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Benefit of Facet of Nature when Solo?


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Ive been wondering if its even worth it to run it at all when on your own? It seems to have little use if you are in Glint stance, given that you pulse your boons yourself. Jalis have no use for it. But Shiro? The only thing i can see is getting more efficiency from the superspeed boon provided by impossible odds. Which is rendered far less important by the existence of mounts


So it seems to me its mainly a party benefit to lenghten quickness in particular.

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Honestly I haven't been using its passive effect, period. The thing about most boons in the game is that they're all designed to be fully self-sufficient now. A chronobuffer can maintain permanent alacrity/quickness without it, a druid can keep might capped without it, most classes can sustain their own fury, etc. Maybe for WvW so you can keep up retaliation and stability, but otherwise Facet of Nature doesn't have a lot of use.


I quickly pop off the active effect for supplementary boons. The protection is good, and the fury fills the few caps that most people had on their own.

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Superspeed isn't actually a boon so it doesn't even help that.


I never thought about it as classes in wvw that want boon duration already self cap that anyhow. And also in wvw maxing boon duration is far less important than reapplication at this time. I generally just use it for the block of boons it gives.





Grants barrier when receiving boons while in combat, 100 (.1 healing power)



Removes all boons from self. For each one removed, grant barrier and remove 1 condition for all allies affected by your Naturalistic Resonance, 500 (.2 healing power)

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I am guessing you are playing a power herald? I honestly rarely ever run power when I play rev, but when I have in the past, I would never keep it up unless to build up boons outside of combat. In combat I just frankly find it way too taxing on energy regeneration to ever keep it up. I could see it being worth keeping it up to maximize a quickness sigil or Brutality, but I usually just pulse it for the boons.


When I play support herald I will be more conscious of keeping it active, but only when I'm stacking boons in Glint. I run in mostly Minstrels for WvW so the facet puts me at 100% duration, and the extra duration is nice for squadmates. In Ventari I will use it sometimes, but only in easier fights that aren't as energy intensive. A problem I often encounter is that the skill remains active when switching legends, so when I'm about to switch out of Glint I either have to completely drain my energy to deactivate it, or I have to pulse it for the active so my energy isn't being limited as much in Ventari.


TLDR: I tend to only use it either to stack boons or when in WvW running a support herald and while invoking Glint.

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Hrm....I see. Guess it contributes to Revenants no longer being as popular due to no longer needing their Facet of Nature for boon duration. Guess I was too used to older rev style where you kept it up and changed legends just before running out of energy to ensure it stayed active.. Takes me by suprise that other classes no longer is reliant on it. Perhaps we should ask for a redesign of Facet of Nature since its irelevant now.


But not having to channel it should make the shiro drain much easier to bear until you can change legends.


I had been playing with Renegade, but ultimately found the spirits too obnoxious to deal with. Plus its difficult not having swiftness on demand, nor the Glint heal. But it seems Herald shield is still useless for a power rev.

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I use Facet of Nature solo when running Ventari instead of Glint, so I don't actually lose out on the perma-swiftness I'd otherwise have. Ventari's Will means I can keep up the swiftness from Rapid Flow and the protection from Bolster Fortifications while keeping enough energy regen to remain at full. Apart from that, I agree that its passive is generally less useful than it used to be, and is otherwise only useful to toggle on and off for a burst of boons (and bonus damage if you've traited Elder's Force).

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