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Crematus the Destroyer bugged ?

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I'm tryign now since several dayds to get this silly destroyer champion in the sandwept isles chamber event to kill, but he does not ever spawn at all...

ive killed all other champions like already half a douzen times and more, but yet ive never seen Crematus ever spawn a single time.


Have any other people made so far the same experience, or is this just simply very bad "luck" of mine ???

I think this event should get changed from a random spawn system to a system of where like the first 5 people that enter thre room first are able to decide by choice, which one of those champion test subject clones should spawn....


This way it would take out the silly RNG element of this achievement for killing all of them and players would have a way to positively influence the choice of which champion spawns towards the ones, they are personally missing, so that they can complete the achievement faster and not based on pure luck to be the at the right time when rngeesus is so merciful to let the one and only champion that you still need finally spawn ...

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