saying wintraders are an issue in the top 250. like dude how can the top 250 be both a measure of skill/worthwhile opinion and a place rampant with cheating?


![](https://i.imgur.com/doH4vg8.gif "")

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> How delusional are you guys?


> Short bus incoming.


> There is no rampant cheating in top 250. It’s like 10 people.


> Clown fiesta thread lmfao.


first i play rev and have fun with it. after season 6 i stop play. i love this game but i see for too long all the complain and see them even myself.


i see some thinking my suggestion is flaw but please can you state why instead of just saying it because it wont contribute much to the thread


maybe your ideas can be much better how to handle afk, manipulation, hackers and how to drawback the community to play pvp.

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> @"bLind.6278" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?

> > > >

> > > > I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?

> > > >

> > > > This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.

> > >

> > > explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...

> > >

> > > the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

> > > atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it

> >

> >

> > Are you top 250? If not, there really isn’t even a point in you complaining about win trading; it doesn’t even affect you.

> >

> > The hacking complaints are all over exaggerated also. I’ve never seen hacks in any ranked match.


> OP suggests matchmaking is heavily flawed, presents thorough suggestion for a better system that reflects individual skill more accurately (if not without flaws of its' own.)


> Responder discards suggestion because OP isn't part of the top 5% or the playerbase in a matchmaking system that has been proven in the past to be skewed, incomplete or not representative of player skill.


> This kitten is why nothing will ever change. People that have achieved moderate success through luck, skill or other factors just completely shut down the opinions of everyone else because "git gud."


> This isn't CS, or a game where individual ELO directly represents skill. MMR can theoretically vary by potentially hundreds of points based on factors ranging from class balance, counter comps, poor matchmaking, or whatever else.


> I was glad in WoW, SMFC+ in CSGO, play with notable platinum players in unranked, but have a 1280 MMR after going 7-3 in placements and am over 100 points lower than where I finished last season.


> MMR is kitten. Rating is kitten. Dismissing suggestions fixes nothing. If it was some poorly thought out kitten I'd understand, but this was at least coherent and could've led to discussion. Instead, it's just a pissing match because his kitten isn't as big as yours.




can you elaborate why you think this is heavily flaw


what am i missing?

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> @"bLind.6278" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > > This is not a pve game. Why make suggestions for a game you don’t come close to grasping fully?

> > > >

> > > > I’m sure you are aware of the fact you do not understand the concept of conquest fully, no?

> > > >

> > > > This game is about the bottom line btw, measuring stats as you suggest shows/proves nothing. It’s much more dynamic than that.

> > >

> > > explain your suggestion pls cause atm its pve game. how? hacker, wintrade, grinding, afk... etc...

> > >

> > > the concept here is to win... how you measure ones progression in other thing you might miss

> > > atm ppl complain about bad games and lose strike and not gaining any points if they think they are good players... this solution i think adress it

> >

> >

> > Are you top 250? If not, there really isn’t even a point in you complaining about win trading; it doesn’t even affect you.

> >

> > The hacking complaints are all over exaggerated also. I’ve never seen hacks in any ranked match.


> OP suggests matchmaking is heavily flawed, presents thorough suggestion for a better system that reflects individual skill more accurately (if not without flaws of its' own.)


> Responder discards suggestion because OP isn't part of the top 5% or the playerbase in a matchmaking system that has been proven in the past to be skewed, incomplete or not representative of player skill.


> This kitten is why nothing will ever change. People that have achieved moderate success through luck, skill or other factors just completely shut down the opinions of everyone else because "git gud."


> This isn't CS, or a game where individual ELO directly represents skill. MMR can theoretically vary by potentially hundreds of points based on factors ranging from class balance, counter comps, poor matchmaking, or whatever else.


> I was glad in WoW, SMFC+ in CSGO, play with notable platinum players in unranked, but have a 1280 MMR after going 7-3 in placements and am over 100 points lower than where I finished last season.


> MMR is kitten. Rating is kitten. Dismissing suggestions fixes nothing. If it was some poorly thought out kitten I'd understand, but this was at least coherent and could've led to discussion. Instead, it's just a pissing match because his kitten isn't as big as yours.


Thank you! You convey the feelings of thousand of players...the whole situation is behind hopeless and terrible at the same time

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> @"bLind.6278" said:

> Nah man, JayAction says MMR is the most perfect creation in the history of gaming, and he's rank 1 world right now, so things must be all good.


> Buffs, nerfs, etc., none of that kitten matters. JayAction has spoken.


You don’t have to make it so obvious your feelings hurt.



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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"bLind.6278" said:

> > Nah man, JayAction says MMR is the most perfect creation in the history of gaming, and he's rank 1 world right now, so things must be all good.

> >

> > Buffs, nerfs, etc., none of that kitten matters. JayAction has spoken.


> You don’t have to make it so obvious your feelings hurt.




Whatever you say, sir.

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> @"bLind.6278" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > @"bLind.6278" said:

> > > Nah man, JayAction says MMR is the most perfect creation in the history of gaming, and he's rank 1 world right now, so things must be all good.

> > >

> > > Buffs, nerfs, etc., none of that kitten matters. JayAction has spoken.

> >

> > You don’t have to make it so obvious your feelings hurt.

> >

> >


> Whatever you say, sir.


just stop answer him. i think he is the guy who suggested stealth to revenant .... and my suggestion is flaw?!

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The System you are trying to suggest in massively flawed and could be easily abused to be 1k points in no time


1.its impossible for a system to detect all good plays you do in a match


as example if you play a sidepusher like spellbreaker, you push far and attack the enemy, another enemy comes and its 1vs2 for you, you kite well, survive and effectively make 4vs3 on the rest of the map, unfortunely you still lose, you get awarded 0 points even though you did well because theres no way for the system to detect that you were 1vs2 the entire game (the defender who was 2vs1 still gets rewarded points and prob gets top defender even though he was bad enough to not be able kill someone in 2vs1)


2.you dont lose points

which means even if you only do well in, lets just say 25% of your games, you would still climb if you just play an extrem amount of games everyday and would still be able to have 1k points and be on the same level for the system then top players who maybe played like 20% of your games but managed to do well in over 80% of it


tbh i dont see anything good in it except you could just grind your way to the top without worrying about losing, but this is pvp where the system tries to place you in a rating where you most likely belong, not a pve grind

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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> The System you are trying to suggest in massively flawed and could be easily abused to be 1k points in no time


> 1.its impossible for a system to detect all good plays you do in a match

> why?

> as example if you play a sidepusher like spellbreaker, you push far and attack the enemy, another enemy comes and its 1vs2 for you, you kite well, survive and effectively make 4vs3 on the rest of the map, unfortunely you still lose, you get awarded 0 points even though you did well because theres no way for the system to detect that you were 1vs2 the entire game (the defender who was 2vs1 still gets rewarded points and prob gets top defender even though he was bad enough to not be able kill someone in 2vs1)




This chap has the right idea. We've gone over this several times in the past - some contributions within a match are extremely difficult to measure via stats. One of the main ones is as described, stalling the enemy team. Thieves, rangers, warriors and mesmers can do a great job of preventing an enemy getting to a point or keeping them away from decisive team fights, however they might not be able to kill those enemies, or cap/defend on point. The system would give them no "points" for defense or attack but quite often they would have been MVP.

The current "stat" system doesn't mean very much. A player can often be the most influential in a match but have 0 "top stats".



Incentivising achieving _X_ amount of caps or _X_ amount of kills, forces a player to aim for those stats and not care about the match result. You will end up with 2-3 people on every team running round shouting _"I need to get my X kills!! stop killing people!!"_. The current model is this - _Win match to gain points_ - this is a **team** objective. Although I appreciate your intentions to improve PvP, these suggestions I cannot agree with as they promote players to aim for _individual achievements_, rather than play as a team to reach a collective goal.


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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> The System you are trying to suggest in massively flawed and could be easily abused to be 1k points in no time


> 1.its impossible for a system to detect all good plays you do in a match

> why?

> as example if you play a sidepusher like spellbreaker, you push far and attack the enemy, another enemy comes and its 1vs2 for you, you kite well, survive and effectively make 4vs3 on the rest of the map, unfortunely you still lose, you get awarded 0 points even though you did well because theres no way for the system to detect that you were 1vs2 the entire game (the defender who was 2vs1 still gets rewarded points and prob gets top defender even though he was bad enough to not be able kill someone in 2vs1)


> 2.you dont lose points

> which means even if you only do well in, lets just say 25% of your games, you would still climb if you just play an extrem amount of games everyday and would still be able to have 1k points and be on the same level for the system then top players who maybe played like 20% of your games but managed to do well in over 80% of it


> tbh i dont see anything good in it except you could just grind your way to the top without worrying about losing, but this is pvp where the system tries to place you in a rating where you most likely belong, not a pve grind


you right with this example the warrior wont get points as he lost the point but manage to do the rest of the whole fight 1v2. the enemy player should has left.

the warrior will get points for winning not for the role he picked

but i think the game already give points for defense a point or offense a point.

all i suggesting is anet already put final statistic and should also consider them when give points to players


1k with 50% win chance you need something like above 100 games...

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > The System you are trying to suggest in massively flawed and could be easily abused to be 1k points in no time

> >

> > 1.its impossible for a system to detect all good plays you do in a match

> > why?

> > as example if you play a sidepusher like spellbreaker, you push far and attack the enemy, another enemy comes and its 1vs2 for you, you kite well, survive and effectively make 4vs3 on the rest of the map, unfortunely you still lose, you get awarded 0 points even though you did well because theres no way for the system to detect that you were 1vs2 the entire game (the defender who was 2vs1 still gets rewarded points and prob gets top defender even though he was bad enough to not be able kill someone in 2vs1)




> This chap has the right idea. We've gone over this several times in the past - some contributions within a match are extremely difficult to measure via stats. One of the main ones is as described, stalling the enemy team. Thieves, rangers, warriors and mesmers can do a great job of preventing an enemy getting to a point or keeping them away from decisive team fights, however they might not be able to kill those enemies, or cap/defend on point. The system would give them no "points" for defense or attack but quite often they would have been MVP.

> The current "stat" system doesn't mean very much. A player can often be the most influential in a match but have 0 "top stats".


> >@"messiah.1908"

> Incentivising achieving _X_ amount of caps or _X_ amount of kills, forces a player to aim for those stats and not care about the match result. You will end up with 2-3 people on every team running round shouting _"I need to get my X kills!! stop killing people!!"_. The current model is this - _Win match to gain points_ - this is a **team** objective. Although I appreciate your intentions to improve PvP, these suggestions I cannot agree with as they promote players to aim for _individual achievements_, rather than play as a team to reach a collective goal.



thanks. but you still get more points for winning so the main objective stay the same. you just can get more or lose less.

i want to aim for the losing team to try harder and not afk the game if there are 50 points or a player doing few mistakes. so i want to indulge them to try harder by the possibility to lose less point or even getting a little.

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