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Let me play with friends


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How about no.


My memories of team queue, when it existed, consists of getting farmed by Orange Logo, TCG, Vermillion and r55 when you got to the upper tiers of leaderboards. Admittedly, those teams are dead now. But still. It was awful. At least with this system it's as even a playing field as it can get without having an active PvP playerbase numbering in the tens of thousands.

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Anet caters to the one player who cares about his ~~ego~~ rank, rather than the 5 who wanna play together.


Even though it's simple math that 5 players populating the mists is better than 1 player in the mists, anet still gives ice cream to that one lonely kid and pushes away the 5 man group...

I wonder how populated the mists would be if we had 5 man ques again, I remember there was atleast 3-4 hot rooms filled, now it's just a long list of empty servers.


(they didn't even make it like the current system on duo, would be nice to have team q up till 1600 rank, after that for those who care about thier own solo rank could have it and the rest of us could farm pips for fun)

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Separate queues. one purely solo ranked, the other 1-5 man mixed ranked queue, both having their own respective leaderboards(1-5 man queue should have more pip gain for more incentive to play it over solo). People that want to play with their friends and farm pips can roll with the 1-5 man mixed queue. it doesn't hurt to try at this point, and you make both sides happy.

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I am thanking all the people that have actually read the thread and posted coherent answers and opinions on this matter. The matter of the small playerbase can be quite serious. If anet shared some numbers we could actually talk about it with some data, making the matter less blurry and approssimated. Also the problem of an abuse of the pip system in unranked can be quite serious, but it's actually possible to work around that pretty fine IMHO. It's not a big problem like the small playerbase.


I honestly think that giving back some forms of team queue, even without rank but with pips would increase the population and maybe the ones that start to find again the fun in pvp would like to try to prove themselves in ranked to show off their shiny badge to their friends when they go play together in the queue with friends where they go to earn some pips and have some fun.


To all the people shouting "HURR DURR RANKED NO BALANCE, STACK 5 MEMESERS, RANKED SOLO PLAY, I PRO RANK" i just want to say : Read the whole thread and understand what's written in there instead of coming out with random answers. The whole point of my suggestion is because people like me or a lot of other like me are ruining you "ranked pro skill experience" as we don't give a single kitten (i actually wrote kitten) about rank, we just want to have fun our way. Having fun our way in a MMO means getting some nice shinies while doing what we like :).


Last shoutout: why would you want to make an only solo queue of a mode that it's made for teamplay ? Why would you do such a "strange" thing? If the game was designed to be played solo then why not make a duel queue like the BnS one ? Just sayin

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> @"polvere.2805" said:

> I am thanking all the people that have actually read the thread and posted coherent answers and opinions on this matter. The matter of the small playerbase can be quite serious. If anet shared some numbers we could actually talk about it with some data, making the matter less blurry and approssimated. Also the problem of an abuse of the pip system in unranked can be quite serious, but it's actually possible to work around that pretty fine IMHO. It's not a big problem like the small playerbase.


> I honestly think that giving back some forms of team queue, even without rank but with pips would increase the population and maybe the ones that start to find again the fun in pvp would like to try to prove themselves in ranked to show off their shiny badge to their friends when they go play together in the queue with friends where they go to earn some pips and have some fun.


> To all the people shouting "HURR DURR RANKED NO BALANCE, STACK 5 MEMESERS, RANKED SOLO PLAY, I PRO RANK" i just want to say : Read the whole thread and understand what's written in there instead of coming out with random answers. The whole point of my suggestion is because people like me or a lot of other like me are ruining you "ranked pro skill experience" as we don't give a single kitten (i actually wrote kitten) about rank, we just want to have fun our way. Having fun our way in a MMO means getting some nice shinies while doing what we like :).


> Last shoutout: why would you want to make an only solo queue of a mode that it's made for teamplay ? Why would you do such a "strange" thing? If the game was designed to be played solo then why not make a duel queue like the BnS one ? Just sayin


Your last shoutout: There's a misconception about solo queue that you truly play by yourself. Solo queue means Pug team vs Pug team, it's a even playing field because both sides get randoms and random team compositions, no composition/player doctoring before queuing. You still play as a team just with random people so the team aspect is there still. Back when pre-mades were around for a mixed queue, It was infuriating when get a pug team having 3 thieves(extreme example) not willing to switch, then you go up against a premade team with a better rounded composition. There was also another older issue with the system that carried lesser skilled players were they don't belong and it ruined games. Though when it comes to the upper end of ranked with premades, queueing solo into a known known name/ex-esl team with a solo group means why even bother playing the match, they're most likely on comms, and going to steam roll your unorganized team.

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TeamQ wouldn't even be a problem as long as there's class restriction. So doesn't matter if you queue as solo or 5 man team, you could only have one of each class in your team.


Then ofc there would be only team "end game" at high platinum and legendary, but that would get those people feel like it's a real deal fighting for honor! Casuals are below T2 platinum, and those wouldn't even care so much if they get "unbalanced" teams.


Only soloQ makes wintraders and afkers worse and worse. Believe me. I know....


PvP just needs in-game voice comm, and we can even forget if other team is soloQers and enemy is premade team.


Pure soloQ is worst thing Anet could do to this game.

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> @"Lucentfir.7430" said:


> Your last shoutout: There's a misconception about solo queue that you truly play by yourself. Solo queue means Pug team vs Pug team, it's a even playing field because both sides get randoms and random team compositions, no composition/player doctoring before queuing. You still play as a team just with random people so the team aspect is there still. Back when pre-mades were around for a mixed queue, It was infuriating when get a pug team having 3 thieves(extreme example) not willing to switch, then you go up against a premade team with a better rounded composition. There was also another older issue with the system that carried lesser skilled players were they don't belong and it ruined games. Though when it comes to the upper end of ranked with premades, queueing solo into a known known name/ex-esl team with a solo group means why even bother playing the match, they're most likely on comms, and going to steam roll your unorganized team.


I think i expressed myself quite bad: What i wanted to say is why would you do ONLY a solo queue. I'm fine with it, but neglectin parties of 3 or 4 people it's quite a shame. Also for 5 people parties: Tourneaments are online every 4 hours, let's say we are a pretty bad team of 5 people, we are not that good, and we lose the first match. Now we are not allowed to play together outside of unranked with his trash rewards for 4 HOURS ???? I don't want to ruin the ranked to anybody but i think that parties should deserve some love. Make a different rank or just give pips to unranked, there are a lot of possible solutions that can be tweaked and AT LEAST tested in game IMHO.




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> @"polvere.2805" said:

> > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:


> > Your last shoutout: There's a misconception about solo queue that you truly play by yourself. Solo queue means Pug team vs Pug team, it's a even playing field because both sides get randoms and random team compositions, no composition/player doctoring before queuing. You still play as a team just with random people so the team aspect is there still. Back when pre-mades were around for a mixed queue, It was infuriating when get a pug team having 3 thieves(extreme example) not willing to switch, then you go up against a premade team with a better rounded composition. There was also another older issue with the system that carried lesser skilled players were they don't belong and it ruined games. Though when it comes to the upper end of ranked with premades, queueing solo into a known known name/ex-esl team with a solo group means why even bother playing the match, they're most likely on comms, and going to steam roll your unorganized team.


> I think i expressed myself quite bad: What i wanted to say is why would you do ONLY a solo queue. I'm fine with it, but neglectin parties of 3 or 4 people it's quite a shame. Also for 5 people parties: Tourneaments are online every 4 hours, let's say we are a pretty bad team of 5 people, we are not that good, and we lose the first match. Now we are not allowed to play together outside of unranked with his trash rewards for 4 HOURS ???? I don't want to ruin the ranked to anybody but i think that parties should deserve some love. Make a different rank or just give pips to unranked, there are a lot of possible solutions that can be tweaked and AT LEAST tested in game IMHO.





If you read my other post in this thread, I'm for having 2 different queues aka one pure solo and the other one just like the the old system (Queue with any party size up to 5 people.) Give people the choice to subject themselves into the environment with pre-made teams or RNG teams. I'm also sure solo queuers have friends they want to queue with and have fun from time to time, and with a seperate leaderboard they don't really have to worry about tanking their solo rating by bringing some lesser skilled individuals on board.

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