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Feedback: Official Forums

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It's a big step forward from the old forum; even if some of the functionalities could be expanded (avatars?), it's much better than before.


'Just' the auto-signout...

Writing a lengthy reply in one browser tab, while another browser tab is left idle? Booted.

Opening a number of threads in new tabs to read through and reply to some afterwards? Booted while reading.


Worst of all, all the tabs that were inactive lose the exact thread page you were reading, so you need to re-open everything again.

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This may have been said already, apologies if I missed it, but on my mobile phone the thumbs down is very far to the right so I've found that I've inadvertently thumbed down someone's post while scrolling.


Clicking it again removed the thumb down and I fully accept that it's a user error and I'll have to be more careful, of course, but if that button could be moved to the next line then that'd be great.

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Why is there still no "subforum" NA and EU (or even serverwise) in WvW and Looking for Guild? its rly stupid you have to look for NA and Eu in the title some even forget that then you have to hope its somewhere in the post.. imo that was already needed in the old forum I dont get how sth so obvious isnt done yet..

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I really dislike the Voting feature and someone already posted why on page 4 or something.

People just upvoted a single post and in the end, a discussion is about picking the most popular opinion.

Remove the thumbs down, you got a report feature already. Just because you are disliking my opinion, and 3 others, does not mean, it's -4 and thus wrong. People who agree with me would probably skip it because it's too lowly rated.


Also, the timestamps are useless for me because they seem to switch back and forth with different timezones. 3:41 PM seem to be fine at least with server/system time though. Maybe a 24-hour setting, too?


The previous forums were nice and quick, this one here tries to be a real bulletin board but it's just a facade.

I don't really like it.

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I really like the new forums. There are only two suggestions I have.

The first is to be able to see which threads yo have posted in as you could in the old forums. The curved arrow was nice to see where you posted something.

The second is the Thumbs down button. I'm not a fan. I think it discourages honest commentary if it is a dissenting point of view. Also I see an avenue for harassment. Just my opinion, but I do see it as a negative for the new forums.

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> @nottsgman.8206 said:

> > @RusShiro.9241 said:

> > Where is the dev tracker

> >


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussions/tagged/arenanet


> it's at the top of every page


The dev tracker doesn't actually track dev comments. It tracks topics in which devs have EVER commented. It's completely not doing which it is supposed to do. For example, this reply has moved this topic to the top of the dev tracker, even though I am not a dev and there haven't been any dev comments in this topic for a while now.

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After using and scrolling through these forums for a good amount of time, now, I have to say that there is way too much space between each of the sub-forums on the main "index" page. If that space was lessened, it would require less scrolling.

Please note that all of my feedback so far is in regards to using Google Chrome, which I use at work. I use Firefox at home, so I will need to play around with this there at some point to see if anything changes.

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Passing on a recurring comment heard outside the forums and in game "With all that needs addressed, and they redid the forums? WHY???" my guess is to be new and improved for the launch of POF. I question timing, but sometimes it cannot be helped I guess. I am really having a difficult time following a threads flow of conversation. I think it's mainly coloration choices. I understand the use of company colors, perhaps alternate style sheets can be added with 5 or 6 color schemes? I just see myself avoiding the new look. It was fine as it was. Sorry guys, just not liking the current look. I'm on a 22 inch screen and the vast white space is hurting my eyes (I have light sensitive eyes).

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> @ocathalain.6791 said:

> > @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> > I have another issue: so, we're allowed to edit a post for 15 minutes after it's posted.

> >

> > But what about threads like [fan stories](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/416/fan-story-the-assassin-of-rata-sum#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/416/fan-story-the-assassin-of-rata-sum#latest") where we have to update the first post to show the latest updates to the story? That'll happen days later.


> Also relevant for, say, guild recruitment posts where it's often necessary to change details over time.


> On a related note, not sure I like threads being sent to moderation if you make an edit? Posted a thread just now, wanted to make a minor formatting change... aaaand it's gone, with no way for me to access it. This feels like I'm wasting a moderator's time just to add a little extra spacing, and it's causing me anxiety because I don't know if my thread is just gone into the ether lol


Just found something I need to change in our guild recruitment post, and...... no EDIT feature. What's up with this?

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Post text is de-emphasized an awful lot on the new forum UI.... Large **very red** links on every post, large usernames and avatars, and perhaps a bit too much whitespace.


Also, the "Draft saved" popup could be much better placed, say, as part of the post entry UI box itself - it can obscure text entry currently.


Markdown support is pretty nice though.

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The draft function is super nice, especially with such short disconnection delay.

One thing puzzles me though : the white space on the right. It is maybe browser or resolution dependent but if you middle click to go back up a page and slightly move to the right, there is an entire new world there with a Chrono, Braham and Taimi and then a wide white landscape...

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The new forums are pretty solid overall, but the Dev Tracker could use some work. It currently seems to just track threads that have Anet replies, rather than Anet posts. That means that if you click the Anet you only end up at the **_first_** Anet post and are left to sift through the thread for any other Anet posts yourself. Additionally, it seems to be sorting based on most recently updated by **_anyone_** not just Anet. (edit: wasn't sure about the sorting, but just confirmed. As soon I posted this the thread jumped to the top of the dev tracker.) This makes it very difficult to differentiate between new Anet posts and threads that once had an Anet post and are just being added to by other users (like this one).


As someone who does not have time to browser the forums much but likes to keep loose track of what Anet team members are responding to/announcing/etc., the old RSS feed style tracker was great. I know pretty much any software upgrade is going to break somebodies "workflow" regardless of how hard you try, but I think the dev tracker would be significantly more useful in general if it at least sorted by Anet post chronology and could link to a specific post.

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