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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > I cannot believe it's taken me this long to figure out....

> >

> > Threads no longer have a mark as read function or if they do it's pretty well hidden.

> >


> They do, it's just different. If it says 'New', it has either never been read, or there is a new post since you last opened it. If it says 'x New', you've opened it and there are new posts. The greyed-out feature was just easier, in my opinion, on the old forums.


> Good luck.


That's not what im talking about.


If you go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/

You can see that each Section has a mark as Read. I'm talking about the individual threads. It's missing and it's a basic feature we used to have.

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It is the same, it's just not what we are used to. No little curvy arrow, but instead, a "New" icon, or lack thereof. Now where it is lacking is the pages showing sub-forums, as well as being confusing over never having opened the thread and having opened the thread, but only 1 new post in it.


It could use some work, for sure.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It is the same, it's just not what we are used to. No little curvy arrow, but instead, a "New" icon, or lack thereof. Now where it is lacking is the pages showing sub-forums, as well as being confusing over never having opened the thread and having opened the thread, but only 1 new post in it.


> It could use some work, for sure.


[New] = you have never opened this thread

[x New] = you have read it but there are new posts, even if it is just 1 new post. You can also tell this is the case from the tooltip if you hover over the [New]

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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > It is the same, it's just not what we are used to. No little curvy arrow, but instead, a "New" icon, or lack thereof. Now where it is lacking is the pages showing sub-forums, as well as being confusing over never having opened the thread and having opened the thread, but only 1 new post in it.

> >

> > It could use some work, for sure.


> [New] = you have never opened this thread

> [x New] = you have read it but there are new posts, even if it is just 1 new post. You can also tell this is the case from the tooltip if you hover over the [New]


Unfortunately, the 'New' (with no x before) doesn't _always_ indicate a thread you've never opened. Unless they've fixed that issue in the last 24 hours or so.


Edit: Nope, it's not been fixed. Just looked at a thread I opened, started to respond to and then changed my mind, and it shows only the "New" icon. So, definitely not "New" on only threads that have never been opened.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It is the same, it's just not what we are used to. No little curvy arrow, but instead, a "New" icon, or lack thereof. Now where it is lacking is the pages showing sub-forums, as well as being confusing over never having opened the thread and having opened the thread, but only 1 new post in it.


> It could use some work, for sure.


No it's not the same thing.


I don't care how many post are in the thread, i want to option to mark the thread as READ.


One tells me how many new post there are, the other automatically clears all new post without me ever having to enter the thread. They are different systems.

![source1](https://puu.sh/xFPNk/df9b696af5.png "")


![source 2](https://puu.sh/xFPLt/5fa62d3c0b.png "")


Screenshots added for clarity.

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After using and adapting to the forums for a while now, I am looking for these functions in particular (some of them are part of mobile):


* An adaptive control bar. In mobile the controlls will vanish and come back when needed (like stopping to scroll, etc.). On desktop it would be really usefull to have the top bar always be visible, even while scrolling. When I want to go to my profile, into messages and other stuff I have to scroll up quite a while, which can get annoying with the new layout (it is wider and feels longer). So having the controlls always on top would elevate that issue.

* Add in a _quick up button_ , _quick down button_ or a combination of both that adapts to where you are on the page, so we can quickly jump down to comments or back up to the controls. This would also be a good thing to add to mobile.

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When subscribing to a topic, can we please get only 1 notification when something new was posted? I'm sure that 2 or 3 of the topics I've subscribed to have new posts, but the number 181 and the huge list of new comments don't really tell me which topics. I only know that 1 topic got a huge load of new posts, completely obscuring any other posts I might be interested in.

![](https://i.imgur.com/SevqB2i.png "")


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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> Preview works fine for me but but maybe that is part of the two star thing. The Preview/Edit/Save Draft buttons are misleadingly greyed out despite the fact that they are available for use. On the other hand the paging buttons are the same color ...


You are right, it's part of the 2 star member status by the looks of it. It didn't work at all last night and now that I got bumped up to a 2 star thing, it works. Basic forum features like this SHOULD NOT be gated behind ridiculous things like this. This just promotes the mindset you need to spam as much as you can to unlock things, which is not really good nor healthy if you are trying to have meaningful conversations and all you get is "Sorry guys, I don't have anything to contribute. I'm trying to log off forums but it won't let me because I haven't posted enough so this is just a filler post to unlock the feature". Okay, that's not true how logging off works, but you get the point!

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On my desktop I can work around it a bit, as long as I have the box I'm typing into right at the top of the screen the popup doesn't bother me too much I just have to remember to keep scrolling up so I stay typing at the top of the screen. It means I can only have about 4 lines of text visible at any one time.


(And just of note while typing this the pop up appeared and covered the Preview button, so any errors are its fault not mine).

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