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Chrono isn't That OP, Anet Plz Don't Destroy it

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Mesmer is one of the Most fun classes in the game, However After the illusion Rework, some thing got a little bit wrong especially for Chrono :

1. ChronoPhantasma : This trait its the main reason of the current bunker Chrono meta, the OP factor for this trait isn't the dmg but the visual noise . cos you can literally spam phantasms up to 18+ in a chain if not interrupted so you are literally a RAID BOSS however the AOE dmg can outrun than and destroy the Illusions WARS 2 , plus not a lot of mesmers can perfect this build to 1v2 for a fair time and im sure that if they nerf this trait hard or make a cap to the phantasms spawn the chrono will be banished to oblivion in sPVP so careful with it PLZ .


**My suggestion is to make a Q for phantasms spawn don't make the spawn phantasm destroy the previous one that's Bad mechanic and will make Chronophantasma useless.**

2. Make Continuum Split resurrect you if you cast it predeath with 1sc stun, this is not OP actually it make sense and it's gonna be a great trade for the next nerfs to Chronophantasma so the Chrono stay playable .

One of the nerfs that Anet did That i hated a lot is the one they did to Continum splite when it could negate fall dmg if casted before you fall . that was a SO fun mechanic and very hard to time out so just revert that nerf Back.


* My point here is No one will play an underdog class or build so nerf chronophantasma (no skill trait) buff Continum splite(skill-full mechanic) . and everyone is happy the Chrono main players will love that and the ones who swapped to chrono for Chronophantasma will look somewhere else maybe to RENEGADE OMEGALUL.


> Ps: I main sceptre (no love from Anet) mirage with sage amulet a super non meta build with low dmg so don't attack me for making this Post.However i may love Anet to fix sceptre auto attack because its so bad more speed (cast/projectile) and (extra power dmg/condi duration) would be appreciated with sacrificing the clone creation because it's not practical at all at least in sPVP , for now i just don't auto attack so often .


`S A R A B`




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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> You could smiter's boon Chronophantasma and Signet of the Ether and it would still be a competative sidenoder alongside Spellbreaker and Druid. That's how out of control it is.

Not totally true the visual noise is the problem, not sustain not dmg, Chrono sustain is ok not as good as a druid and dmg is ok not as good as a warrior(burst dmg) .

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Nah, nerf the hell out of it. The last time we had a spec as broken as current chrono was...minstrel chrono. Nobody wants the class to be useless but it's current state requires significant nerfs, and it's far better to over-nerf and force Mesmer players to move builds than under-nerf such that Mesmer still remains in the same position until the next balance patch. If the latter happens PvP will see a big die off just as it did during the bunker chrono days. Even if Mesmer is moved out of meta due to nerfs(hugely unlikely) it's far better than the current scenario. Mesmer has been meta FOREVER while most other classes have to wait their turn. It's ridiculous how a class can persist in the meta for this long. While we're at it don't forget Mirage because it's almost as broken for different reasons.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> You could smiter's boon Chronophantasma and Signet of the Ether and it would still be a competative sidenoder alongside Spellbreaker and Druid. That's how out of control it is.


Except , other 2 grandmaster traits arent that good .Quickness on shatter is most PvE trait to help overcome shield alacrity change, not really strong and with new change you need to wait a lot too long for a clone. Lost time got ICD which is meh, resistances,cleanses - another trait that wont be a good pick .

Would be nice to have something that good in pvp (not that broken as it is now ofc xD)

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > You could smiter's boon Chronophantasma and Signet of the Ether and it would still be a competative sidenoder alongside Spellbreaker and Druid. That's how out of control it is.

> Not totally true the visual noise is the problem, not sustain not dmg, Chrono sustain is ok not as good as a druid and dmg is ok not as good as a warrior(burst dmg) .


Aside from a few outliers like Focus and Pistol, all of our phantasms are extremely powerful and impactful now. Any one of them can swing a fight very easily. Chronophantasma and signet of the ether turn a potential 10k burst from a disenchanter into a barrage of potentially 40k damage. With Chronophantasma+Signet of the Ether, and Mental Defense that's 6 Phantasmal Defenders players have to deal with. That's six taunts, chained back to back to back any one of which can one shot a player. It's insane to expect players to have to fight against that.

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> @"Derm.4932" said:

> Nah, nerf the hell out of it. The last time we had a spec as broken as current chrono was...minstrel chrono. Nobody wants the class to be useless but it's current state requires significant nerfs, and it's far better to over-nerf and force Mesmer players to move builds than under-nerf such that Mesmer still remains in the same position until the next balance patch. If the latter happens PvP will see a big die off just as it did during the bunker chrono days. Even if Mesmer is moved out of meta due to nerfs(hugely unlikely) it's far better than the current scenario. Mesmer has been meta FOREVER while most other classes have to wait their turn. It's ridiculous how a class can persist in the meta for this long. While we're at it don't forget Mirage because it's almost as broken for different reasons.


I will tell you why Mesmer is Meta Forever, because of portal B)

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > You could smiter's boon Chronophantasma and Signet of the Ether and it would still be a competative sidenoder alongside Spellbreaker and Druid. That's how out of control it is.

> > Not totally true the visual noise is the problem, not sustain not dmg, Chrono sustain is ok not as good as a druid and dmg is ok not as good as a warrior(burst dmg) .


> Aside from a few outliers like Focus and Pistol, all of our phantasms are extremely powerful and impactful now. Any one of them can swing a fight very easily. Chronophantasma and signet of the ether turn a potential 10k burst from a disenchanter into a barrage of potentially 40k damage. With Chronophantasma+Signet of the Ether, and Mental Defense that's 6 Phantasmal Defenders players have to deal with. That's six taunts, chained back to back to back any one of which can one shot a player. It's insane to expect players to have to fight against that

The taunts are easy to avoid , however multiple taunts and multiple disenchanters in the same time that's what we call visual noise and that what i'm trying to attack here . The warrior can do as much dmg as this with no need for phantasms and no need of 1 sec cast skills.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Derm.4932" said:

> > Nah, nerf the hell out of it. The last time we had a spec as broken as current chrono was...minstrel chrono. Nobody wants the class to be useless but it's current state requires significant nerfs, and it's far better to over-nerf and force Mesmer players to move builds than under-nerf such that Mesmer still remains in the same position until the next balance patch. If the latter happens PvP will see a big die off just as it did during the bunker chrono days. Even if Mesmer is moved out of meta due to nerfs(hugely unlikely) it's far better than the current scenario. Mesmer has been meta FOREVER while most other classes have to wait their turn. It's ridiculous how a class can persist in the meta for this long. While we're at it don't forget Mirage because it's almost as broken for different reasons.


> I will tell you why Mesmer is Meta Forever, because it Got diversity Builds its a success from Anet you can see in sPVP more than 5 Mesmer builds around 3 of them Are meta and that's Amazing it's like 3 more viable classes extra in the game .so don't expect Anet to destroy there masterpiece .


So you don't think it's a problem that Mesmer has multiple Meta builds (and I say meta but let's be real here, current chrono AND mirage are far superior to other meta builds) while other classes are lucky if they have just one? Or are you just memeing? I honestly can't tell anymore given the shit I've read from Mesmers defending their class.

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Basically mesmer right now seems a pve spec used in pvp.


What i mean is: they go on a node, 2 people comes and they start a skill rotation same as the ones in pve used for bosses. And pvp is based on using the skill on the right moment and when it's needed, it shouldn't be a monotone rotation like mesmer has.


This means even bad players can achieve great result with it, spam clones, shatter, make more clones shatter again, invuln, dodge, evade and repeat while the enemy is surrounded by 10+ clones and all of his attacks fails to land because it is not that obvious when you can actually do your countermove to win the fight.


The best bet is just ignore the fight and dont waste time on it, but the problem is with the crazy mobility mesmer can easily outrotate you and rekt you.


At least firebrand has zero mobility, he just live on mid or camp a node, but doesn't rotate efficiently. Mesmer does it even better.


It requires a serious rework and put some cap on clones or something else that can't be abused with traits like right now.

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> @"Derm.4932" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > @"Derm.4932" said:

> > > Nah, nerf the hell out of it. The last time we had a spec as broken as current chrono was...minstrel chrono. Nobody wants the class to be useless but it's current state requires significant nerfs, and it's far better to over-nerf and force Mesmer players to move builds than under-nerf such that Mesmer still remains in the same position until the next balance patch. If the latter happens PvP will see a big die off just as it did during the bunker chrono days. Even if Mesmer is moved out of meta due to nerfs(hugely unlikely) it's far better than the current scenario. Mesmer has been meta FOREVER while most other classes have to wait their turn. It's ridiculous how a class can persist in the meta for this long. While we're at it don't forget Mirage because it's almost as broken for different reasons.

> >

> > I will tell you why Mesmer is Meta Forever, because it Got diversity Builds its a success from Anet you can see in sPVP more than 5 Mesmer builds around 3 of them Are meta and that's Amazing it's like 3 more viable classes extra in the game .so don't expect Anet to destroy there masterpiece .


> So you don't think it's a problem that Mesmer has multiple Meta builds (and I say meta but let's be real here, current chrono AND mirage are far superior to other meta builds) while other classes are lucky if they have just one? Or are you just memeing? I honestly can't tell anymore given the kitten I've read from Mesmers defending their class.


Mesmer having multiple META builds is a good thing.


Instead of destroying that, why not make it the benchmark for all classes?

I would love the privilege to use any trait line for Elementalist and a selection of viable builds available at my fingertips.

The possibilities if they invested the same rework into Revenant too.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.


> The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.


The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.


If I could do a 16k attack every 20s you know to avoid that attack, you can look for it’s tells and win by avoiding the strongest attacks.

If I could do a 10k attack, then repeat it if you dodged, followed by another if you dodged the second that’s where these things get out of control.


It’s the same reason why coalescence of ruin is completely broken in WvW, the damage now is fine as it won’t oneshot you if you have a bit of health padding but at 4s cool down you just spam it to kill people.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.

> >

> > The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.


> The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.


> If I could do a 16k attack every 20s you know to avoid that attack, you can look for it’s tells and win by avoiding the strongest attacks.

> If I could do a 10k attack, then repeat it if you dodged, followed by another if you dodged the second that’s where these things get out of control.


> It’s the same reason why coalescence of ruin is completely broken in WvW, the damage now is fine as it won’t oneshot you if you have a bit of health padding but at 4s cool down you just spam it to kill people.


Tell that to Gazelle's Charge. The skill could do 4k base damage every 20 seconds, or 20k with a lot of setup and a specific build and the damage got nerfed by 50% in less than a month.


Meanwhile Chronos can do equivalent damage repeatedly while ccing and maintaining permanent boon uptime while being tankier and more mobile than other classes, and they have portal.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.

> > >

> > > The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.

> >

> > The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> >

> > If I could do a 16k attack every 20s you know to avoid that attack, you can look for it’s tells and win by avoiding the strongest attacks.

> > If I could do a 10k attack, then repeat it if you dodged, followed by another if you dodged the second that’s where these things get out of control.

> >

> > It’s the same reason why coalescence of ruin is completely broken in WvW, the damage now is fine as it won’t oneshot you if you have a bit of health padding but at 4s cool down you just spam it to kill people.


> Tell that to Gazelle's Charge. The skill could do 4k base damage every 20 seconds, or 20k with a lot of setup and a specific build and the damage got nerfed by 50% in less than a month.


> Meanwhile Chronos can do equivalent damage repeatedly while ccing and maintaining permanent boon uptime while being tankier and more mobile than other classes, and they have portal.


Gazelles charge was a FGS type effect issue if I remember correctly where it would hit multiple times doing large amounts of damage.


Not sure why you bring it up to be honest other than you play ranger and possibly a little salty over losing the one shot as my entire point was about multiple high damage sources being on too short a cool down. The issue with Chrono being that it can reduce the cool downs on its skills and double up on them while having a baseline double up on skill use mechanic. If you have issue with the way Gazelle was nerfed or whatever then make your own thread and ask for attention to be brought to it and a fix you think is better.

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Imo core mesmer was fun to fight. It was perfictly balanced and had pros and cons. The damage was good enough for the defensive tools it had and mobility it had. IT WAS A SOLID SPEC. Regardless of what people say it was decent. Im sorry if you felt like mesmer was lacking but mesmer is a trickester its not suppose to have THE BEST. damage it most certainly shouldnt be hitting more than any spec thats specifically designed for high pressure damage but it does while retaining alot of its safeguards.


People are blurting out that mesmer is weak in x and y but fact is its still one of the biggest contributing factors in any team fight right now. A mesmer coming into a team fight or a 2nd one coming into a team fight completely tips the fight without question.


If Kasmeer AI played like current mesmers do now story progress would literally complete itself.

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