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Given up on season


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I give up at qualification games ( i play spvp since 2012 more than 10k matches played ) . I won 2 matches and lost 2 ( i gave up after 4 qualification matches on 10) .

When i lose 2 matches in a row becouse people double cap close at start, fight all match offpoint dieing.... when i have top kills (5 kills ) going afk when enemy is 250pt and we are 45pt ... i think it is useless to go on .

I don't know how the matchmaking algoritm works but if the begin is like this it is better to do something else . I have been plat in past seasons times but after a lot of seasons of the same thing, seeing how the matchmaking works , in my opinion it is only a stress and it is better for my humor and fun to go to do something different .

I am not saying that i have to win, i am not a child, but playing matches with completely broken teams is useless and unfair.


When i see 2 people dieing 2 vs 1 to a necromancer, neither a champion ( i killed him 1 vs 1) i understand that there is something not working in the game algorithm . Last matches 3 of my teams were dieing continuosly against 2 scourge. Scourge can be strong, ok but if u die every time you arrive on it in less then 10 seconds... the problem is not the scourge op ... the problem is the player. You can have a build that is not right for going against a scourge, but if there are 2 scourge at mid and you run mid dieing as a bot neither thinking to go sides.... what is the meaning to play ? this is not fun and there are a lot of better things to do ....


This is the 3rd season in a row i start and i don't finish the qualification matches for the same reasons . After i see this kind of matches i have no more will to play and i do something else. I know it is not a problem for anyone that i don't play spvp and it is not a problem for me too.. but if u begin to lose 1 player.. 2 players ...3 ..4 then at the end it will become a problem for Anet

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If we talking about giving up on a competitive level....yeah I gave up since PoF hitted...I am still playing sPvP for the only good thing it have, get my legendary gear...but turns out that this Season is so cancerous that I cant even force myself to grind the game lol

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> If we talking about giving up on a competitive level....yeah I gave up since PoF hitted...I am still playing sPvP for the only good thing it have, get my legendary gear...but turns out that this Season is so cancerous that I cant even force myself to grind the game lol


I wanted to get my Ascended armor through ranked, but I don't know if I'll make it. :anguished:

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Not given up yet. But this gets boring facing mesmers + scourges + firebrand over and over, whether it is in solo queue or AT. Actually, this is even worse in solo queue because sometimes you have to face it with terrible compo and get rolled 500-50, no matter players skill.


That setup has no obvious counter and that's the problem..

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> Not given up yet. But this gets boring facing mesmers + scourges + firebrand over and over, whether it is in solo queue or AT. Actually, this is even worse in solo queue because sometimes you have to face it with terrible compo and get rolled 500-50, no matter players skill.


> That setup has no obvious counter and that's the problem..


It has NO counter, that's the problem. The only time you have a chance is if the players are just terrible.

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> Not given up yet. But this gets boring facing mesmers + scourges + firebrand over and over, whether it is in solo queue or AT. Actually, this is even worse in solo queue because sometimes you have to face it with terrible compo and get rolled 500-50, no matter players skill.


> That setup has no obvious counter and that's the problem..


Firebrand still a thing? Playing on Plat and havent saw a single FB...double Scourge and Mesmer on both teams is pretty common...the very few games that I saw FB they were pretty useless, melt really fast when pressured....but I agree on Mesmer and Scourge, both are really opressive...Scourge needs its AoE damage reduced,reduced a loot, either that or keep the damage/boon corrupt but make it single target...theres no logic at all on having AoE damage doing more damage then Single target skills, not sure how the devs cant see simple stuff like this...Mesmer...to much damage, to much evades/invul/blocks, to much mobility/to much boons...is trash, throw it on the recycle bin and be done with it.

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I'm just limping my way towards a piece of legendary armor and calling it quits at this point. (I'm somewhere between 1350 and 1550, we'll see where it ends up). I don't really care about the builds, etc. but the game is suffering from an extreme lack of sportsmanship. Even when we win by a huge margin, someone is cussing someone else out on our own team, in the most vulgar way possible, because everyone has an over-inflated ego. It makes the mode not fun to play, and even competitive modes need to be fun. (I'm fairly sure some of these people pick fights on purpose to ensure a loss.)

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > Not given up yet. But this gets boring facing mesmers + scourges + firebrand over and over, whether it is in solo queue or AT. Actually, this is even worse in solo queue because sometimes you have to face it with terrible compo and get rolled 500-50, no matter players skill.

> >

> > That setup has no obvious counter and that's the problem..


> Firebrand still a thing? Playing on Plat and havent saw a single FB...double Scourge and Mesmer on both teams is pretty common...the very few games that I saw FB they were pretty useless, melt really fast when pressured....but I agree on Mesmer and Scourge, both are really opressive...Scourge needs its AoE damage reduced,reduced a loot, either that or keep the damage/boon corrupt but make it single target...theres no logic at all on having AoE damage doing more damage then Single target skills, not sure how the devs cant see simple stuff like this...Mesmer...to much damage, to much evades/invul/blocks, to much mobility/to much boons...is trash, throw it on the recycle bin and be done with it.



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I never really gave this season much of an effort to begin with, since Anet decided it would be a great idea to gut several hardly used and barely viable builds but leave mesmers to conquer everything. Combined with the win traders, terrible matchmaking, class stacking and constant afkers, it's like a bad joke.

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i promised myself never play SPVP unless ANet Devs do something about

1 - self and easy 25 might staking 24/7

2- invul/evade/block 24/7

3- professions stacking in single team

4- AOE condi on auto 24/7

5- AFKer


but the daily achievement make me do 1 or more match per day and that make me T_T

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I sort of take it seriously but then again I don't....


I want to play properly but after I get 3-4 wins, I know matchmaking will try and screw me over by giving me a team of Silvers against a team of Platinums, and it does.

I want to play more games after that loss but it appears match making thinks it needs to balance me to a 50% win ratio and keeps trying to make me lose.

I try to take the actual game serious, but my team has a "get mid or die trying" philosophy.

I'm trying to win but the thief who failed on taking far at the start thinks it's more effective to yell at everyone in team chat for only having home node.

I'm tryin to help my ally but he wants me to rez under the AoE and pressure of 4 people, if I don't then I'm the scrub that needs to "l2P".

I've just capped far and realized all 4 of my team mates are fighting the FB off point and continue to do so for the next 100 points.

I sign up as thief to +1 and decap, my team expects me to hold mid alone and gets ragey if I leave point.

I try to get Tranq but my team says "it's useless" and refuses to help, giving the enemy both Tranq and Still.


It's really hard to take the games seriously, and these are platinum examples.... I've always been a gold player, but it's clear they atleast know how to play the game... They just gimp themselves with really hard and creative builds.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> i promised myself never play SPVP unless ANet Devs do something about

> 1 - self and easy 25 might staking 24/7

> 2- invul/evade/block 24/7

> 3- professions stacking in single team

> 4- AOE condi on auto 24/7

> 5- AFKer


> but the daily achievement make me do 1 or more match per day and that make me T_T


You should just quit the game then. Many good games out there and they will never fix those things. This game died as a skill based pvp game a long time ago. Move on to overwatch/mobos

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More like haven't gotten started.

Honestly not that fond of conquest, and I get nothing I care about if I fail to reach or get knocked out of legend...

and once I get there I have to constantly play a game type I'm not all that into every day just to hold it.


So I'm happy with past titles and rewards.

This season and last haven't bothered. Only participated in the one prior for crafting marks.


I still consider myself a pvper because I want good fights. I love fun fights and plays <3

A-net get me some proper support to queue for those 2v2 rooms so they aren't an awkward mess rotating players and I'll care again.

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> @"Dristig.9678" said:

> I don't understand how the devs aren't just embarrassed about the current state of Mesmer/Scourge. I can only assume they just don't play the game.


Scourge after the last balance patch has the unique rock/paper/scissor problem in sPvP, dominates over melee combat but rolls over and die to any ranged pressure. You might have noticed in forum threads that P/P thief is catching a lot of flack now, i guess that's Scourge mains voicing their problem. So if you look at profession with that metric - does it have good and bad match-ups - scourge is not a problem in a same manner as before. Personally i believe that this kind of balance is not ideal, because it gives your team one sided matches decided by composition. Also, they are still the Scourge(s) of WvW, dictating gameplay in zerg battles.


Mesmer...i play him in WvW for some chill runs, but would feel dirty to play him in PvP :)

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> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> > @"Dristig.9678" said:

> > I don't understand how the devs aren't just embarrassed about the current state of Mesmer/Scourge. I can only assume they just don't play the game.


> Scourge after the last balance patch has the unique rock/paper/scissor problem in sPvP, dominates over melee combat but rolls over and die to any ranged pressure. You might have noticed in forum threads that P/P thief is catching a lot of flack now, i guess that's Scourge mains voicing their problem. So if you look at profession with that metric - does it have good and bad match-ups - scourge is not a problem in a same manner as before. Personally i believe that this kind of balance is not ideal, because it gives your team one sided matches decided by composition. Also, they are still the Scourge(s) of WvW, dictating gameplay in zerg battles.


> Mesmer...i play him in WvW for some chill runs, but would feel dirty to play him in PvP :)


Totally I wasn't even referring to the balance as much as the mechanics and implementation obviously didn't take PvP into account. There is no good way to balance a node sized high damage AoE skill in a node capture mode. Chronophantasma and Sand Savant are causing most of the problems and they just clearly didn't consider PvP.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I sort of take it seriously but then again I don't....


> I want to play properly but after I get 3-4 wins, I know matchmaking will try and screw me over by giving me a team of Silvers against a team of Platinums, and it does.

> I want to play more games after that loss but it appears match making thinks it needs to balance me to a 50% win ratio and keeps trying to make me lose.

> I try to take the actual game serious, but my team has a "get mid or die trying" philosophy.

> I'm trying to win but the thief who failed on taking far at the start thinks it's more effective to yell at everyone in team chat for only having home node.

> I'm tryin to help my ally but he wants me to rez under the AoE and pressure of 4 people, if I don't then I'm the scrub that needs to "l2P".

> I've just capped far and realized all 4 of my team mates are fighting the FB off point and continue to do so for the next 100 points.

> I sign up as thief to +1 and decap, my team expects me to hold mid alone and gets ragey if I leave point.

> I try to get Tranq but my team says "it's useless" and refuses to help, giving the enemy both Tranq and Still.


> It's really hard to take the games seriously, and these are platinum examples.... I've always been a gold player, but it's clear they atleast know how to play the game... They just kitten themselves with really hard and creative builds.


... Now my GF leave me. All is vain.

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