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STOP ALLOWING , FREE Alt account to be made/played in RANK


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* the gw2 pvp population is small enough already. We shouldn't exclude even more people. It'll just be the same 50 people queueing ranked against each other all the time.

* If core specs can't compete with elite specs, that means there are balance problems. Maybe fix that instead?

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> @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > Meanwhile Core Guardian and some Core Thief builds are meta. The system is fine as it is, GW2 is supposed to have accessibilty to players of all ranges.


> kitten are you even talking about, this isn't about viability of core builds, this is about people using free alts to win trade.


thanks for being able to read, seem others just ignore the point of the post and jump to other conclusion.

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This would be good. Even tho I have second account too, I don't play my main because I don't want to drop down divisions but I want to keep playing PvP. Thats why I have second account.


But if players needed to buy atleast one expansion to join Ranked, match quality would go up significally!!


I just hope Anet would do it... But then again, they don't care.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > > Meanwhile Core Guardian and some Core Thief builds are meta. The system is fine as it is, GW2 is supposed to have accessibilty to players of all ranges.

> >

> > kitten are you even talking about, this isn't about viability of core builds, this is about people using free alts to win trade.


> thanks for being able to read, seem others just ignore the point of the post and jump to other conclusion.


Maybe because such a claim is rediculous, losing a game doesn't mean that you got a win trader.

Typical to see people post things like these on the forums after a loss in ranked.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> Disagree


> * the gw2 pvp population is small enough already. We shouldn't exclude even more people. It'll just be the same 50 people queueing ranked against each other all the time.

> * If core specs can't compete with elite specs, that means there are balance problems. Maybe fix that instead?


Perhaps it's worth checking the statistics.


Fewer than 2% of accounts registered on GW2efficiency are F2P. I agree that there are more people and the % is probably around 5% (maybe?).

Putting a level 50 or 60 PvP limit on F2P people isn't going to be a major problem for population levels. If anything I'd bet that there are more F2P alt accounts than F2P mains.



> @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > > @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > > > Meanwhile Core Guardian and some Core Thief builds are meta. The system is fine as it is, GW2 is supposed to have accessibilty to players of all ranges.

> > >

> > > kitten are you even talking about, this isn't about viability of core builds, this is about people using free alts to win trade.

> >

> > thanks for being able to read, seem others just ignore the point of the post and jump to other conclusion.


> Maybe because such a claim is rediculous, losing a game doesn't mean that you got a win trader.

> Typical to see people post things like these on the forums after a loss in ranked.


Nobody was implying that every loss can be attributed to win-trading - please refrain from strawmanning just because you misread something.


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> @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> > > > @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > > > Meanwhile Core Guardian and some Core Thief builds are meta. The system is fine as it is, GW2 is supposed to have accessibilty to players of all ranges.

> > >

> > > kitten are you even talking about, this isn't about viability of core builds, this is about people using free alts to win trade.

> >

> > thanks for being able to read, seem others just ignore the point of the post and jump to other conclusion.


> Maybe because such a claim is rediculous, losing a game doesn't mean that you got a win trader.

> Typical to see people post things like these on the forums after a loss in ranked.


Freshly made core accounts with UNDER a week of being active SHOULD not be allowed to do rank. Learn to read the post theirs more to this then just “win trading”.


A player who just started playing this game shouldn’t be doing rank matches till ATLeast a month later from the account being made. It takes one full day with a lot of Pvp buffs to get to level 20 in the mist and that’s with taking your time...


If we want better quality matches this SHOULD be looked into for multiple reasons, now get off your high horse and stop thinking every post on the forums is about win trading or fixed games. Some of us that support this very little community we have want to see better overall changes made that doesn’t get abused by players that’s been banned, dishorned , or noobs new to the game not having a clue what to do during a match.

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Bring 5v5 queues IMO. Sure longer waiting times but better than solo queuing or even dual queuing and having to deal with a lottery of player skill, map, team build match-ups, d/c, afkers, wintraders, griefers etc RNG. There is so much variance with solo queuing, you just feel like 3/4 of the result is out of your hands and a random raffle.

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Free to play should absolutely not be a ranked season or tournament. Full Stop. If they like the mode so much to play that far, they should be supporting the game. ie: buying it.


The bar for playing in ranked should be much higher. Unranked is to learn and experiment. Ranked should be to compete. Either raise the pvp level required, or preferably, purchased game is required for ranked. An easy change to remove a chunk of the problem.


As for people using alt ftp accounts for wintrading....the above changes should make it at least slightly more difficult, or at least expensive.


On a separate, but related note: I think all accounts should be connected to a phone number or authentication. Much easier to smash multiple accounts of cheaters for ArenaNet, and thus less likely for random toxic players to chance their main account being hit as well.


More cheat detection ArenaNet! The ones you didn't get are already back.


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> @"guest.9472" said:

> Lmao I bet you vets won't fight us for PvP privs. I nominate myself, New Player, to represent all F2P accounts and newcomers. Who will you choose as your champion?


Guest, We want PvP to be paid play only because F2P accounts are consistently used to cheat in ranked PvP standings. We could care leas if a F2P player is the best in the world af GW2. It wouldn't change the fact that many F2P accounts playing ranked matches are being used to cheat.

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New players on f2p accounts should not be completely blocked from ranked, but the barrier to entry to play ranked on a f2p account should indeed be higher.


OP doesn't have anything against new players playing ranked, but has an issue with how easy it is for offenders to keep offending.


If someone is win trading and manipulating matches gets banned, all they have to do is make a new f2p account.


I think zan even stated on his stream admitting to playing on an alt account that it doesnt matter if his main account is perma banned he will just play on one of his alts. I have nothing against Zan he just happened to be a good example.


Zan isn't malicious but there are a lot of players that are.


If you bump up the barrier to entry it will slowly remedy the problem as people will be less inclined to go through the hassle of leveling up a new account, especially if anet bumps up ban wave frequency.

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Nah, let people play the game. Taking care of toxicity, cheaters and wintraders is something way more important than this, keeping f2p players out of ranked wont make you y'all less frustrated or make the matches quality better. (unless you're like low silver/bronze)

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> I hate to say it, but I think it would be a good idea to have HoT & PoF exclusive PvP Arena's and maybe match sets.


Not a bad idea actually. That way people don't have to play with certain profession they don't like AND may attract more to people to the scene who would possibly buy in to play all the game modes including the PvE.

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> @"Kathul.1280" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > I hate to say it, but I think it would be a good idea to have HoT & PoF exclusive PvP Arena's and maybe match sets.


> Not a bad idea actually. That way people don't have to play with certain profession they don't like AND may attract more to people to the scene who would possibly buy in to play all the game modes including the PvE.


Also removes the issue of Elite Spec Balance, as only HoT is allowed in the HoT Arena's, only PoF elite in the PoF Arena's, and no Elites in the Core Arena's.

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