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Please Remove Spirit Watch


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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > This map is one of the coolest maps out of them all imo. Why the hate for such a great looking map? I wish it was still in ranked.


> Because PvP is a competitive format and Spirit Watch is not competitive.


> Simple.


Do you have a brain?


Any map is "competitve"


They could put 100 people in a map that is a 3x3 boxed room and it would be competitive man.

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> > @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > This map is one of the coolest maps out of them all imo. Why the hate for such a great looking map? I wish it was still in ranked.

> >

> > Because PvP is a competitive format and Spirit Watch is not competitive.

> >

> > Simple.


> Do you have a brain?


> Any map is "competitve"


> They could put 100 people in a map that is a 3x3 boxed room and it would be competitive man.


I'm guessing you're Silver 2? Maybe Silver 3?


Nobody on the top end of tournaments or ranked believes Spirit Watch is competitive. It isn't competitive because it isn't balanced. The orb mechanic is a complete joke causing what basically amounts to a FFA in the middle zone. Both spawn points are basically in the same place allowing for the easiest spawn camp in the game. Fall damage. Map Blindsides.


I get it. The map is very pretty, but you can go take a walk in Queensdale if you want to stop and smell the flowers.

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Personally I like spiritwatch but I get where OP is coming from.

Node distribution is quite similar to Forest (the best map imo) but the nodes themselves are pretty unrefined.

The verticality - altho a nice idea - makes transitioning between points kinda weird.

The objective (the orb) is pretty useless as well. If you are behind especially, since it takes ages to channel it and at worst you get a decap out of it.


Personally I find it refreshing in offseason (it plays very differently from the maps in the ranked map rotation). But as it is currently....I wouldn't want it in ranked tbh.

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