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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> thats the text file that come with arkdps aint it?


Actually, no. I don't have nor never had Arc, and my file was massive too. Seems all the files, again from what I'm seeing, are listing programs on my computer that help run the game. Graphics and that sort of thing.


At least . . . that's what I'm seeing.

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > I think that the six month ban is the warning: next time it will probably be a permanent one.


> By "warning" I meant something like "We've detected that you are using third-party software that violates our rules, you have one week to uninstall it".


Why should they give you a warning to uninstall... Its like someone robbing a bank, getting caught and asking "You have detected I robbed a bank, give me one week to return the money"...

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I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I remember on runescape, when there was mass bans for real money trading, there was also a massive number of threads about people claiming they were wrongfully banned. It all followed the same formula:


"Just because somebody ran up to me, gave me a bunch of gold out of nowhere, and told me that my order has been filled doesn't mean that I've bought the gold!" Repeated dozens and dozens of times. At a certain point you realize that no, these people were banned for RMT-ing, and they're just making a mass of complaint threads in the hopes they could get away scott free or tarnish the company's reputation in response.


Having this history, what proof do I have that this isn't the case here?

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> @"Towelie.9504" said:

> > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > I think that the six month ban is the warning: next time it will probably be a permanent one.

> >

> > 6 months is their maximum penalty. The idea is that people are less likely to do it again if they can recover, whereas a permanent suspension only encourages them to try again on a new account.


> It's not their maximum, they even said it was the **minimum** everyone that got banned today received. Way to spread misinformation bro.



> From Anet:


> The accounts in question will remain suspended **for at least six months,** and in the case of this investigation, we will not be accepting appeals about these account suspensions.




> I think this ban wave is dumb and banning people for 6 months is even dumber. A lot of them aren't going to come back to this game and this game is already hemorrhaging players


Yeah, we should definitely encourage cheating, which drives away more players! "It is dumb" if they dont come back? Well, good! Maybe more will come back, now they know ANET is at LAST taking measures against cheating...

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> @"freeman.7315" said:

> > @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> > > @"freeman.7315" said:

> > > I think Anet could have actually saved all those who got banned by mistake if they would simply make an official in-game dmg meter and a build template. But hey,i guess instead of doing something that would actually improve the quality of the game and stop most people from using these 3rd party software, they would rather make sittable chairs. Yeah....

> >

> > That's like blaming a grocery store for high prices when someone steals a loaf of bread.

> >

> > This isn't ArenaNet's fault. They have rules in place. Just because there isn't a feature in the game you want, doesn't give you the right do do whatever you want.


> I am not defending people who hacked,cheated or broken ToS in any way. But too many people are claiming they were using Arc and Taco only or one respectively, and still got banned. As far as i'm aware of both of those were allowed by Anet and even promoted in certain cases. Anet themselves made dmg meter and build templates essential with introduction of raids. But by all means,let them pour all their time for usable in game beds that we can have on the next update.


Keyword: They CLAIM. Mistakes can be made, from ANET's side, sure. But how many are the (self claimed) innocent ones who (reportedly) did nothing wrong, out of the 1600?

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > > For information: In my GW2 folder, I now have a text file listing programs with much details and indication if they are prohibited or not. Do you all have that?

> >

> > I actually would like to find out more so to be careful.. would you mind to share a bit more on that??

> >


> Directly into my GW2 folder. I am sure it was not there yesterday. The file name is "THIRDPARTYSOFTWAREREADME.TXT". The list is huge and I have unfortunately no time to browse it now. For each software, it tells origin, author and such and if it is prohibited or not. Sorry, it is impossible to bring the content in here, it is by far too big.


This file is actually a compilation list of third-party software used in Guild Wars 2. Each section herein is required to be redistributed by the terms of these various softwares' licensing agreements. Essentially, why reinvent the wheel when someone else has already done the work, and all you have to do to use it for free in your work is give the original author credit.


As to no reviews in this event, where they are performed in other separate incidents, I'll offer one piece of unsolicited advice to ArenaNet, courtesy of Leroy Jethro Gibbs:

> \#51 - Sometimes you're wrong

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> You'll find information about a series of account suspensions in [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/36050/game-accounts-suspended-april-12-2018 "this thread").


I have a regular weekend guild wars 2 Lan party with my kids. My son is 10 and isn't allowed to install software on his computer himself. I have checked and there isn't anything there not added by the gw2 installer. His account is banned, falsely. This has ruined our weekends for the next 6 months. So I guess none of the 4 of us are going to play since he cannot. Very not cool to do to people who have done absolutely nothing wrong.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> I mean the game is b2p you can jump in wheneer you fill like it in 6 months. I doubt the rework of wvw will be out by then anyways.


I guess what I meant is I doubt I will come back. So yes I will miss it eventually. I have an alt account but no desire to level it up and only used for weekly key run and some additional farming of daily rewards. As others have said in another post is that their alt accounts did not get banned. Not sure why as usually the hacks are enabled when game starts. Of course play time is limited on my alt account.


I was careful to use the hack only out of necessity to catch up to the other hacks to level the playing field in WvW and not really used it as advantage to the legitimate fight. Chance I took. I would be sure there were more than the announced accounts banned and maybe there is more to come. I uses a particular hack and maybe the others out there will be focused on next with the result of more banned.


Who knows, maybe when October comes it will be cold and I will be bored enough to play but my life never revolved around the game as it was more of a past time. Wife is watching her show and I am on my laptop keeping her company while killing some peeps or mobs. I will now find a better use of my time I suppose.

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Dears, I found information about the txt file I told about before. Here the corresponding extract of the GW2 User Agreement:


You acknowledge that (i) the Game may contain other software or components that are either owned by a third party or in the public domain, and (ii) ArenaNet has no proprietary interest in such software or components (collectively and each, the “Third Party Software”), and as such, cannot grant You a license to use such Third-Party Software. A listing of any such Third Party Software (if applicable) is made available to You in the Documentation, the “Read Me” files for each component of Third Party Software, and is set forth in the THIRDPARTYSOFTWAREREADME.txt file located in the installation directory of the Game, and is available upon written request from ArenaNet. Your rights in any such Third-Party Software are governed by and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the applicable third-party licenses set forth in the Documentation, the “Read Me” files for each component of Third-Party Software, and in the THIRDPARTYSOFTWAREREADME.txt file located in the installation directory of the Game. By installing or using any such Third-Party Software, You acknowledge and agree to fully comply with such terms and conditions.


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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I believe the problem is that some softwares are "tolerated". For those, if the status has changed and they are now prohibited, it would be fair to inform about the change.


I agree that..

Also as a player we need to keep ourselves updated too with what is allowed and what not to use in game. I only really hv arcdps which I rarely hv it on... I'm more worried about malware or viruses.. as I do not scan my computer that often

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"michelada.2947" said:

> > i'm using reshade is that a problem?


> At this point, I wouldn't use any 3rd party programs until we get some kind of confirmation as to what's going on.



The question is, "Is it worth using any add-on with antes heavy handed policy of no appeals or way to deal with false positives ?". so sad for the folks that are banned and haven't done anything wrong.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I remember on runescape, when there was mass bans for real money trading, there was also a massive number of threads about people claiming they were wrongfully banned. It all followed the same formula:


> "Just because somebody ran up to me, gave me a bunch of gold out of nowhere, and told me that my order has been filled doesn't mean that I've bought the gold!" Repeated dozens and dozens of times. At a certain point you realize that no, these people were banned for RMT-ing, and they're just making a mass of complaint threads in the hopes they could get away scott free or tarnish the company's reputation in response.


> Having this history, what proof do I have that this isn't the case here?


You want proof? I never once in 5 1/2 years ever used an addon. However the last month or so for reasons I put in another thread I used a certain hack. Trust me when I tell you that these 1500+ accounts banned are legit. Why? Because:


"The accounts in question will remain suspended for at least six months, and in the case of this investigation, we **will not** be accepting appeals about these account suspensions."_

**WILL NOT** are the key words here. This is legit or you people are lying to yourselves.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > I think that the six month ban is the warning: next time it will probably be a permanent one.

> >

> > By "warning" I meant something like "We've detected that you are using third-party software that violates our rules, you have one week to uninstall it".


> Why should they give you a warning to uninstall... Its like someone robbing a bank, getting caught and asking "You have detected I robbed a bank, give me one week to return the money"...


Because it might help prevent false positives. Those of us that have never used 3rd party software and still got banned could have used support to prevent it.

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> @"andybear.1753" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > I think that the six month ban is the warning: next time it will probably be a permanent one.

> > >

> > > By "warning" I meant something like "We've detected that you are using third-party software that violates our rules, you have one week to uninstall it".

> >

> > Why should they give you a warning to uninstall... Its like someone robbing a bank, getting caught and asking "You have detected I robbed a bank, give me one week to return the money"...


> Because it might help prevent false positives. Those of us that have never used 3rd party software and still got banned could have used support to prevent it.


I am not sure I understand (no sarcasm). How can they give you a heads-up, if you have no 3rd party software installed in your pc? Also, why should people (like myself) who have no 3rd party tools installed, be worried about a headsup, or a false-positive?

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> @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I remember on runescape, when there was mass bans for real money trading, there was also a massive number of threads about people claiming they were wrongfully banned. It all followed the same formula:

> >

> > "Just because somebody ran up to me, gave me a bunch of gold out of nowhere, and told me that my order has been filled doesn't mean that I've bought the gold!" Repeated dozens and dozens of times. At a certain point you realize that no, these people were banned for RMT-ing, and they're just making a mass of complaint threads in the hopes they could get away scott free or tarnish the company's reputation in response.

> >

> > Having this history, what proof do I have that this isn't the case here?


> You want proof? I never once in 5 1/2 years ever used an addon. However the last month or so for reasons I put in another thread I used a certain hack. Trust me when I tell you that these 1500+ accounts banned are legit. Why? Because:


> "The accounts in question will remain suspended for at least six months, and in the case of this investigation, we **will not** be accepting appeals about these account suspensions."_

> **WILL NOT** are the key words here. This is legit or you people are lying to yourselves.


Not lying to myself or them. They are 100 percent wrong. Never had any 3rd party software. Ever. Been playing since beta.

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I know a little bit how their system works based on their actions.


Sounds like you guild wars 2 players never played world of warcraft diablo 3 or league of legends. Even the Mighty Greg street ghost crawler explained how most companies do their bans.


I won't give away details because i love guild wars 2 and i don't want to get infracted. But i am 99% sure there are no false positives. They have been spying on you for months and put you on a ban list to ban you on a later date. That's all i will say as i am already giving out practices used by other companies. Sorry you got banned - wished you goodluck.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"andybear.1753" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > > I think that the six month ban is the warning: next time it will probably be a permanent one.

> > > >

> > > > By "warning" I meant something like "We've detected that you are using third-party software that violates our rules, you have one week to uninstall it".

> > >

> > > Why should they give you a warning to uninstall... Its like someone robbing a bank, getting caught and asking "You have detected I robbed a bank, give me one week to return the money"...

> >

> > Because it might help prevent false positives. Those of us that have never used 3rd party software and still got banned could have used support to prevent it.


> I am not sure I understand (no sarcasm). How can they give you a heads-up, if you have no 3rd party software installed in your pc? Also, why should people (like myself) who have no 3rd party tools installed, be worried about a headsup, or a false-positive?


Well somehow it was flagged. Had they warned me I would have opened a support ticket telling them that it was flagged incorrectly and maybe could work with them to prove it and help reduce other false positives. Thus preventing others from the same problem.


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> @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > I mean the game is b2p you can jump in wheneer you fill like it in 6 months. I doubt the rework of wvw will be out by then anyways.


> I guess what I meant is I doubt I will come back. So yes I will miss it eventually. I have an alt account but no desire to level it up and only used for weekly key run and some additional farming of daily rewards. As others have said in another post is that their alt accounts did not get banned. Not sure why as usually the hacks are enabled when game starts. Of course play time is limited on my alt account.


> I was careful to use the hack only out of necessity to catch up to the other hacks to level the playing field in WvW and not really used it as advantage to the legitimate fight. Chance I took. I would be sure there were more than the announced accounts banned and maybe there is more to come. I uses a particular hack and maybe the others out there will be focused on next with the result of more banned.


> Who knows, maybe when October comes it will be cold and I will be bored enough to play but my life never revolved around the game as it was more of a past time. Wife is watching her show and I am on my laptop keeping her company while killing some peeps or mobs. I will now find a better use of my time I suppose.


If it was more of a pastime that you used to keep your wife company while she watched tv then I think you should reconsider about using your alt account. You’ll miss out on main account progression of course but after 6 months is up you can move all gold gained to your main account and start up again. You’ll still get to play and the loss of main account progression will be consequence of getting caught.

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> @"Anthony.7630" said:

> I know a little bit how their system works based on their actions.


> Sounds like you guild wars 2 players never played world of warcraft diablo 3 or league of legends. Even the Mighty Greg street ghost crawler explained how most companies do their bans.


> I won't give away details because i love guild wars 2 and i don't want to get infracted. But i am 99% sure there are no false positives. They have been spying on you for months and put you on a ban list to ban you on a later date. That's all i will say as i am already giving out practices used by other companies. Sorry you got banned - wished you goodluck.


The problem is they dont give any information why you got banned so you can know for certain it wasn't a false positive ban. Just clumped you up with you had illegal 3rd party programs running. Many people, and my friend including only use the programs that is "allowed" by the security lead and still received a ban.

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> @"Anthony.7630" said:

> I know a little bit how their system works based on their actions.


> Sounds like you guild wars 2 players never played world of warcraft diablo 3 or league of legends. Even the Mighty Greg street ghost crawler explained how most companies do their bans.


> I won't give away details because i love guild wars 2 and i don't want to get infracted. But i am 99% sure there are no false positives. They have been spying on you for months and put you on a ban list to ban you on a later date. That's all i will say as i am already giving out practices used by other companies. Sorry you got banned - wished you goodluck.


I would agree with you prior to it happening to me. I hope it never happens to you. I'm shocked and frustrated. And when they prove me right in their investigation, I'll be able to say "told ya so"... For all the good that does us now...

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