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AFK in comp to grind loot

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I just recently came back to gw2 and started up pvp again. Did my first week of pvp and I've already had multiple matches with players pretending to play during the match. Guess there is no way to really police that. Just annoying to waste time in a match, would like a surrender option so everyone doesn't have to suffer through a lengthy loss.

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> I don't understand why people do that... losing games on purpose will just make it like 5x slower getting rewards than actually winning matches.


If your goal is to play as few matches as possible and still get the purple chest, there is an advantage to performing poorly when your rating deviation is high (placements and first few matches). that will tank your rating, so you will have a lot easier matches going forward, and a higher overall win %.


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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > I don't understand why people do that... losing games on purpose will just make it like 5x slower getting rewards than actually winning matches.


> If your goal is to play as few matches as possible and still get the purple chest, there is an advantage to performing poorly when your rating deviation is high (placements and first few matches). that will tank your rating, so you will have a lot easier matches going forward, and a higher overall win %.



This is pointless from a competitive standpoint though... The whole purpose of PvP is to improve yourself, enjoy killing other people, and get good as a team and win. I don't mind playing people better skilled than me because I learn from my mistakes and fight better and harder the next time I play. For the PvE people just coming for the chests the first time around and leaving.... you are actually making the process a tonnnnnn more slow if you just stop after the last chest. You only get 400 Acended shards where as if you play and actually enjoy pvping like I do you can get all Ascended shards of glory with ease within the time limit of 8 weeks for the season. Heck this is is my first ranked season and I have 800 Ascended shards now and it only took me 2 weeks to do it.


I do nothing else but pvp for now because I am making sure I have all ascended gear within 8 weeks. Heck I might have enough to get a few weapons on top of the armor I am getting. Also in two weeks time frame I went from 500 ish gold to almost 700 gold. Not a bad way to make gold if you really enjoy pvp like me :D

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > I don't understand why people do that... losing games on purpose will just make it like 5x slower getting rewards than actually winning matches.

> >

> > If your goal is to play as few matches as possible and still get the purple chest, there is an advantage to performing poorly when your rating deviation is high (placements and first few matches). that will tank your rating, so you will have a lot easier matches going forward, and a higher overall win %.

> >


> This is pointless from a competitive standpoint though... The whole purpose of PvP is to improve yourself, enjoy killing other people, and get good as a team and win. I don't mind playing people better skilled than me because I learn from my mistakes and fight better and harder the next time I play. For the PvE people just coming for the chests the first time around and leaving.... you are actually making the process a tonnnnnn more slow if you just stop after the last chest. You only get 400 Acended shards where as if you play and actually enjoy pvping like I do you can get all Ascended shards of glory with ease within the time limit of 8 weeks for the season. Heck this is is my first ranked season and I have 800 Ascended shards now and it only took me 2 weeks to do it.


> I do nothing else but pvp for now because I am making sure I have all ascended gear within 8 weeks. Heck I might have enough to get a few weapons on top of the armor I am getting. Also in two weeks time frame I went from 500 ish gold to almost 700 gold. Not a bad way to make gold if you really enjoy pvp like me :D


I agree with the original post and your comment: If you enjoy PvP you get a ton of rewards as a side effect of enjoying the game.

Problem is, rewards are probably too good for the time investment required, compared to other possible farm in that amount of time, so i think that we have some players that are forcing themselves to play PvP in order to get rewards, and - they do not enjoy it, hence some weird things starts happenig.

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > I don't understand why people do that... losing games on purpose will just make it like 5x slower getting rewards than actually winning matches.

> >

> > If your goal is to play as few matches as possible and still get the purple chest, there is an advantage to performing poorly when your rating deviation is high (placements and first few matches). that will tank your rating, so you will have a lot easier matches going forward, and a higher overall win %.

> >


> This is pointless from a competitive standpoint though...


Yeah but if you are playing pvp or pips and chests you can't apply competitive logic to such people.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > > > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > > I don't understand why people do that... losing games on purpose will just make it like 5x slower getting rewards than actually winning matches.

> > >

> > > If your goal is to play as few matches as possible and still get the purple chest, there is an advantage to performing poorly when your rating deviation is high (placements and first few matches). that will tank your rating, so you will have a lot easier matches going forward, and a higher overall win %.

> > >

> >

> > This is pointless from a competitive standpoint though...


> Yeah but if you are playing pvp or pips and chests you can't apply competitive logic to such people.


Each to their own.


This can also be a problem for people who want to climb the leaderboard like myself. The people who don't care about winning and don't try very hard or just throw games and die over and over is the reason a lot of times your team completely gets stomped. Oh well. I can't take ranked serious anymore with the afks, hackers, people that don't care about winning, and the horrible Necro/mesmer op meta.

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> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > > > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > > I don't understand why people do that... losing games on purpose will just make it like 5x slower getting rewards than actually winning matches.

> > >

> > > If your goal is to play as few matches as possible and still get the purple chest, there is an advantage to performing poorly when your rating deviation is high (placements and first few matches). that will tank your rating, so you will have a lot easier matches going forward, and a higher overall win %.

> > >

> >

> > This is pointless from a competitive standpoint though... The whole purpose of PvP is to improve yourself, enjoy killing other people, and get good as a team and win. I don't mind playing people better skilled than me because I learn from my mistakes and fight better and harder the next time I play. For the PvE people just coming for the chests the first time around and leaving.... you are actually making the process a tonnnnnn more slow if you just stop after the last chest. You only get 400 Acended shards where as if you play and actually enjoy pvping like I do you can get all Ascended shards of glory with ease within the time limit of 8 weeks for the season. Heck this is is my first ranked season and I have 800 Ascended shards now and it only took me 2 weeks to do it.

> >

> > I do nothing else but pvp for now because I am making sure I have all ascended gear within 8 weeks. Heck I might have enough to get a few weapons on top of the armor I am getting. Also in two weeks time frame I went from 500 ish gold to almost 700 gold. Not a bad way to make gold if you really enjoy pvp like me :D


> I agree with the original post and your comment: If you enjoy PvP you get a ton of rewards as a side effect of enjoying the game.

> Problem is, rewards are probably too good for the time investment required, compared to other possible farm in that amount of time, so i think that we have some players that are forcing themselves to play PvP in order to get rewards, and - they do not enjoy it, hence some weird things starts happenig.


I know playing ranked pvp for gold/ rewards is a lot slower than if you farm silverwastes or crafting but grinding for something via PvE on the same map over and over gets old really fast. I enjoy pvp so grinding for gear isn't an issue because each game requires a different strategy to win and it's fun playing real people :)

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The funny thing about AFK is it can be detected. ANET could keep track of activity from a player and have some concept of players not playing. At a base level some of the AFKing is simply someone who never leaves the spawn point all game.

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> @"luke.5082" said:

> The funny thing about AFK is it can be detected. ANET could keep track of activity from a player and have some concept of players not playing. At a base level some of the AFKing is simply someone who never leaves the spawn point all game.


This. There have been some successful implementations of algorithms in game that determine the behaviors of people considered to be idling. It already has a partial implementation in gw2, since running against a wall still gets you idled out.

Eventually they may have to take more aggressive approaches, like detecting whether or not the player has touched any of their skills other than a specific one (like autoattack), whether or not theyve been out of combat for a substantial amount of time, and whether they put up a fight for a significant percentage of the combat situations they got into.

I dont know how far to push this mediation though. The more you define what -active play- is, the more creative people will become in trying to circumvent it while still tanking the team.


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Of course you can argue about how good a system has to be in order to not be abusable. But Arenanet does not have to look into each and every log file. There is a reporting system in place. This should get more attendance and trigger automatic punishments if certain patterns match: A full team does not report a player standing in the base for no reason - and so this should lead to punishment no matter what. Back in WoW Classic if you got reported afk on a battleground you got auto kicked from the battleground and then you had a decent timeout (I think it was 30 minutes or so). Immediately another random player from the queue was loaded into the already ongoing match to fill the gap.


That's punishing enough for people who just want to leech and enables other people to play some time without that foul fruit of a team mate. Sure, a hardcore win trader would not permanently discouraged and keep on just fooling around but at least it would be something - a start. This could go along with some methods to avoid communication with the enemy team. Right now the chat can be abused to blame non pleasant enemy players or even arrange a kick of a non pleasant enemy player: disable /s, /w, /map chat across teams during a fight and allow only team internal channels during the match. As a side effect, people cannot spend idle time with reading the guild chat or whisper with friends during the match which would help on focusing to actually fight. I never understood why some people would complain on the map chat and excuse their own poor game play by giving explanations about their "monkey" team mates to the enemy team.


In my eyes Anet just has to take the matter more serious and plenty of solutions would be there.

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