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Feedback: Guild Wars 2 Mac 64-Bit Client

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Currently running 64 bit client on a mid 2015 top of the line MacBook Pro. I am getting some fuzzy textures and FPS drop from time to time, especially in large scale areas with lots of particle effects going on (even on low settings). I am currently in the market for a new laptop and was curious if the max configuration


is viable or if I should dust off my 3-4 year old gaming PC. I don't really have a lot of room on my desk so my preference is the new Mac running it well, but between being a Mac (not ideal.... for gaming) and a laptop.... I am just hoping for better performance than I am currently getting. Does anyone play on this model or something comparable?


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I've recently noticed that Vertical Sync, with High Sierra, under certain conditions, drops the frame rate significantly, from ~25 to less than 20. The area where I find it more noticeable is in Verdant Brink. Not only it drops the frame rate, it seems to do so by wasting CPU cycles: fans spin up, and there's a general slugginess and unresponsiveness. Pretty sure this was not happening with Sierra.


So, if you are running on High Sierra and have mid- to low-end hardware, my advice is to turn Vertical Sync off.

Hope this may be of help.

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> @"sunrun.4521" said:

> Has the hitching/jerkiness improved for anyone? It's still just as bad as ever for me. Starting to move anywhere or rotating the camera results in hitches that sometimes last two seconds, so an FPS of less than 1.


I still have a jerkiness. My FPS are normally good, averaging in the 40's with medium/high settings, but for some reason it jerks slightly when running forward.


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Just to throw my experience into the mix with my iMac i5 3.3Ghz with R9 M395 Graphics running on both OS (MacOS and Windows 10).

So using the same config (1080p, medium setting, VSync on) and the difference in FPS is very wide.

MacOS: Around 30 - 40 fps (with some tweaking, like lowering shadows boots this to 60 FPS)

Windows: Around 60 - 70 fps

Regardless, the improvements of the 64Bit client for MacOS are very noticeable and very welcomed! :heart:




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The game is getting close to unplayable for me on the iMac. I am getting jerking when moving, in pve and wvw. My fps in wow drops below 10. Pve is somewhat better but not the 50 fps I used to experience on my older Windows 10 machine. Turning down the settings to best performance has no effect. I have also turned down my screen resolution to 3200x1800 (on the 5K screen) and that doesn't seem to have helped at all.



High Sierra 10.13.4

4GHz Intel core i7

16Gb 1867 MHz DDR3

AMD Radeon R9 M390 2048 MB

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The jerkiness/hitching is the main problem for me as well. If you don't move, it settles down and fps goes back up to normal/decent levels, but start moving/rotating the view and it seems that any time it has to load an object or texture it pauses while it does it (even with an SSD). If you're in a high player environment it's especially bad as, I assume, that means more objects for it to need to be loading.



High Sierra 10.13.4

2.6GHz Intel Core i7

16GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3

AMD Radeon Pro 460

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> The game is getting close to unplayable for me on the iMac. I am getting jerking when moving, in pve and wvw. My fps in wow drops below 10. Pve is somewhat better but not the 50 fps I used to experience on my older Windows 10 machine. Turning down the settings to best performance has no effect. I have also turned down my screen resolution to 3200x1800 (on the 5K screen) and that doesn't seem to have helped at all.


> Specs:

> High Sierra 10.13.4

> 4GHz Intel core i7

> 16Gb 1867 MHz DDR3

> AMD Radeon R9 M390 2048 MB


I've got a similar system:

High Sierra 10.13.4

4GHz Intel core i7

24GB 1867 MHz DDR3

AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB


Running at 2560 x 1440 full screen with most settings on low; Textures, Model Limit, Model Quality on medium and High-Res Character Textures. AlsoRender Sampling is Native.


Inside and around Fort Trinity am getting 60+ fps.


On Sandswept Isles seeing drop to 30 - 40fps.

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I'm trying to play the game on a 2017 13" MBP with eGPU attached but it's really not delivering the performance that I was expecting. I get the feeling that GW2 hasn't been optimised for eGPU support, especially because many other games I've played run silky smooth on high settings. Anyone had a more positive experience playing GW2 with an eGPU attached?


Tech specs:

High Sierra 10.13.4

Macbook Pro (13-in, 2017, 4x TB3 ports, Touchbar version)

3.3 GHz Intel Core i5

16Gb 2133 MHz DDR3

eGPU: Razer Core V2 + AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB


With a n AMD RX 580 I was hoping I'd be able to get some solid 60fps but even with all graphics set to "Medium" my fps floats between 20-32fps, dropping to <10 the first few seconds I load into a new area...it's pretty awful.

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> @"dengar.1057" said:

> The MacOs version after Mojave won't have OpenGL and OpenCL anymore (see at the bottom of https://developer.apple.com/macos/whats-new/). is GW2 on the mac using OpenGL or Metal?


Have heard somewhere here in this tread that GW2 is NOT Metal with no intention at Anet to move to Metal ATM, meaning GW2 is OpenGL and will be stuck to it fro a while, maybe.

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The GW2 Mac team better get cracking. While OpenGL will work in Mojave, and may also work in next year's version as well (they haven't actually specified when OpenGL will be changed from "deprecated" to "removed"), the path is now clear: move to Metal or your game stops working.

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#About High Sierra

As far as we have measured, none of the problems appear to be specific to High Sierra. When there is a problem it seems to relate to some combination of the OS version and hardware, but not specifically High Sierra (for example, some users were not experiencing high disk I/O before High Sierra, but ended up experiencing them afterwards - the bug itself was not specific to High Sierra).


#About jittering

We have collected data internally to understand the issue in greater detail, but don't have more to share about this issue at this time.


#About OpenGL deprecation

Deprecated does not mean gone. OpenGL will continue to work in 10.14. We are discussing our options internally. Unfortunately, since this news is new even to us we don't have much to say on it at this time.



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