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Bridges and Npcs

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Heya, I created this topics to suggest new decorations for guild hall, assets which are already here and everywhere around Tyria. But of course, you could participate and suggest something too! As example, the only craftable asuran thingy is fractal console actually which is sad so I'm asking for more of them: ground tiles, lab equipments, staircases and bridge! :D

I will not only take care of asura but all races: Why not tanks from charrs? Nectar flowers within the grove? Ice sculptures and Food Racks in Hoelbrak? :)

Recently some new decos have been added like tribulation cloud and nice cloud it seems.

To make the guild hall more "living", we could craft NPCs? Of course we aren't alchemists and do not play with souls, but they will have the appearance of an NPC but named "Automate" in scriptorium! And made of gears, crystal/ charged core with a specific rune for instance, no need for custom texts only basic sentences! Simply, basic races NPC you meet everywhere.

Take a look through these screens, and by advance; I'm sorry for the inconvenience of taking to much space and forcing you to scroll down! :p :+1:














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I don't think craftable npcs would work. But I am all for more variety in decorations, especially things that might seem mundane at first like generic things from around the racial cities. Because those are the kinds of things you use to create a homely feel to a place. I want beds, bookcases full of books, campfires with food cooking over them, food I can place on tables, simple fences, etc.


And I would love for some animals. Chickens, dolyaks, fernhounds, etc.


The guild halls need more life in them.

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MMh for bridges it's just decorations, It's better than using several floor tiles or SAB slopes, bridges: screen 1 bottom-left corner, screen 2 upper-left , 3 upper right , 4 upper left corner. After reflection, yup we are lacking of animals. :) Bridges would be helpful if some rivers cross the guild hall.

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An idea I proposed in the old forums to cover the NPC lacking thing was this:

- Make a number of your alts that are representing a certain Guild, to appear as simple NPCs in such guild Hall as long as you are connected to the game. The number can be limited to 2 or even 1 if the guild have too much active people. This allows to add diverse NPCs without needing an specific "NPC creator" system.

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Hmm...things I'm missing in my GH...

1) Race markers, so you can make your own races.

2) More general stuff like mentioned in the OP, because options are always welcome.

3) Rework the Fractal console to be bigger/more flashy, the thing costs a lot of gold for how little it shines.

4) More statues, but that might be just me.

5) A Guild Sculptor that makes statues out of your toons akin to the medusa-thingy we get from the Boxes of Fun. Would be great if the statues worked like a marker, i.e. that you could add some text to your statue. Again, maybe it's just me...

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  • 1 month later...

A little bump for this thread, due to the living season 4 and all her new assets!






Main ideas:

1-Scenary! Ruins, giant windmill and so on! Territory/race markers pipes, more carpet!

2-More plants of any type! from bushes to flower fields, new trees like tall autumn tree!

3-Funny little interactive objects like a perimeter cannon throwing water, fake fire, banners, launch pad...

4-A ton of other devices for your home-lab in guild hall! More gate/door types!


And so, more monument to write on, why not a customizable hologram spawning one of the 10 basic race npc model displaying you imputed text? Or gizmos giving fun effects? By the way, I want to mention that the console fractal is way far too much expensive for what it is, the same for uzolan mechanic orchestra.. a gift of magic, really?

I support the toon statue idea. Animals and special environment maker devices would be appreciated: Give to a specific area a very dense black fog to mime a cave as example, make raining... a dynamic weather.




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