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After reading a few posts and topics i feel a little bit overwehlemed by the mass of avatars everywhere. Would be nice to have some options to reduce this picture/avatar overkill. When the first signatures will comming in imo it will even harder to get a stringent short overview to see in the posting history on a topic.

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I am not the fan of the new post's style. Threads seem cluttered. It's hard to notice where one post ends and another starts. Please consider making a space between posts bigger or make the line which separates posts more visible or both.


Also could we have an option to have a hyperlink at the end of each quote to the actual quote. Because sometimes people change it or the quote itself shows only half the idea.

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> @omica.6548 said:

> Firefox does not work to access the forums. Had to switch to IE to login. Was using Firefox ver 53(32bit), would not recognize user name and password. Noted, after switching that the accept rules check box did not appear on login screen with Firefox.


Interesting - I'm on Firefox ver55 (32bit) and haven't had any problems with the forums thus far. Maybe it's because you have an outdated browser version?

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Don't like it... Feels like this is made for tablet/mobile screens..

On the old forums you had a better overview and could fit more information on your screen..

I wish web devs would stop this whole "mobile" dev craze/trend...

This is not the forum of some stupid mobile game but a PC game... Hence you come to the forums on a PC with a big ass HD monitor which can fit a lot of info on the screen... Now everything looks bloated and "in your face" in stead of clean and organized...

The avatars are nice but could easily be implemented on the existing forum.. I see no use for a UI overhaul...

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> @syntohras.1064 said:

> There should be badges for players who play this game since RLS/HoT ect. A bit weird to be only "a Member" now.


Yes this is weird that there isn't even any badges for playing this game soo long. I started in 2012 Headstart but now im a recruit too lol.


I saw an another problem. It looks like that Profiles are not shared between languages. I did need to change my avatar at the german forum AND here. Same with comments ect. Why not sharing it across all languages?


The edit timer is stupid i do not like this.

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Too much clutter. I quite dislike the layout. Some things are far too obtrusive, like the " Report Quote Helpful Thumbs Down Thumbs Up " line beneath every post. I don't need to see that 6 times on one page if it has some short posts. I prefer how the old forums squashed all of that discretely in a corner. The "actual content" density is too low.


Functionally, I think it's an enormous improvement.

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Just a couple suggestions so far from me...


~ Move the "Draft saved" message to the bottom left corner of the screen, instead of having it pop up in the middle of the screen, which could put it right in the middle of your reply box depending on how you have your screen positioned.


~ Upload some larger images for the avatars so they don't appear so blurry when they aren't at their minimum size.


~ Post-related notifications don't seem to be working properly. People quoting me don't show up in my notifications tab, nor does anyone "tagging" you with @username. I suspect it has something to do with the way display names are formatted, the system seems to be cutting off at the "period" and not getting the numbers, thus not actually getting your display name "right". LIke, any time someone quotes something else, you see that only the first part of the name (before the period) is actually in red / part of the username, the period and after are black. Needs to be adjusted to account for the period and numbers somehow.



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Honestly I like the old one alot better.


The old one is clean and concise and not overly complicated.

The old one can edit your post without time limit (15 mins for new one)


To make matter worse, the new one includes downvote feature, on top of being visible!

It can even generate in game conflict because people might whisper to the downvoter ingame for downvoting their post.

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Bug I just found -


If you quote a post, the username of the person you quoted is a broken link and doesn't lead to their profile. Something in the coding leaves off the numbers, and so the link only goes to the name part (so for example, using my username, it links to Verene, instead of Verene.1480). This throws a "Profile not found" error, since the numbers are part of the profile name.

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The new forums look good, but I think it will take a bit of getting used to, the layout feels a lot bigger, perhaps there will be a feature to change the scale of the forums? Or will I just have to CTRL+scrollwheel to change it myself. Right now it feels like the forums are a bit too big. Otherwise so far, things are clean and nice.

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Since I can't edit my post again (There's a 15 minute limit), here is the latest CSS changes I've made.


I removed the reaction stuff other than helpful, and I've fixed an issue where I accidentally blacked out some icons up top (Welcome to cascading style sheets :P).


I still haven't started on addressing the front pages & indexes, only the forum threads themselves.

Got work that I actually have to go and do now XD.


@"Gaile Gray.6029" I strongly recommend you guys consider decluttering & create better separation between posts.


As well as ditching your font. Eww.



body * {

font-family: helvetica, sans-serif !important;

color: #333333;


.Section-Discussion .Content .Item-Header::after {

background-image: none;

border-bottom: 1px solid #333333;


.Section-Discussion .Content .Item .Item-Body::after {

background-image: none;

border-bottom: 1px solid #333333;


.Section-Discussion .Content .Item {

border-bottom-width: initial !important;

border-bottom: 1px solid #333333;


.DataList .Item {

background: none;


.ReactButton {

border: 1px solid #e1d9d9;

background-color: #f9f9f9;

border-radius: 5px;

padding: 5px;


.Section-Discussion .Content .Item-Header .Meta time {

color: #333333 !important;


.RecordReactions {

display: none !important;


.ReactButton-Dislike {

display: none !important;


.ReactButton-Like {

display: none !important;


.MeButton * {

color: #c3c3c3;



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The new forums look great!


But...linking images is really glitchy. I posted a reply to one of the "show your character" threads and found that if you link more than one image, it just chooses one of them and hides the other two.


Also, the image tag shows the name of the image file as the text. Is it possible to change this? Almost everything posted is all going to have some jibberish file name due to the way that sites like Imgur handle uploads.


**tl;dr:** Linking multiple images causes problems and hides all but one image (**bug**). Image text is file name, which just doesn't work well (**feedback**)


**Edit** Also, apparently the alt text section of the image markdown code doesn't work when linking an image, so no matter what you put between the brackets, you still just get the file name as the text. (**bug**

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It doesn't seem to allow edits past a certain time limit (15mins?). I don't know if I'm understanding this correctly but if I am...


Suggestion: Allow infinite edits at any point in time.


Reason: People type fast and make dumb typos. People also change their minds and may want to come back and change a harsh comment to a softer comment, an insulting comment to an approachable comment, etc. Taking the power of editing out of the control of the poster is not fair.

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> @Mobilizer.6278 said:

> I would hide who thumbs up and thumbs down so that players don't have a chance of being harassed in-game.


Or on the forums. I think all the avatars and names of who thumbed up and thumbed down and helpful marks should be invisible save to the forum moderators (someone else suggested this, so I'm adding this idea to the thread)

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The icons are the biggest problem. Firstly, they overwhelm the post so that they become more important than the post itself by drawing the eye away from the text. That makes it messy, harder to read and just opens so many opportunities up for trolling. I am a bit surprised a community savvy company like Anet didn't think about harassment via its forums as a side effect here.

Secondly, forums are a place for constructive feedback and ideas to discuss or be used by the dev team. They aren't meant to be a popularity contest.


The homepage is clearer, although the white is an eye killer still


Great to have a better mobile experience and search engine.


It appears editing is on a timer? That could be problematic if we need to update a post?


To be honest, ditch the thumbs up/down icons and it'll probably be fine. Right now, threads are messier than Reddit

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As other before me I would say that the portraits for Thumbs Up/Down and the other reaction are not very good in my opinion. Otherwise, it will be possible to be harassed in game and also they have a size that is too big.

Sometimes (in this thread too) you can see a lot more space occupied by the portraits than by actual words...


Also, we need more avatars :grin:

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