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6 years of Starter Bag - when will we be no Starters anymore???

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If you have like me basicall ydone everything in core tyria and like already over 20+ mastery points over the amount you need to have to max everything, its just natural to want to see some usage for this over exccess of so far useless points, that they receive some kind of use - and the best way to give these points some use is by giving the game a mastery, which improves the game through someres, that make inventory management better/more comfortable, but are NO MUST and with the Starter Bag getting improved with its amoutn of slots, similar like upgradign it via crafting, due to the point that we can turn 20 slot bags by now into 32 bags, I thinkl its not a great thing to have the upgraded backpacks, as the bag with the biggest space have as its final tier have 40 slots.

Raising its amount of inventory space is also no player advantage over other players, which don't would learn this new mastery, cause not every player does need to have that much inventory space, others just simply run a bit more oftenly to the npc vendor and are totally fine with that and feell due o this not the need to have to learn such a kind of mastery, so its a total optional mastery for everyone and as long its optional for everyone, I see no reason why not to add such a kind of mastery that gives the game some helpful optional QoLs and gives people which want to spend their mastery points they earned also for mastery something that they can use them for.


Ive atm 24 core tyria mastery points, which i would love to spend for somethign, thats in fact the reason why I made the thigns that learn me earn them, so that I can spent them on masteries, but the game sadly has yet not enough masteries to spent those earned points on.

I can understand, that there should be more than enough mastery points to max basically everythign ,so that people don't feel being forced to make everything to max everything, but on the otherway shoudl there exist also just complete optional masteries like this Carryweight Mastery, that aren#t neccessary for everyone to have, but are exactly there for these kind of people like me, which don't want to have tons of excess MP which can't be spent on anything and feel due to this then like a waste of time and not like a "reward" at all that can be used to progress with your character, which in the end is the one and only reson for which mastery points have been added to the game - as part of an improved character prgression experience and not to just be collected and then being not able to use them on something, only because you have collected already way much more, than you need in fact to learn everything.


I understand that this might be some kind of conflict between interests here, but thats the reason why for this are needed as solution new masteries, which feel beign completely optional like this one here, so that you can learn them, if you really want to have them, but them being by design absolutely no must haves.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> I'm pretty sure, its only a tiny oversight by Anet, but we all are running around since release of this game for 6 years now with these silly 20 Slot Starter Bags, without that we have a way in the game that is part of our Character Progression to improve the Starter Bag to a higher quality bag that fits to our characters experience level of being by now legendary heroes who have slain dragons to gods all over Tyria - and we still run around with a Starter Bag.


Technical limitations mean that it would be an extremely costly effort with almost no player benefit to change the "starter" bag. The only thing that could reasonably be changed would be to adjust the name to, for example, "Backpack", or something. Would that satisfy you?

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Personally, I like the idea of being able to upgrade the Starter Pack, but I think all the extras are a bit much. My thoughts are as follows...


* **Unsellable** - this is already possible, as we all know, through "safe" bags that prevent items from showing up at vendors

* **Overflow to Account Bank** - Interesting idea, however this would need to be an option enabled/disabled like auto loot. Myself, I like to have my bags and bank setup a certain way, keep an order to things. I'm a little OCD so having things thrown into my bank could cause some unwanted stress. (don't mock this, it's real and i'm sure i'm not the only one :p ) I think the idea of **Automatically putting materials into Bank/Material storage** is a better idea. Save people the time of manually clicking "store all".

* **Auto Salvage** - This I like. part of the above OCD I deal with is to make sure I DO have room and that i can weed through things quickly. I have fractal bags to keep loot organized, Exotic, Rare, and the other crap, constantly going into my inventor to "Salvage All" to quickly get rid of the Green's, Blue's and others. Not having to do this, would save time, and having the Mats auto put into storage would work well with this. This would need the option to select the type of auto salvage, or be limited to Basic salvaging. Not Rare, Exotic, or Ascended items.

* **Automatical Chesting** - This is basically the same as what you suggested for the 2nd level of the Master, the inventory overflow to bank. Having changed he second level of this mastery to Auto store Materials, this would be accept able in this place, however I think it should require the ability to specify which Bank tab they go into. And as I mentioned above, the ability to disable this option should be provided.

* **Automatical Selling** - This is something else I personally wouldn't like, and i'm sure I'm not the only one. I like to know what items are being sold, how, when and for how much. The only way this would be useful to me is if it's auto selling junk items. Thus removing the necessity to have a bag dedicated to sorting/storing these items until you can sell at a merchant. Making these changes, it may be better to move this to a lower tier of the Mastery.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > I'm pretty sure, its only a tiny oversight by Anet, but we all are running around since release of this game for 6 years now with these silly 20 Slot Starter Bags, without that we have a way in the game that is part of our Character Progression to improve the Starter Bag to a higher quality bag that fits to our characters experience level of being by now legendary heroes who have slain dragons to gods all over Tyria - and we still run around with a Starter Bag.


> Technical limitations mean that it would be an extremely costly effort with almost no player benefit to change the "starter" bag. The only thing that could reasonably be changed would be to adjust the name to, for example, "Backpack", or something. Would that satisfy you?


What for technical limitations please ??

Sure it would be a cheap way out, if we could just rename the Start Bag, but why just rename the item, if the item could become part of some bigger picture as a way of character progression behind a new and nice mastery ??

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> I do not like this idea. I like my Starter Backpack thank you very much. Besides - I would rather not have another overpriced gold sink that the current 32-slot bags are.



Masteries don't require gold at all. And if you want to keep your starter backpack and have less utility, you could just not do the mastery

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