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Things and functions i wish WVW would add if possible


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Ive been playing a lot of wvw lately and i really enjoy it...but sometimes i feel like we need to have more roles in wvw other than roaming, zerging, upgrading, sieging and scouting...delivering supplies maybe? spying? i also thought that mounts should be added for gameplay's


Dolyak mount as a tactics- for self delivering supplies or a way to replace dolyak delivery from camp to tower/keep to implement roles in wvw so not everyone's on zergs but also on towers building and upgrading


Mount for commanders/lieutenants - to plow thru zerg something like a dragon banner tactics..also so you can pick out the commanders...so we can visually choose to pick out the commanders and cut the head of the zerg forces some gameplay and so people are gnna be more inclined to protect your commander too


Wyvern mount - something like a bloodlust only 1 can be summoned every several minutes or an hour? to drop a line of flame field on an area...kinda like dropping missile strikes on call of duty from the mini map. if not like an airstrike maybe can be a ridable mount and can be sieged


Spies - 1 voluntary spy for each server...similar to slubling mechanic from slothazoar....you will appear as an enemy from your teamates and also be killable by teamates and the people from your server your spying from can also still hit you by swinging skill 1 on them to be able to tell who your spies are


Mounts chariot to be able to pull your siege - will requite 2 players mounted to make your siege mobile


Mount to joust people down - similar to heart of thorns mordrem rider as a tactic


Mount trap - similar to forge traps in the dessert


Update banners tactics


more supply capacity if your riding a mount


Ambushing Dolyak mounts to steal supply

using the skrits and centaurs to help and follow you to assault a tower or a camp


what do you guys think? or does it sound ridiculous? what r your thoughts on my ideas?



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> @"NubCakes.7461" said:

> im not on forums a lot...why is that? was just an idea but yes maybe i dnt knw wht im talking about lol


A few of us WvWers want mounts but the "elitists" think they will ruin WvW, the same people that cry WvW is dead for the past 4 years every time something new comes.

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I'm not really for mounts in wvw.


Why would a commander ride a mount to be more visible to an enemy? I mean they kodan tonic too but they have players around them doing that too.

No point for Wyvern mount, there's a dragon banner.

Mobile siege, no thanks, players should be punished for misplacing siege.

What's the point of being a spy? Plenty of spies on servers these days with free alt accounts.



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Fact is its been what, 6 months since gliding was added? 8? And **Anet still cant get it working properly in WvW** because enemy gliders warp all over the place. The same conversion of mounts would be totally broken.


So no, I wouldnt hold my breath for mounts. I'd rather have existing features fixed.

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> @"NubCakes.7461" said:

> yeah but i was thnking of it as a tactics kinda like dragon banner...but yeah im sure nt everyones gnna agree with me


We kind of have those already, charr cars, and those scorpion thingies in EoTM. I suppose golems can be considered a type of mount.

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I kinda like the idea of mounts, though big guilds can run up on small ones really fast so there could be a problem. I also like the idea of huge maps with waypointed and siegeable cities. This would allow for a lot more players, esp if the idea was really pushed by anet. Heck, id even like to attack a guild at Jormag. What would really be cool, weekly map change with copies of the open world maps.

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> @"NubCakes.7461" said:

> Spies - 1 voluntary spy for each server...similar to slubling mechanic from slothazoar....you will appear as an enemy from your teamates and also be killable by teamates and the people from your server your spying from can also still hit you by swinging skill 1 on them to be able to tell who your spies are


if that means i can as a spy attack my own server ( ofcourse only to ensure the oposing server doesnt get suspicious ;)) i volunteer!



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The ideas on itself might be interesting but in this certain Environment they are not even worth another thought. The whole spy Thing is not working in an game that is not completely focused on Team activity. The Mounts would not be used. They are making the commander even more easier to target. And even more worth to target. You don't Need to carry materials because the maps are by far too small.


You will realise all this once you have played WvW for a REAL lot.

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Well what i was thinking about spying was ur allowed to auto attack enemy siege but offcourse it will give away your secret...and maybe the server your spying on can also hit u randomly with skill 1 as a way of checking for spies and i thought of this because i want people to man some towers and keeps too sometimes ppl just cap them and leave them

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> @"NubCakes.7461" said:

> Well what i was thinking about spying was ur allowed to auto attack enemy siege but offcourse it will give away your secret...and maybe the server your spying on can also hit u randomly with skill 1 as a way of checking for spies and i thought of this because i want people to man some towers and keeps too sometimes ppl just cap them and leave them


If I could infiltrate into a tower/ objectitve, I would priortize myself to solo the lord instead of sieges when theres a chance. As for the later, no thanks...not many will be interested to spend hours playing lookout waiting for action (that might not even happen, there's also reward issues etc.) Roaming is more engaging and offers more coverage.

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A tactic I would actually like in WvW would be a camp tactic to change the directions of the dolyaks so they prioritize one route over the other.

E.g. You have the tactic on North Camp on your home BL and your NE tower is fully upgraded but your NW tower is paper. Seems a waste for a yak to go NE.

Obviously 3 settings for the tactic, default, route 1 or route 2.


I would only recommend this tactic as an active and not passive because it would lose its impact when fighting with Packed Yaks or Speedy Yaks.


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What wvw needs is not mounts.


It needs maybe a new map..

Not the shit we have now desert one.


Let me try explain fast just need old tyria map. 3 spawn points and start the war cap towns etc like you do now but then based on tyria maps.


Just look at planetside 2 it shows where fun is you can most of the time port close to the fights


Now on top off that give wvw a reason to win cus right now I don't care too win or lose. I gain nothing on winning neither I lose something on losing so why bother try hard if out come is the same at the end?





If you don't know planetside2 I won't bother explaining their system of capping stuff. Look it up but anet not gonna change the whole thing anyway they only wanna do minor things not a huge overhaul

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