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# Hey fellow Tyrian !


You just created a Thief and want to know more about the class in-game ?

You are a veteran Thief and want to share your newly discovered build but your guild's Guardian doesn't care ?

Arguing which of pistol/dagger or sword/dagger is the best WvW set is a matter of life or death !


In any case [Teef] is the place for you ! We accept both NA and EU players from all horizons.

The only requirement is to love your thief and even more loving talking about it :)


Edit : Thief might not become your primary guild, **don't forget to set up your chat to see multiple guild channels so you don't miss [Teef] discussions !**


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[Teef] is dedicated to getting people started with their Thief and has a large wealth of experience to pull from. This **INCLUDES** WvW and PvE on top of PvP. It is the **only** source where you can find, improve and really discuss anything related to the profession in length. The senior members are very passionate and are willing to help you with your build, so do not be afraid to ask.


The environment we want to maintain is one of open and civil discussion. As such, **the only requirement to join this guild is to not be a jerk.**



We are reviving. [Teef] is currently in the process of rebuilding and reorganizing (help with rebuilding would be appreciated ;) ). Our normal policies remain valid and the only requirement in joining is to not be a jerk. This means that you can have zero knowledge of the thief profession and still join. As long as you are interested in learning and discussing, you're in. Also note, we do not push meta builds nor primarily train players how to use past or current metas. The point of this guild is to teach the profession so players may learn all of it's mechanics and quirks to better perform with it or even counter it. We also regularly theorycraft builds and communicate issues to the Anet team through threads on the forums.


Happy teefing!

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I find the idea behind this guild really awesome! I've been a Thief veteran for 4 years. (Thief is all I play!) I have high knowledge with thief in all areas of PvE/Raids, PvP and WvW.


I enjoy learning new things, discovering new things and helping other beginner/veteran thieves.


In saying so I'd like to join your guild. Guarantee I'll be a great asset to you guild!

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> @Wargameur.6950 said:

> # Hey fellow Tyrian !


> You just created a Thief and want to know more about the class in-game ?

> You are a veteran Thief and want to share your newly discovered build but your guild's Guardian doesn't care ?

> Arguing which of pistol/dagger or sword/dagger is the best WvW set is a matter of life or death !


> In any case [Teef] is the place for you ! We accept both NA and EU players from all horizons.

> The only requirement is to love your thief and even more loving talking about it :)



This sounds like a lot of fun! I LOVE playing thief.

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