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Showing rating when match begins


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It seems that matchmaking isn't so nice due to the low population lately, and it is very common to be teamed with players in top100 at 1500 rating. However, it would be nice to know players rating before, so you can adapt . In exemple, if i'm teamed with a silver mesmer against a plat 2+ mesmer, then it might be safe to assume he won't try to 1v1 him. It may also help people stop trolling/flaming teammates if they know they're against better players.


The system already " exists " in AT, since you can see almost everyone who is registered by checking " Friend and Guild " list once you are registered , and also check their rating. So, i don't see any problem in adding it more explicitely and in solo queue..

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If they wanted to be trasparent and believed in there matchmaking they would do it but they wont. The public company line against doing it would probably be well we don't want the lowest rated players in the matches taking abuse if things go bad in matches so we don't do it. But the easiest fix to that is to just show all the players ratings with no names attached after the match. The real reason they don't do it imo is we would be able audit there match making systems effectiveness more easily and what they have said about how it works in the past. One thing is for sure it will never happen. They dont want you to see you are getting put with people well below or above your skill level all too often.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> This would only breed toxicity and elitism/finger pointing when things go south. Losses will *always* be blamed on the lowest rated player.


I think visible mmr would decrease toxicity. Showing mmr allows players to set expectations on the performance of their teammates, e.g. a high mmr (in relation to the average mmr in the match) teammate performing well is to be expected and conversely a low mmr teammate is expected to under-perform. If mmr were visible, I would be more inclined to blame underperforming high mmr players or matchmaking than my lowest rated player. It's not their fault they were put in a game with more skilled and experienced players. That being said I don't act toxic or finger point (in chat).

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> @"Zephyr.6475" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > This would only breed toxicity and elitism/finger pointing when things go south. Losses will *always* be blamed on the lowest rated player.


> I think visible mmr would decrease toxicity. Showing mmr allows players to set expectations on the performance of their teammates, e.g. a high mmr (in relation to the average mmr in the match) teammate performing well is to be expected and conversely a low mmr teammate is expected to under-perform. If mmr were visible, I would be more inclined to blame underperforming high mmr players or matchmaking than my lowest rated player. It's not their fault they were put in a game with more skilled and experienced players. That being said I don't act toxic or finger point (in chat).


But when would you blame yourself? Surely never, right? The fact that you even admit to placing blame shows that the proposed visible MMR would bring nothing but more childish behavior. This game mode does not need any more toxicity, especially when it would be geared towards your own teammates.

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> > > @"Turk.5460" said:


> But when would you blame yourself? Surely never, right? The fact that you even admit to placing blame shows that the proposed visible MMR would bring nothing but more childish behavior. This game mode does not need any more toxicity, especially when it would be geared towards your own teammates.


When I under perform I blame myself, and I do under perform. This is going to sound condescending, but I often outperform my teammates, and it would be useful for me to see how I measured up against the player on the other team whose mmr corresponds to my own. Then I can know if I pulled my weight individually or not. If I played worse than said player on the other team, I'll know that the loss is partially or entirely my fault, as I didn't carry hard enough. Blaming other people doesn't help you improve and is an unproductive mindset, but laddering and playing well while losing makes players feel helpless. Showing them that they are performing better than average but a corresponding player on the other team is contributing even more will help give perspective where it's needed and help players such as me take on more responsibility for game outcomes.

I'm not trying to be combative or childish, I'm just sharing an opinion and trying to come to the best solution for everyone.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's something we may do eventually post-match. I'd rather not have it pre-match because of possible toxicity, as well as other concerns.


> We'll be looking more into this type of thing once swiss is out the door.



I understand it may cause toxicity, but it will give players an idea of what you are going to have to deal with. As opposed to thinking you are in a all plat 2/3 game thinking everyone knows what they are doing. This needs to be done asap - if I had 2 silvers or whatever in my game I'd tell them what to do prematch as opposed to having to rage when they do a stupid decision.

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > It's something we may do eventually post-match. I'd rather not have it pre-match because of possible toxicity, as well as other concerns.

> >

> > We'll be looking more into this type of thing once swiss is out the door.

> >


> I understand it may cause toxicity, but it will give players an idea of what you are going to have to deal with. As opposed to thinking you are in a all plat 2/3 game thinking everyone knows what they are doing. This needs to be done asap - if I had 2 silvers or whatever in my game I'd tell them what to do prematch as opposed to having to rage when they do a stupid decision.


I think the more realistic response would be,


"Lol, there's two silvers in our team. I'M OUT, GAIS"


I've never met a PvP'er willing to stop and explain things to others. It's always insults or silence, even in unranked games.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > It's something we may do eventually post-match. I'd rather not have it pre-match because of possible toxicity, as well as other concerns.

> > >

> > > We'll be looking more into this type of thing once swiss is out the door.

> > >

> >

> > I understand it may cause toxicity, but it will give players an idea of what you are going to have to deal with. As opposed to thinking you are in a all plat 2/3 game thinking everyone knows what they are doing. This needs to be done asap - if I had 2 silvers or whatever in my game I'd tell them what to do prematch as opposed to having to rage when they do a stupid decision.


> I think the more realistic response would be,


> "Lol, there's two silvers in our team. I'M OUT, GAIS"


> I've never met a PvP'er willing to stop and explain things to others. It's always insults or silence, even in unranked games.


I would if I knew they were low tier, because its my game on the line at the end of the day.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's something we may do eventually post-match. I'd rather not have it pre-match because of possible toxicity, as well as other concerns.


> We'll be looking more into this type of thing once swiss is out the door.



I don't think this should be a thing, pre or post match period. If players really want to know they can dig through the leader boards. But the amount of salt people would have at the player with the lowest rank if they lost a match would be extremely toxic and awful. Even I know that if I lost a match and saw that someone was gold on my team I'd feel annoyed at them and I'm about as chill of a dude as you get. I get annoyed when I lose and feel let down by my team, but actually seeing a gold or several would make it too real, personalized and quantified.


Let alone how robbed and unfair players would feel when they queue up and pre or post match saw they were up against a top 10 player and they aren't even in the top 250.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's something we may do eventually post-match. I'd rather not have it pre-match because of possible toxicity, as well as other concerns.


> We'll be looking more into this type of thing once swiss is out the door.



If you are sure of your matchmaking system, you should not be afraid of toxicity.

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> @"vaxjani.9073" said:

> I dont think showing individual players' rating would be good, but i would like to see the team average ratings before the match begins.


But that's not going to help much, since i believe teams are made so averages are close. If team A has 1800 1400 1400 1400 1000 and team B has 1500 1300 1400 1400 1400, averages are going to be equals, but this won't give more information than today.


I agree with Zephyr and Chilli however. Personnaly, i like posting tactics and drawing on maps, and it would be much more tactical and interesting knowing x player is, on paper, less good. Also, this should give more pression to " best players " since they should, on paper again, beat other players easily and help teammates.

This should stop toxicity also since it can't be any worse than today. Most of toxicity are players that have no idea what they're doing and flame all teammates. I've rarely seen a true ' good ' player flaming his " less " experienced teammates, except when his advices in chat are not followed over the game.

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To me anything over about a 100 MMR - 150 MMR skill cap difference is bad from the highest rated player on your team to the lowest or in the game really. I dont see why a 1400 range player for example would ever be in a match with 1600 MMR player. I want to see it for my own piece of mind. It would get rid of some toxicity. Its a sanity check and yes I want to be able audit your match making because I am a skeptic by nature and people make mistakes. Smarter people then your game programmers make mistakes all the time.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's something we may do eventually post-match. I'd rather not have it pre-match because of possible toxicity, as well as other concerns.


> We'll be looking more into this type of thing once swiss is out the door.



Overwatch shows all the rating, and I don't think I've ever seen a person blaming their loss on the lowest SR teammate. I think the concern about toxicity due to visibility MMR is overblown.


It's a lot more likely people will blame their loss on a friendly Rev/Ele or an opponent Mesmer/Scourge. That's where the toxicity comes from.

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > It's something we may do eventually post-match. I'd rather not have it pre-match because of possible toxicity, as well as other concerns.

> > > >

> > > > We'll be looking more into this type of thing once swiss is out the door.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I understand it may cause toxicity, but it will give players an idea of what you are going to have to deal with. As opposed to thinking you are in a all plat 2/3 game thinking everyone knows what they are doing. This needs to be done asap - if I had 2 silvers or whatever in my game I'd tell them what to do prematch as opposed to having to rage when they do a stupid decision.

> >

> > I think the more realistic response would be,

> >

> > "Lol, there's two silvers in our team. I'M OUT, GAIS"

> >

> > I've never met a PvP'er willing to stop and explain things to others. It's always insults or silence, even in unranked games.


> I would if I knew they were low tier, because its my game on the line at the end of the day.


second that comment, I aint able to carry players who can't dodge, follow simple roations or focus target. It's impossible at the moment UNLESS you are someone that above the average level.

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Honestly sounds like a horrible idea to show rating before a match. Not actually sure it'd be that great for after; was removed for a reason the first time right? Though if it is decided, what about also adding or maybe as an alternative would be to show the players rank (or maybe show players rank in unranked matches and current season rating in ranked while season is active but if a player isn't at the min don't show) just tossing out a few idea's. Still overall unsure the good out weights the bad but I know you'll all put a lot more thought into it then me before making a decision. Best of luck, I know this will have a lot of people on both sides.

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How about trying it out? When something is suggested by the community, devs should implement it in game for a while and see how it goes, rather than just speculating about it. That is how you learn, that is how you improve your game, trial and error.

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