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Future Expansion Pack Ideas

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I am not sure if a thread on this has been generated or posted somewhere, so rather than search through a myriad of posts old and new, I will attempt to reimagine the wheel.

First, I know we are still adjusting to Path of Fire (PoF), but I thought it might be a good idea to start generating ideas for a future xpac somewhere down the line. Given the size of the map, and the amount of areas that can be potentially unlocked and explored, this would be a good way of getting our ideas to the developers. On that note, here is my leading idea. I understand there may be an ancient Elder Water Dragon somewhere in the mix, so maybe the next xpac can have players deal with him/her? possibly in a predominately ocean environment. With that in mind, a couple of players so far have opened up the suggestion that maybe it is time to add a new race to the mix, mostly for looks of course. Some ideas that were floated around were either the Tengu or the Largos. Now, if a future xpac has players dealing with a water dragon somewhere in the world's oceans, then it is plausible that if a new race is added to the existing lineup, Largos would be a good fit. It would even be easy to generate lore for them and their understanding and knowledge of where this particular dragon might have its domain set up, possible strengths and weaknesses, etc. And of course it gives the Pact an excuse for deploying those submarines we see tied up at docks all over Tyria. Well if this catches the developers' collective eyes, and maybe the players as well, feed back would be great, maybe within the next year, we can possibly see some traction on this and other ideas.

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New races has been brought up quite a few times, but they may have been for the most part on the now archived forums. Largos, Tengu, Dwarf, Grawl and even Skritt have been brought up as suggestions but only the first 3 have gotten any sort of traction with players. I personally think the next race (if there ever is one) will be either Tengu or maybe stone dwarf.

While the story can go various directions, I think making the enemy another elder dragon is a bit.. simplistic. The central theme to PoF was 'killing more elder dragons is bad'. If it werent we could have had the expansion set to kill Primordus or Jormag which are causing much larger issues than Bubbles is.

I'm sure a lot of players are wanting to see Cantha at some point, but whether that will involve crossing the ocean or an alternative route (which the order of whispers mentions) is up in the air. There are many places not even in Tyria we could go. Fissure of Woe, Realm of Torment, other parts of the Underworld etc.

Dont get me wrong, I like the idea of fighting Bubbles, but underwater combat would need to be looked at much more diligently by AN than it has been. Revenant doesn't even have all of its underwater skills. Underwater combat is also not well received by many players.

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Looking at the previous two expansions, I assume the next one will again consist of:


1) Thematic Expansion of the map, more or less familiar from GW1 ( I am hoping for Canta)

2) New Elite spec

3) Add another typical MMO staple, done in GW2 fashion (which is the right fashion, imo).


As for 3), we got Flight (done right through Gliding imo) and Mounts (again, done right, with that extra GW2 fluidity and oomph).


For the next expansion, we could get one of the following staples;

* Housing (Home instance is a Place holder in my opinion)

* Henchmen/Heroes for Instanced Content (aka Mercenaries (EQ) Soldiers (Lotro) Companion(SWtOR) etectera)

* A new Race with accompanying new maps

* Dual-classing; hey, we can hope! This would probably mean they abandon Elite Specs, and/or roll the existing ones in the Dual Class system. Very unlikely.

* Level increase........... GASP! I can see GW2 actually implementing this in a satisfactory fashion. Would love to bottomfeed on the HoT-maps, always felt so right to me in a MMO, but I realize I am on VERY THIN ICE here. ;) And probably very alone.


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