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This thread is dying

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> @"circuitnerd.5863" said:

> I wouldn't say it's dying. Slower than it has been in the past? Yes. But not dead. It's only truly dead until you yourself gets bored.


Even this is really hard to tell. The issue is there are more and more areas and more and more things to do all the time, so the existing number of players, even if it stayed constant, even if it went up some, would seem like less. There are probably less people in PvP for example and more people in PvE. Just a guess, but PvE has been getting a fair number of updates.


My guild seems to have the same number of players and active players no matter what I do, but they're not necessarily the same players. Some people take breaks, some people come back, some people are new. I don't think the population is going down. I do think the population is more divided into more zones though.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> PoF maps are dead, the game itself is far from dying.


> Don't misunderstand very vocal people, they're not the majority etc.


Not having a zerg doesn't equal dead. I'm on PoF maps on most days at different points in time and almost every time I start a hero point, people end up joining in before it's dead....and it doesn't take that long. Plenty of people on those maps. They're simply not all grouped up in one place because there's no traffic control on those maps, or important metas like in HoT.


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> PoF maps are dead, the game itself is far from dying.


> Don't misunderstand very vocal people, they're not the majority etc.




I've been doing map completion on PoF maps quite a bit recently and it's far from dead: I see other people all the time doing events and Hero Points.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> The game just has a problem with content drought mostly between living world updates or seasonal events.


Just like every other MMO... I've been playing this genre since 2002 and there are always more people when updates happen, this is a fact.


But no, GW2 is NOT dying. I'm online every day for many hours even between updates and open world meta events are still full of people all the time, low-mid lvl maps have leveling players, tons of people in LFG, etc... GW2 is still a young MMO compared to games like WoW, Ragnarok Online and Lineage 2 and even those are still alive. So no, GW2 will not die anytime soon.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > PoF maps are dead, the game itself is far from dying.

> >

> > Don't misunderstand very vocal people, they're not the majority etc.

> >

> >


> I've been doing map completion on PoF maps quite a bit recently and it's far from dead: I see other people all the time doing events and Hero Points.


Not saying they are 100% empty, you simply have 0 reason to ever return to them. Unless I decide to level another character and go through all of the story I simply don't have to. I've got every map achievement and got all items for collections from there. There aren't any interesting events or metas to keep people there, that's why I called it dead. HoT has more going for it than that.

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The game as a whole isn't dying yet, but certain aspects of it definitely are.

* Open world is doing fine as it's getting probably more than half the company's resources.

* Dungeons are dead and discontinued.

* Fractals are doing okay at the moment but the pace of content delivery is rather slow.

* Raids are more of a niche and aren't getting that much love.

* PvP was killed by balance, lack of a new gamemode after 6 years, and rampant wintrading.

* WvW is a zombie at this point, keeps kicking only because of the promised reworks with no ETA.


Now, because open world is by far the most popular thing to do amongst casuals, anyone who dares to complain is basically brigaded by the people who enjoy the only one thing that's doing fine.


It's weird really, technically 90% of the game is dying because of neglect, but the majority plays that remaining 10% of it that's doing great.


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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> The game as a whole isn't dying yet, but certain aspects of it definitely are.

> * Open world is doing fine as it's getting probably more than half the company's resources.

> * Dungeons are dead and discontinued.

> * Fractals are doing okay at the moment but the pace of content delivery is rather slow.

> * Raids are more of a niche and aren't getting that much love.

> * PvP was killed by balance, lack of a new gamemode after 6 years, and rampant wintrading.

> * WvW is a zombie at this point, keeps kicking only because of the promised reworks with no ETA.


> Now, because open world is by far the most popular thing to do amongst casuals, anyone who dares to complain is basically brigaded by the people who enjoy the only one thing that's doing fine.


> It's weird really, technically 90% of the game is dying because of neglect, but the majority plays that remaining 10% of it that's doing great.





For being niche on purpose, raids are getting quite a lot of love; quite a lot more than major game-modes like PvP and WvW to be honest. I don't even think that the WvW-restructuring will revive WvW that much. ANet is just blatantly copying the guild-war-approach BDO features without touching the main issues the game-mode has. PvP really could use more modes to spice stuff up, especially since PvP has somewhat become a flavor-of-the-month-show.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'm curious: How frequent do new releases need to be to avoid 'content droughts'?


> I don't know of any other games that have updates more frequently GW2, either MMOs or otherwise, so I'm not sure what the basis is for this complaint (which all games seem to have) about content droughts.


> (It also makes me realise other people get through stuff a lot faster than me. I still have stuff from HoT left to do, if content was coming out more often and it was the same stuff we get now, not the 'kill 50 x' 'press F 100 times' stuff from Season 1, I doubt I'd have time for even half of it.)


I think Guild Wars 2 has good release times, but the content itself can be done in <45 mins and very little living world episodes offer anything of substance, and if they do it is heavily nerfed to a point where it isn't sustainable - Istan being the only exception to the entirety of Living World.

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The game isn't dead, but its inconsistently supported like a switzer cheese with many self made holes in it, cause of Anet oftenly working only on new things, before they complete projects they have begun, wostly always when they realize that the stuff they worked on brigns not in enough money and or fixing things they have created in broken ways, aren#t worth it to be fixed, cause of the costs and effort it would take to correct the junk they have left behind, which is in their view better spent on naturally new content, that has the chance to generate new money income, while fixing broken cheesehole content is just only lost money in their view.


When I list up all this cheesehole content that this game has collected over its 6 years by now, just imaginatign, how much better the game could be, if all this stuff woudl have been fixed by now, I'm pretty sure, people wouldnt have the impression, that this game is "dead"


- If Season 1 would have been properly reimplemented into the game by now

- If Dungeons would have been properly redesigned and integrated practically into the Raid System, instead of being abandonded by Anet completely

- If missing Content would be there, that should have been part of GW2 since release, like Bar Brawls, Polymok and all those Town Activities that were planned to have on Day One to give peopel a reason to go visit and revisit actively all of the towns, instead of putting so much focus only into LA all the time...

- If Underwater Content would get finally redesigned and rebalanced, but hopes are up on this for the 3rd Expansion wheneveri t may come...

- If Jeweler and Chef would finally receive too Job level 500 with especially Jeweler beign revitalized and given a reason for existance again ....

- If Raids would get finally a Split in difficulty settings between Easy/Normal/Hard Mode to not alienate anymore 99% of GW2s playerbase just to lure in Hardcore Elitists from WoW & Co that are just the 1% minority that QQed for wanting to have raids in GW2, while most of all other GW2 players never atually wanted to have Raids

- If Fractals would receive those parts of Season 1 that aren't reimplementable again in normal ways via new Fractals, like the Marionette Battle, like the Breachmaker Battle with Scarlet, like the Invsasion of Lions Arch with that 3 colored Robot Battle and the Big Karka Queen battle that ends with lettign her burn to death in lava

- If WvW would receive the attention that this game mode deserves (3rd borderline map, more character progression so that all those ranks points we have by now aren't useless)

- If PvP would finally be more than just Conquest, theres so much unused potential for more PvP Modes like Hunger Games, King of the Hill, like GvG, like 10v10, Duel Tournaments 1v1, Deathmatch with more new maps than just having only 1 and also expand more on Strongholds, just implemented and they instantly abandon Strongholds again ..seriously?? liek addign more new Stronghold Maps, more interesting Mist Heroes

- If Fractals would become finally more then permanently one and the same boring 100 instances grind that just becomes artificialyl only more difficult so higher the instance number is, Fractals is basically the big key for ANet to add so much more great content, because it gives them 100% total design freedom, they could add great new gameplay features through Fractals to add this way new interesting content that feels and plays different, than the normal game content, like addign Huntign Grounds to add some kind of monster hutner similar content where you find in the minds then bigger monsters to hunt either solo or as group which requires you actually eventually also to reach catch the foes via traps, or usage of the environments, or fractal content that feels more like GW1s bonus action pack lettign you replay old histories of the game in the view of a completely different character with skilsl of that characte, instead of your own character, woudl love to replay so much Ghosts of Ascalon under the view of Dougal Keane for example ... to receive at the end GoA based rewards for completign the History Books of GoA and turnign it in like in GW1 for rewards to a Historian ...

- If SAB would.. ah forget it, dont want to open this bitter can of worms now..would only make me angry ....


However, things are, like they are, mourning over these issues of this game won't help or change anything, but I'm sure, the game woudl be by now healthier, if these thigns would be all no issues and completely fixed, even if this would mean, that we wouldn#t be yet at Lliving world season 4, but maybe eventually still only in season 2 or so.

Better a slow, but awesome story, than a fast rushed story and a game full of cheese holes ... that's my device

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The game is far from dying. The only source for these claims are often the quarterly reports of the income. And despite "whining on a high level" (Heulen auf hohem Niveau, German), you can see it's doing well. If you look at how game companies work, aNet should be very fine. Other companies invest money, sell their product and then gain money "once" - with the product. Games like GW2 invest money and get **CONTINOUS** income **AND** their milestones in sales of their expansion packs / the base game.


Apart from that, I like to be alone. I can shoot my enemies without some sword-wielding guy whirling trough the place and cause the mobs to run all over the place. Where is the fun in a "zerg"? Where is your contribution?


So, financial and player-wise, the game is alive and kickin'. HoT was a massive boost in mapping quality (not that I like that MUCH but the quality is there) and PoF in other departments (the quality of mounts, how they look, how they move,...).


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Sales surged with the sale of path of fire, but im confident that AN can sustain the game on gem store sales. If the game were dying it would have during the drought between season 2 and heart of thorns. Now if you want to see a game dying see Destiny 2. Bungie is pretty much putting it on life support trying to get its player base back.

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awful pvp and less people play it. solution: make conquest 10v10, 15v15, 20v20 both solo and premade till full squad and larger maps. make arenas 2v2 and 3v3 without annoying points to rotate and the option for skirmish casual and ranked. both ranked should be arena ranked rating and conquest ranked rating. also to have the options to GvG in conquest and get rating for guilds in pvp.

not enough content for raids. 2.5 years and we only have like 5 wings and are like 15 bosses total which is really slow and should be harder in general to make it feel like it's more of a raid than just weekly clear.

story is also takes 'em ages to make but it's a bit less important. the more important is the aspect of pve content which isn't enough at all and not challenging enough. and we don't have good competitive pvp system to push players to build pvp guilds.

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Its not dead nor is it dying. But that is not because the game is good, no. Its not dying because there's nothing to move on to. As soon as there's an mmo with fluid combat system, actual endgame (lol gw2 endgame. running in circles in the open world isn't one) and quality pvp (gw1 was a perfect example of excellent pvp) that will keep people busy for thousands of hours, you can bet your ass a metric ton of players will move on from gw2 and never look back.

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all games are dying, from the moment they are released, as all people are dying from the moment we are born.

now if you mean the game is close to its death, i don't see it, and i don't see why would anyone think that. since we got a new expansion some months ago...

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PvP and wvw populations are alot less populated that's for sure.

If you only log in daily for those game modes though, it can be a problem and in terms of wvw, it depends on what server you're on and the current linking system, but still there seems to be less population to spread out on multiple servers these days, to make it feel as though it's competitively balanced enough.

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Ok this a many facet question.


First, it depends on what you mean by _Dying_


I have read that population numbers are growing (while I have no way to validate or verify this, I'm still going to just roll with it), so if that is true, that would mean, more people are coming into the game then leaving it. In that regard, the game is _Alive and Growing_


Now, if you look at the income numbers, they tell a different story. However, right now, we still only have the numbers from PoF, which look pretty good, but previous to PoF the numbers looked bleak to say the least. In that regard, their Income is _dying_ but, at 13+ million a quarter, they are far from dead.


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