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6 years of Starter Bag - when will we be no Starters anymore???

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Something little, which kind of begins to annoy me more and more.

I'm pretty sure, its only a tiny oversight by Anet, but we all are running around since release of this game for 6 years now with these silly 20 Slot Starter Bags, without that we have a way in the game that is part of our Character Progression to improve the Starter Bag to a higher quality bag that fits to our characters experience level of being by now legendary heroes who have slain dragons to gods all over Tyria - and we still run around with a Starter Bag.


this should get changed and I propose the implementation of a new Core Tyria Mastery for this, which upgrades on every Mastery Rank our Starter Bag and adds to our Inventory System also this way some new features as a way to give the game at the same time also some QoL improvements this way.


**Carryweight Mastery**


## Strong Muscles - 1 MP

You have received over time of carrying the Starter Bag stronger Back Muscles, so that you can carry now more and heavier things around on your Back.

This will upgrade your 20 Slot Starter Backpack into a 24 Slot Adventurer Backpack. Additionally unlocks this Mastery in your Inventory the Feature to mark Items to become "Unsellable", so that they won't get listed in Vendors as long they are marked by you as Unsellable. This way you don't need to use any invisible Bags then anymore extra just for this Feature.


## Strong Legs - 2MP

You have received over tiem of carrying the Adventurer Bag stronger Leg Muscles, so that you can carry now more and heavy things around on your Back.

This will upgrade your 24 Slot Adventurer Backpack into a 28 Slot Explorer Backpack. Additionally unlocks this Mastery the Feature, that you won't get slowed down anymore, should your Inventory become full and all Items you collect up while your Inventory is full will be automatically put into your Account Chest instead as long that is also not full.


## Merchants Management - 3MP

You have become able to manage better your Inventory, so that you you carry now around more thigns on your Back due to your better inventory management.

This will upgrade your 28 Slot Backpack into a 32 Slot Merchant Backpack. Additionally unlocks this Mastery the feature of Automatical Salvage, meaning that you can now setup in an Item List you can open up from your Inventory, which items that you have owned once at last, shoudl get automatically salvage the very moment you obtain them (again) and by which item they should get salvaged, so that you donät have to do all this manual clicking of salvagign these items from that moment on ever again, the game will do it now then automatically for you ,while you are looting items ..


## Heroic Presence - 4 MP

You have become such an experienced Hero, that by now you have become able to carry via all that experience that you have made even more stuff on your back, knowing by now even better how to manage those items to make better usage of your space in your back...as a hero you get so many gifts from saved people, you must know by how to stuff these things all into yoiur bag... upgrading your 32 Slot Merchant Backpack inti a 36 Slot Hero Backpack. The Hero backpack unlocks additionally the Feature of adding to your Inventory System the ability of Automatical Chesting, allowing it for you to mark items, which should on receive be put automatically into your Account Chest, what will be doen then until the Chest is full.


## Magic of Eternal Space - 5 MP

You have become a Legend with equipment full of magic and mysteries. One of those mysteries has been lifted. You have upgraded your heroic backpack with Magical Runes of Eternal Space, nobody knows, how on tyria you got your hands on them, but legends say ... and therefore you are a legend by now. This upgrades your 36 Slot Hero Backplack into the final 40 Slot Legendary Backpack. This last mastery also unlocks for your Inventory the final feature of allowign you to mark your items in your inventory for Automatical Selling, so that when you marked sn item for Automatical Selling while lootign stuff, these items will get instantly magically sold for you to a NPC vendor. This way will get for example trash loot instantly sold for you or unwanted upgrades instantly sold b you magicaly to a NPC vendor, so that you obtai nthe few coppers that this trash is worth and you have never anymroe the hassle of managing all this trash by your self, but the game does it from then on automaticalyl for you for all items that you have marked for Automatic Sell in your Inventory Management.


Total MP needed for full mastery = 15 MP


This would be a great QoL improvement and it would give as a little bit more ivnentory space as part of our character progression that comes via Masteries to upgrade this way our 6 year old starter bags finally into somemthing more appropriate by now.

We can run aroudn by now with full legendary equipment, but have no legendary bagpacks fitting to this? This needs to get changed ;)

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Sounds nice


I know, and its so long overdue...

Now that we can even craft 32 slot bag items to increase our inventory space that way even further, it becomes quite irritatign ,that we have still only 6 year old 20 slot starter bags and that there is no way in this game to make them better.

If making them better could, like I propose be even be xombined with addign new inventory management Qol features that we need to reduce drasticalyl alot of obsolete clicks, then even better I think.


This really must be some kind of oversight by anet for all these years, otherwise I can't explain myself how they made it possible for us to upgrade our normal 20 slot bags to now maximum 32 slot bags, but completely ignored the starter bag for all this time.

When i begin to upgrade now even the 20 slot bags, it should be a normality to be to improve the starter bags as well too ...only with the difference, that for doing that is using a new mastery liek kind of the best way presented on a silver platter here now on how it could be possibly done ;)

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Gold Sink ??

i haven't even said anything about the whole thing becoming a gold sink...

Ive suggested making a Mastery which allows us to get some useful and helpful Inventory management features, while upgradign at the same time the Starter Bag to an fitting legendary backpack with 40 instead of 20 Slots ...


Why would you want to keep a silly 20 slot bag item, if you could have a way to upgrade it to 40 slots and get some helful QoLs alogn the way too? i don't understand your reasonings for not liking, what woudl be a clear improvement over the current situation ....


Could you please explain with more detail, why exactly you don't like the idea... or is it just some kind of RP thing here, who wants just to keep desperate beginner stuff for RP reasons? If that is the case, then you need to make sure only that you never complete this new Mastery then and you will keep this way forever your Starter Bag, if you like it sooooo much that you don#t want to have the character progression that you'd get without any gold sinks otherwise ....

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You can already swap out the starter bag for a different one (including the new larger bags) if you want to. And I'd actually prefer **not** to have most of those mastery bonuses:


Tier 1: Mark items unsellable instead of using an invisible bag.

Functionally it's identical to moving items to an invisible bag, but with the downside (for me) that hidden items could stay scattered all over my inventory instead of being grouped at the bottom where I can find them easily. Since these are often items I want to make sure I've kept because they're important to me (including some which are already account bound and unsellable like legendary weapons) I want to know _where_ they are almost more than I want them hidden from merchant lists. So in practice I'd still keep moving them to the bottom bag and this would have no benefit for me.


Tier 2: Items you pick up with a full inventory are dumped into your bank instead.

So now I either have to keep the top line of my bank open in case random items get dropped in there or I periodically have to hunt through all the tabs for items which dropped into open slots. I keep my bank pretty well organised but even so trying to spot things I didn't put in there and actually just want to get rid of doesn't sound fun.


Tier 3: Set items to be automatically salvaged (I assume there would be a way to specify which salvage kit to use.)

On the surface that sounds good, but it also sounds like it would counteract any effort Anet makes to fix the economy. Right now a lot of equipment (especially level 80 blues and greens) are only good for salvaging because the TP is so saturated they've hit minimum value. If everyone starts auto-salvaging them without even checking then any attempt to give them another purpose is useless. Along the same lines I don't tend to keep track of reported changes to the economy in this game, I only notice things like ectoplasm dropping in value when I go to buy or sell it. If I'm automatically salvaging a bunch of stuff without even the opportunity to check it's value I'm going to miss out on a lot of opportunities to sell stuff for more than the materials are worth.


Tier 4: Mark items to be automatically deposited into your bank.

It's not a bad idea exactly, but I can't think of anything I'd use it with. Items I store multiples of in my bank are pretty rare, things like boosters, tomes of knowledge or black lion statuettes. In those cases I want to see that I've got it before it's dropped into my bank, and it's rare enough that it's not causing a problem with inventory space. Most of what's in my bank is one-off items: books (which again I want in my inventory so I can read/use them first), tools like Mawdrey II and the Rift Stabalizer, level 80 exotics/ascended with selectable stats. Not things I'm likely to get, add to a list and then keep getting so I need them automatically deposited.


Tier 5: Mark items to be sold automatically.

This has the same issues as the automatic salvaging from tier 3, but with the added problem that it makes the Merchant Express items utterly useless, making it highly unlikely Anet would ever do it.


On the plus side I guess since I'd want none of these masteries I could simply avoid ever training the line. So in that sense it's a bit better than the annoying speed boost from the Pact Mastery line which cannot be turned off or avoided if you want the other benefits. But I'd still be concerned about the impact on the economy from the auto-sell and auto-salvage features.

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I very much doubt that ArenaNet would invest any sort of R&D into a mastery-based backpack system with the current method being used to obtain larger capacity bags being crafting.


If this was implemented, there is a good chance it would be a large gold sink. Also, I do indeed enjoy having my Starter Backpack for sentimental reasons.

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The more stuff you can carry, so longer can you farm without needing to go to a vendor, simple reason as that.

Howev,er I didn#t knew the Starter bag has become replaceable by any other normal bags, in this case also replaceable by those newer 32 slot bags.

Hmm, at least a start (no pun intended)


@ Danikat


Yes, in regard of Auto Salvage the Playewr woudl be able to decide, like i described, which Salvage Tool the Game should be using for the automatic process.

You#d be able to mark the item which should be auto salvage in future and the game asks you then, which Salvage tool should be used for the auto Salvage process.

Do you say the Mechanic should use limited use tools, then the automatism will work automatically for you only as long you dont run out on Salvage Tools.

Do you decide to use for the automatic process onme of the unendless Gemstore Salvage Tools,, then the auto salvaging process will run eternally, as long until you go back to your Mark List to deactivate there the entry of the Item that should be auto salvage.


In regard of the Sell Protection via Invisible Bags, nobody stops you to still use invisible bags, even if you have learned the first Tier of the Carryweight mastery already, if you want to have the items that shouldnt be sellable at a specific place in your inventory. The Mastery should be only an alternative help for those people, which just want to have in general only some very specific few items to be protected, but which dont need to have them at a specific spot in their inventory, or dont want to use extra for this invisible bag. its just an alternative of the same feature, no must to use, if you rather prefer still usign the old method with invisible bags, then thats fine too.


In regard of Automatical Depositing.. its also just an optional mechanic, that the game will do only for you, IF you marked first items for the game to do this process for you.

if you don't need this feature, then you just don#t have to mark in your Inventory any items for Automatic Chesting. But I'm pretty sure, that there will be situations, in which people would find this little Qol helpful. Personally for example i nsitations, where you want to avoid having to go back in a town, if you have no bank access, to put soem stuff into your Babnk, then you'd just mark the item for Auto chestign and it owuld be put into your Chest simply, without that you have to leave the map for a town.

Would this make bank access items obsolete? - Guess yes, but hey, Anet can easily replace them ten with something more useful and meaningful instead.


Same for Auto Selling, yes it woudl make Gemstore Merchants useless, but thats just the nature of character progression, and gettign improvements of QoL when old mechanics get enhances, changes are big, that older mechanics will become obsolete and once old mechanics get obsolete and ripe to be removed from the game, then its just normal for gemstores, that old stuff that has no use anymore, gets just replaced with new items that will take in the spots of the old removed items that have lost their reason of existance due to new improved better mechanics havign found its way into the game that are superior compared to the old methods.

But QoL and Player Comfort would receive great benefits, Inventory Management would becoem much lesser of a hassle and in the end the game woudl make more fun, having to click on these process alot lesser and thats the whole point in the ed of QoL improvements - to make game mechanics that are unfun and uncomfortamble more fun, quicker and more comfortable - even if this means that old mechanics become through these kind of improvements obsolete.


However, due to it beign all based on a mastery, it stays fact that it will be every persons own choice to train the line, or just to ignore it, if you are on the opinion ,that you'd like not having those QoL effects active, then its stands free to you to ignore the mastery and not learn it, unlike auto Lootign, which is somethign that can't be deactivated sadly anymore, once learned


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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> The more stuff you can carry, so longer can you farm without needing to go to a vendor, simple reason as that.

> Howev,er I didn#t knew the Starter bag has become replaceable by any other normal bags, in this case also replaceable by those newer 32 slot bags.

> Hmm, at least a start (no pun intended)


> @ Danikat


> Yes, in regard of Auto Salvage the Playewr woudl be able to decide, like i described, which Salvage Tool the Game should be using for the automatic process.

> You#d be able to mark the item which should be auto salvage in future and the game asks you then, which Salvage tool should be used for the auto Salvage process.

> Do you say the Mechanic should use limited use tools, then the automatism will work automatically for you only as long you dont run out on Salvage Tools.

> Do you decide to use for the automatic process onme of the unendless Gemstore Salvage Tools,, then the auto salvaging process will run eternally, as long until you go back to your Mark List to deactivate there the entry of the Item that should be auto salvage.


> In regard of the Sell Protection via Invisible Bags, nobody stops you to still use invisible bags, even if you have learned the first Tier of the Carryweight mastery already, if you want to have the items that shouldnt be sellable at a specific place in your inventory. The Mastery should be only an alternative help for those people, which just want to have in general only some very specific few items to be protected, but which dont need to have them at a specific spot in their inventory, or dont want to use extra for this invisible bag. its just an alternative of the same feature, no must to use, if you rather prefer still usign the old method with invisible bags, then thats fine too.


> In regard of Automatical Depositing.. its also just an optional mechanic, that the game will do only for you, IF you marked first items for the game to do this process for you.

> if you don't need this feature, then you just don#t have to mark in your Inventory any items for Automatic Chesting. But I'm pretty sure, that there will be situations, in which people would find this little Qol helpful. Personally for example i nsitations, where you want to avoid having to go back in a town, if you have no bank access, to put soem stuff into your Babnk, then you'd just mark the item for Auto chestign and it owuld be put into your Chest simply, without that you have to leave the map for a town.

> Would this make bank access items obsolete? - Guess yes, but hey, Anet can easily replace them ten with something more useful and meaningful instead.


> Same for Auto Selling, yes it woudl make Gemstore Merchants useless, but thats just the nature of character progression, and gettign improvements of QoL when old mechanics get enhances, changes are big, that older mechanics will become obsolete and once old mechanics get obsolete and ripe to be removed from the game, then its just normal for gemstores, that old stuff that has no use anymore, gets just replaced with new items that will take in the spots of the old removed items that have lost their reason of existance due to new improved better mechanics havign found its way into the game that are superior compared to the old methods.

> But QoL and Player Comfort would receive great benefits, Inventory Management would becoem much lesser of a hassle and in the end the game woudl make more fun, having to click on these process alot lesser and thats the whole point in the ed of QoL improvements - to make game mechanics that are unfun and uncomfortamble more fun, quicker and more comfortable - even if this means that old mechanics become through these kind of improvements obsolete.


> However, due to it beign all based on a mastery, it stays fact that it will be every persons own choice to train the line, or just to ignore it, if you are on the opinion ,that you'd like not having those QoL effects active, then its stands free to you to ignore the mastery and not learn it, unlike auto Lootign, which is somethign that can't be deactivated sadly anymore, once learned



You have the choice to turn off any or all of the 3 'Auto Loot' options in the Options panel.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > The more stuff you can carry, so longer can you farm without needing to go to a vendor, simple reason as that.

> > Howev,er I didn#t knew the Starter bag has become replaceable by any other normal bags, in this case also replaceable by those newer 32 slot bags.

> > Hmm, at least a start (no pun intended)

> >

> > @ Danikat

> >

> > Yes, in regard of Auto Salvage the Playewr woudl be able to decide, like i described, which Salvage Tool the Game should be using for the automatic process.

> > You#d be able to mark the item which should be auto salvage in future and the game asks you then, which Salvage tool should be used for the auto Salvage process.

> > Do you say the Mechanic should use limited use tools, then the automatism will work automatically for you only as long you dont run out on Salvage Tools.

> > Do you decide to use for the automatic process onme of the unendless Gemstore Salvage Tools,, then the auto salvaging process will run eternally, as long until you go back to your Mark List to deactivate there the entry of the Item that should be auto salvage.

> >

> > In regard of the Sell Protection via Invisible Bags, nobody stops you to still use invisible bags, even if you have learned the first Tier of the Carryweight mastery already, if you want to have the items that shouldnt be sellable at a specific place in your inventory. The Mastery should be only an alternative help for those people, which just want to have in general only some very specific few items to be protected, but which dont need to have them at a specific spot in their inventory, or dont want to use extra for this invisible bag. its just an alternative of the same feature, no must to use, if you rather prefer still usign the old method with invisible bags, then thats fine too.

> >

> > In regard of Automatical Depositing.. its also just an optional mechanic, that the game will do only for you, IF you marked first items for the game to do this process for you.

> > if you don't need this feature, then you just don#t have to mark in your Inventory any items for Automatic Chesting. But I'm pretty sure, that there will be situations, in which people would find this little Qol helpful. Personally for example i nsitations, where you want to avoid having to go back in a town, if you have no bank access, to put soem stuff into your Babnk, then you'd just mark the item for Auto chestign and it owuld be put into your Chest simply, without that you have to leave the map for a town.

> > Would this make bank access items obsolete? - Guess yes, but hey, Anet can easily replace them ten with something more useful and meaningful instead.

> >

> > Same for Auto Selling, yes it woudl make Gemstore Merchants useless, but thats just the nature of character progression, and gettign improvements of QoL when old mechanics get enhances, changes are big, that older mechanics will become obsolete and once old mechanics get obsolete and ripe to be removed from the game, then its just normal for gemstores, that old stuff that has no use anymore, gets just replaced with new items that will take in the spots of the old removed items that have lost their reason of existance due to new improved better mechanics havign found its way into the game that are superior compared to the old methods.

> > But QoL and Player Comfort would receive great benefits, Inventory Management would becoem much lesser of a hassle and in the end the game woudl make more fun, having to click on these process alot lesser and thats the whole point in the ed of QoL improvements - to make game mechanics that are unfun and uncomfortamble more fun, quicker and more comfortable - even if this means that old mechanics become through these kind of improvements obsolete.

> >

> > However, due to it beign all based on a mastery, it stays fact that it will be every persons own choice to train the line, or just to ignore it, if you are on the opinion ,that you'd like not having those QoL effects active, then its stands free to you to ignore the mastery and not learn it, unlike auto Lootign, which is somethign that can't be deactivated sadly anymore, once learned

> >


> You have the choice to turn off any or all of the 3 'Auto Loot' options in the Options panel.


Oh snap! Thank you for pointing this out.


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The development idea is certainly interesting - not knocking it. It's a little unusual that you're asking for an upgrade of your 20-slot bag to a 40-slot bag at the cost of 16 Mastery points (if I'm reading this right), but I like the intent.


RE: starter bag - IMO this is just like your "first bag" same as the your "first sword/dagger/mace etc". You don't upgrade those directly, you throw them away and get better ones. Starter bag is a bit like that but it's just very useful - especially if you're not someone who plans on making 24+ slot bags.

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